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Chapter 28:

"It was just a friendly dance guy come on - dont make it such a big deal!" Harry groans in annoyance when the two of his friends continued to tease him after that night with Draco "Friendly dance right, didn't you see how he looked on you and didn't you see how the fuck you look at him? How can you be so dense mate!" Ron said while Hermione nodded "Yea Harry, you two looked like you were gonna kiss fo a sec there" Hermione said as she smirked

Harry then turns around to face the two "How about we talk about your dance that night? Surely you two made out after that?" He said and grins in victory after he saw the two blushed madly "It was just a friendly dance too! And no we would never make out - HARRY!" The brunette yells when Harry turned around again and walked away and left the two just blushed

The raven rolls his eyes and stopped from his tracks when someone blocked his way, he then looked up to see the male smiling down at him "Oh hello there Cedric" Harry says as he smiled back "Hello Harry, do you have a minute?" Cedric replied as he tilted his head "Yea i do wh—" the younger then was cutted off when a certain blond stepped between them "No i dont think not, Diggory. I suppose he should be with me today" Draco says while he gave the other male a cold gaze

Cedric blinked "I'm sure its okay for us to talk a bit? Just a little? Me and Harry well - are good friends" he said smiling while he glanced over the shorter male behind Draco's "You shouldn't be friends with servants, Diggory" Now that feels offensive. Harry thought "Servants purpose is to serve people, not to be entertained. Your image would be ruined if someone saw you being close with a low-class, wont it?" Draco walked closer to him as his stare began to get colder making Cedric feel a bit frightened "Well. . . I thought both of you are friends? If i cant talk with him, why can you? You even have the guts to dance with him yesterday night. Didn't you?" Cedric said trying his bed to keep himself calm

Harry began to feel his surroundings get heated when the two looked like they were about to fight.

"Everyone knows i had an angel friend when i was younger, but not you. So. . . There can always be hope that both of us were lovers in the ball, i mean. Devils aren't much homophobic, why can we give a chance?" Draco said. Harry eyes narrowed as he thought 'lovers' and blushed, he then felt Cedric stare fell on him "You guys are together?" Cedric said "What? No! Dont believe what he says! Yes we were friends but we aren't together, Ced!" Harry replies in panic and also felt Draco look at him with a cold stare. He was then pulled by Draco after a few minutes leaving Cedric stand there awkwardly,

"Ced? Ced? Ced fucking really? Cant you think a proper nickname?!" Draco growls in anger making Harry spooked up a bit, the grip on bis wrist tightened as they walked away further "Let - go of me! Ow! Draco-" Harryw winced but Draco ignored him "That guy is called Ced, that bushy girl is Mione while that Weaslett is called- what?! WONWON?!"Draco said

Harry looked at him comepletely confused. Is he jealous over nicknames? What the hell?. He groans while he shutted his eyes "Draco — you're hurting me, let go -! It hurts!" Harry yells at him and tries to push him away

The blond looked back at him and released his grip away from him. Harry rubbed his wrist, it was a bit of bruised of how tight Draco gripped on him. He bit his lip, "Harry - im sorry" the taller male walked towards him, the raven felt a bjt of horrified. This mans mood change so fast, he looked up to see Draco looking at him with those soft eyes. It was pure anger just earlier but now - it was just all worry and fear. Harry blinked as he letted Draco get closer to him "I'm sorry" Harry feels that Draco was manipulating him sometimes, fooling him and everything.

"I just dont like you" Mood swings "being with" Clingyness "Him, Harry." Touching him without consent "I dont like you being with Diggory" Was Draco obsessed with him? The thought made Harry shake, "He might hurt you Harry" He gulped as he stared deeply to those silver eyes "I just want to keep you safe" He's scary when he's mad "Diggory is dangerous"

Thinking the dance just yesterday. Draco is a different person when he's with him, but a complete different person if he was talking with soembody like Cedric. He kniws what jealousy feels like, but getting mad like this and acting weird around him. Harry isn't that dumb and call this love, it scares him of how Draco is obsessed with him.

"You will obey me right, Harry?" Draco says his hand carefully touching his cheek and carees, thsi was a complete different Draco than how Draco treated him yesterday. "Its for your own good" the blond then cupped his cheeks slowly but tightly making Harry wince, he eyed Draco tilting his head "Dont make me mad Harry" he said "Draco - w-we didn't even t-talk t-that mu-" he winced when the blond made him lean him closer to him "I dont like Diggory taking whats mine, got that? Dont talk with him. It maddens me" he continued

"Got that?" Draco said, Harry gulped in fear and slowly nodded in fear "M-mm. . ." Harry mumbled "Words, you aren't a dog Harry" Draco groans in annoyance "Y-yes master" after that the blond let him go, making Harry almost fall from his feet. He looked up to Draco in fear, this isn't him. He liked the Draco from yesterday but now this guy that he was in front of him, he cabt recognize him. He thought he was begginning to learn who Draco was again, just by the words yesterday. What he said was true, many things had changed. A side that they dont want to encounter nor Harry wants to, he stepped back a bit.

Draco eyes softened once again as if nothing had just happened, "I'm just keeping you safe" this doesn't feel safe "Go back to work. My friends are coming over later so make sure to come to my room and deliver us some drinks, and maybe i'll let you talk with them but" he smiles "Not much. You might get attached too much and then forget me" Draco said chuckling. Harry looked at him and nervously smiled too "Anyways" Draco placed his hand over to Harry's shoulder and gently careesed it making Harry uncomfortable. It wasn't the same touch like yesterday, this spooked him.

"See you later" Draco says before he turns around "Dont talk with Diggory, or else" he said with a cold tone then walks away leaving a stunned Harry. The raven deosn't know what to do, this was starting to feel unsafe and uncomfortable. He just hopes that his friends wouldn't get involved with this, they got through much more.


A/N: I researched some of obsession and anger issues then things like that, i have thought that this story will be longer for now. I want to give Draco a big character development at the end hahaha.

And wouldn't it look cute to see Draco be jealous everytime? But ofc we dont want to see him hurt Harry, but there is a chance he might hurt Harry since that is one of  symptoms of anger issues. The story will get complicated really, maybe more fighting and things like that but of course we can have some sweet Drarry moments but there would be fighting often ofc. I hope you guys wont mind that,

Since your author likes angst so much and i like seeing Harry suffer, BUT HEY WE ARE GONNA HAVE A HAPPY ENDING ANYWAYYSS SO Y'ALL ARE GONNA FORGIVE ME RIGHT or will it be?👀

Anyways do y'all like mpreg, just asking for some.. future plans hahahhahs

Anyways ignore my grammar mistakes. Thank you for reading, its up to you if you want to vote or not. Comments are truly appreciated! As long as you enjoyed my story i am very happy<3

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