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Chapter 2:

Harry boredly drop his body from the dark-green coloured bed. He was really bored, nothing to do. "Just read a book, Harry." And Draco isn't helping, he's making it worse.

The young male snuggled his face deep on the pillow as he groans loudly- he wasn't a fan of reading books sinc ehe prefers doing magics and stuff, while Draco love reading books and doing potions instead of magics. They were about 11 years old now, same age. They've been friends since they were 6 and suprisingly the bond within the two grew stronger from day to day as they began to meet often.

Harry moved himself closer to the blond as he snuggled onto his neck. This was somewhat normal for them. With the deep bond they have shared for years Harry couldn't be happier that him and Draco were close.

He pouted when Draco didn't even dare to look at him- since he was so into to the book. He grins when he thought that it'd be great to tease the blond. His big white wings then wrapped around the both of them making it cover the book that Draco's reading, he could hear an annoyance groan from the blond which made him chuckle under his breathe.

"Harry, off. I'm reading" Draco demanded not looking to the younger raven. Harry shook his head,

The young Potter thought that the Malfoy would also tease back but he didn't. He felt himself getting pushed off making him almost fall from the bed. "Ow- what the heck Dray?" He looked up to see the blond "Stop with the cuddle thing alright?" The blond said- flipping the page to the next chapter and ignoring the raven.

"What? I thought you like cuddles? Whats the sudden change?" Harry tilted his head in confusion. Draco always love to cuddle and hug with him when they were younger, so it kinda broke his heart when the blond pushed him off.

Draco sighed before shutting his book loudly making Harry's wings lower since the blond looked a bit of angry. "Look Harry, we aren't kids anymore alright? We're nearly 13 and i think being a boy then hugging a boy looks. . ." He shook his head "just wrong"

Harry's eyes widen "what? Draco its just a hug and a cuddle its-" he shutted his mouth for a moment, if Draco thinks its weird.. Was he himself disgusted his appearance to the blond?

He pursed his lips "its. . . normal"

The blond turned around to face him "Harry, i'm not gay. Didn't i told you that last year?" The sharp-silver eyes staring at him just gave a shiver down his spine. The way Draco look at him was just full of disgust for a minute,

"We've been over to this, look, if you dont like my company- the doors right there" Draco raised his arm and pointed the bedrooms door. Harry sat on the bed silently,

Things had changed when he confessed his true feelings to Draco.

When he confessed his feelings to the blond all he received was hatred in his eyes and actions. Draco was totally disgusted to the raven, he avoided him for weeks but, The blond didn't have a choice but to befriended again with the raven since his father, Lucius wanted to.

Harry didn't force Draco to be with him. That'll be just cruel, his wings lowered more. What was he expecting? They were only 10.

Now, both were in good terms once again. But since Harry was a bit too clingy today, he ruined everything. He was expecting that Draco would remember, his birthday. He sighed, no he didn't.

Harry gets off the bed and walks towards the door "sorry for wasting your time, dragon." Harry opened the door and left the room- he could hear the blonds faint voice after he closed the door "Wait Harr-!"

He rushed down the long staircase and smiled when he saw Lucius, he bowed and rushed over to the door and then puts on his shoes on in a hurry"Harry? Leaving so soon? Dont you want to join us to ea-" Harry stands up and gave him a wide smile before cutting him off "its alright uncle, my dad and mom might be worrying already-" He opened the door

"Maybe some other time!" He exits the house but of course he didn't forget to bid the older a goodbye.

But litte did he know, this would be their last meet.


Harry walks in the dark street of the hell,

it was normal for angels to enter the Devil's property but they surely need to follow the laws or else they'll be sentenced to death.

The raven puts his hand in to his pocket. His wings were low meaning he was sulking, yea its alright if Draco found Harry being gay is weird. But he didn't need to be an asshole and shoot his disgusting stare at him. Draco was an asshole since last year, always so cold and distant.

He missed the Draco he met, the one who was sweet and always was there with him. Where they'd cuddle side to side as they sleep, but, after that confession. Everything changed. He sighed.

"Stupid Draco. . . Stupid Draco stu-" he stopped repeating the word when he heard something shoot up from the sky, he looked up and saw it was red but not a shooting star. His eyes followed it until it hitted from a random building, his eyes widen.

The building broke and some parts of it began to burn in fire, he gasped. What the hell was happening? He turned around again and saw some new fire balls shooting from the sky and randomly hitting the buildings, houses and everything.

Harry frozed, why is the fireballs coming out from the gate of heaven. No, theres no way a world war was happening. No.

Then he heard some screams up in the air. Angels were up in the sky as they held with their all-might-sharp swords, all fo them began to rush onto the ground and attack the innocent-devils and slash them to death. Harry gulped, they are in a war.

The raven then began to run as fast as he can so he can reach the gate of heaven. Until he was stopped by a scream from his right side- he turned around to see a young girl with a red-hair screaming in pain since there was a building ontop of her. He bit his lips, he needed to get out of here- but- he cant make a young person to die this early!

Harry turned around and run over to the young girl. He then tried to lift the rock of wall off her but failed. The red-haired girl cried out in pain, he then tried it once again but he failed. He groans in anger.

"No choice!" He gritted his teeth- moving his wings over to the rock and lift it once again. He screams in pain when he felt the bones of his wings cracking,

There! He threw away the giant rock wall building off to the girl. He then helped her to stand up "Are you alright- ah-" he flinched when he tried to lift his right wing when he felt a sharp sting. "T-thank you" the girl eyes widened "Your wings!"

Harry shook his head "Its a-alright" he groans. The girl then gently held him just incase he passes out,

"HARRY!" The raven turned up and saw his father up in the air, the man looked a mess his hair were all messy and his eyes were red and looked like he cried for ages.

He then watched his dad quickly moved his wings and quickly fly over to him and pushed him and the girl hardly making them hit the wall and wince in pain.

Harry groans in pain. He felt his whole body aching badly when he tried to move it on its own.

The raven then slowly opened his eyes, why did he pushed us- ?

He gasped as a tear fell down from his cheeks. His father was on the floor wounded while a building had fallen onto him, he looked lifeless.

Harry couldn't think any much more- he was so stressed on everything. He felt his vision blurring and then pass out.


A/N: what's your reaction about Dumbledore attacking the Hell? Or what's your reaction about James Potter's death?

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