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Chapter 20:

He gritted his teeth. Curse Draco Malfoy, curse Ronald Weasley! Curse the both of them. First Ronald just called him as a brother and now - Draconis is bargaining to his life! Just a day ago he thought him and Draco would be fine and just smile at eachother but no! The blondie has been staring at his soul for the most 2 days already. Harry groans in frustration.

He hitted his forehead with his palm, "When will i have a break?" He mumbles "You okay Harry?" Hermione who was beside him asked. Both of them were in a grocery shop to buy some ingredients as an order from the house-elves. The raven turned to the brunete with a long face "Do i look like?" He said bluntly

Hermione rolled her eyes "You still bothered with that Malfoy room inci-" "No, shut up" Harry cutted her off making Hermione grin more "You liked it didn't you hmm. . ." Hermione said nudging his shoulder "No! I do not!" Harry refused as his cheeks began to heat up "And also, he was just a jerk earlier!" He continued "Huh? Am i really in my bed the whole day without hearing this kind of news?" Hermione replied tilting her head while raising her one eyebrow

"Maybe" The raven looked away and took some carrots and put it on the basket "Rude, but really. What the hell happened? I'm not called Hermione the chismosa for nothing" she said giggling. Harry looked at her confused "Chismosae?" He asked "Oh nothing! But spill it already Harry! I'm curious!" She said smiling while the raven just rolled his eyes once again.

He sighed, "First - i dont know. Second Ron happened with me and Draco happened and then boom! Chaos" Harry said. Hermione gasped with her eyes sparkling "Okay - wow never knew there would be a love triangle in the Malfoy manor" she said quietly squealing "What?" Harry looked at him while scrunching his nose

"You know it" Hermione said walking away with the cart "Draco or Ron doesn't like me got that? Never happening" Harry said following behind her "Oh Harry Potty! How blind are you?" The brunette said laughing "Not blind as that blond guy in that Miracoulous for fuck sake" Harry hissed making Hermione turn around and point at him "You got a point - wait - no, you guys are literally the three of them. Blind triangle" she said turning around again and pushing the cart.

"As if" Harry boredly said picking up the last ingredient and putting it on the basket before walking away once again.


"Thank you very much Mr.Potter and Ms.Granger, you may go back to your chores! This is such a big help in the household. Please - just report to us if you need something" an house-elve said while taking the bag of groceries as he looked up with a smile. Harry and Hermipne broke into a smile "We will, any things that we can help here in the kitchen?" Harry said

"Oh! No no mr.Potter. We can handle all of this, Mr.Malfoy does. He had requested you to go to his cabin  in time when you get home Mr.Potter" by hearing this the raven groans while rolling his eyes. Hermione who was beside her started grinning once again then nudging his shoulder, "Hurry up Harry. I bet Mr.Malfoy wouldn't like to wait that long, afterall, Malfoys dont like it slow" She said "'Mione shut it! God —" Harry turned around and left her from the kitchen before he goes to the mirror that was nearest from the kitchen.

He fixed his collar and hair and maybe even lick his lips to look more presentable. "Young Harry!" Harry flinched when he was called

The raven looked down to see Dobby waving at him. "Dobby. . . Whats with you spooking around then popping off just like that everytime? You may even give me a heart attack if you continue to do that" Harry said chuckling "Dobby is sorry young Harry, bad Dobby!" The house-elve said before hitting himself which made Harry pale "Ah ah ah — no Dobby stop that!" The young Potter kneeled down and stops him hitting himself before sighing. "Its okay Dobby isn't bad okay? I dont have time now, but, is there anything you needed?" The raven said

Dobby looked at him "young Malfoy had requested you to go into his cabi—" "Yea. . . Already heard about that so—" Dobby then cutted him off "And he had also ordered you to wear something else than a suit, young Harry" the house-elve finsihed. By hearing this, Harry tilted his head in confusion "Follow me young Harry" Dobby siad before he turns around and began to walk through the long hallways while Harry followed behind.

As few doors passed by, Dobby then stopped from his tracks and gets in the room by using the small doorstep from the door that looked like can be used by dogs and cats. Harry scrunched his nose and shook his head and entered also,

When he entered the room Dobby came running to him and handed him a folded suit that was colored black and white, he raised his eyebrow and took it before unfolding it. His jaw dropped.

"Young Harry, here are your shoes and knee-socks! Oh The socks are pretty. Us elves love socks! Freedom! Dobby love socks!" The elf said happily not paying attention to Harry's reaction but continued to admire the black knee-socks.

In the other hand, Harry eyed the maid-dress that he was holding. He was sure this was a dream because there is no way Draco would like to see him in this kind of clothes, but, at the same time this could explain that Draco is teasing him because from his girly attitude years ago! He gritted his teeth while his one eye twitched.

"Hope death gets you, Draco" He mumbled


A/N: verry short chapter its like almost 4am here in my country already hehe, but i'll update again later when i wake up. I have school so i have time writing! This chapter is um crack one HAHAHA i'll make it up okayyyy?:(( ignore my grammar mistakes and thankyou for readingg! It makes me happy alottt

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