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Chapter 5:

5 years later

Harry layed his back on the sofa while Ginny did the same on his lap. Ron was laying his head on the ravens shoulder, the three of them were this close since the last 5 years. Harry was reading a book in his hand- it wasn't really special or anything its just a book with a fairytale in it.

The raven was already 16 now and 5 years staying in the Weasley's house. The war has also stopped after a year and Dumbledore had announced their agreements and the golden rule that they've talked about.

It was a good news but also a bad news for the other angels, since they weren't allowed see some of their relatives from the other world.

Harry shuts his books and placed it on the table then quicly stand up making the two red-haired bump their head together "Ow! Harry!" Ginny and Ron said at the same time,

The raven giggled and walked away to the main door. The red-haired male followed him by behind "Where you going, mate?" Harry looked up to him.

Ron had grown into a young man already, he had a long red hair now. His jawline weren't that sharp but the younger kind of find it attracttive. His one wing started to act out when Ron stood behind him,

"Somewhere" Harry said twisting the doorknob and going out just ignoring the taller man.

Ron stood by the doorway while he crossed his arms shooking his head. "Just be careful Harry- dont go too far!" Harry turned around and glared at him "I'm not a kid Ronald!" There he would hear a gasp from the back making him chuckle, the red-haired didn't like being called with his full name since it sounded childish.

Harry then walks towards the one tree with a swing on it. He sat up on the seat and began to push back and forth while he looked up from the sky,

He could see some angels flying in the sky as they had fun. Harry could feel a hint of jealousy since he couldn't do the same, he sighed.

Harry turned around and looked at his broken wing that were never healed. His wing was out of shape it was lower while the other was just in good shape, nothing bad and that. But, the raven resulted that he was not gonna experience how to fly.

He looked down on his feet. His bit his lips as his heart dropped,

Yea maybe he accepted the fact that he cant fly anymore from years ago. But Harry couldn't get over that the precious wings that his parents gave him was never gonna be used by the person who had it.

The raven sighed once again.

Harry's ears perked when he heard a small voicen from beside the tree, a faint voice. He gets off the swing and looked at the tree in confusion, he slowly steps forward onto the tree to look what was behind it.

He was already preparing his magic in his hand incase it was somebody attacking him. When he took a glance behind the tree he saw a girl, she had a brown-hair then some dirty clothes on her. But.

She was full of blood especially on his arms, neck and back. He could see some white festhers sticking on the blood, his eyes widen in fear.

Harry ran up to her and looked at the girls face then gently patting her on the face, he then checked his pulse. He sighed in relief when he heard it was still beating. But there was no time for him to sit here and watch her die, the raven then pulled her up and made her arm wrap aroynd his shoulder and began to walk.

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