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Chapter 24:

The trio watched everyone stood up and left the room one by one. Harry knew they looked idiots just standing there from the corner, it got worse when the Cedric guy kept staring him making himself just look down from his shoes as he waited to get called if needed.

When everyone had left the trio then moved from their feet and started cleaning up, every food that was new and fresh they had place on the tbale earlier was all finished. Harry took all the glass and put it ontop of it one by one and then was about to made his way to the kitchen not until someone blocked his way,

He looked up to see the taller man who had the same dark-brown hair who kept staring at him earlier, he gulped. "Sir. . . Is there anything you need?" Harry said giving a smile to him. The taller looked down to him and smiled "Why, do. . . I need something. . . Hm. . . Let me think" this was just making Harry more uncomforatble as times pass.

"Yes!" The guy said "I do" he continued "And what is it sir?" Harry asked "Your name, whats your name? I'm Cedric Diggory" Cedric introduced himself while he walked closer to Harry who blinked "Pardon?" He said. The taller chuckles "Name" he said

"Harry, sir" The raven replied "Harry. . .?" Cedric tilted his head narrowing his eyes "Potter"

"A Potter? I've heard the Potter family before" Cedric said smiling "Huh? What about it sir?" Harry said staring him at him confused "Potters from the Heaven i suppose were a friend of the Blacks, dont know how it happened but people described the Potters being brave just like a lion to apprpach the Blacks who were seen as the Wolves Devils while. . . Hm. . . I did heard they were a friend with the Lupins, all of them were famous and even called themselves the Marauders. The unstoppable frienship between worlds. It was written by Remus Lupin the same author of the Muggle world, he has not been seen for years. People assumed him dead" Cedric explained "The other three? Sirius Black has been sent to Azkaban some says he was arrested by stealing while the others said he had tried to break in to the Nott's house"

Harry listened to him carefully, The Marauders seemed interesting wow. "Peter Petigrew was killed off by the  angels from the war, his head. . ." Cedric frowns "was cutted off" Both felt a shiver down their spine

"James. . . Potter on the other hand" Harry eyes widen "What? James?" Harry blurted out. Cedric nodded "Why? Are you related to him? I thought you'd be another Potter but not as in related way to him, theres tons of Potters" he said

"I'm his son" Harry said now it was turn Cedric's eyes widen "Oh? Well thats a twist, now when i look at you again i can see it. I just didn't since you didn't have the glasses - the round one." Cedric said chuckling. Harry rolled his eyes "Well?" Harry said "Huh? Oh yea right — James Potter yes. . . Yes well, all i heard that he died a long time ago. But people had this kind of rumour saying he's alive and they've seen him in some events from different houses, not sure. But they described him the same. An oversized shirt with a jacket then some tight pants and he did have the same round glasses, but people denied to say he was alive because he didn't have the same white wings. Which confirms it since he's an angel, your father had this wide fame when he was younger i tell you." Cedric finsihed

Harry was stunned to speak "Did you hear what houses he went? Or why was he in this houses?" he said

"Not sure but i did hear him talking with my father when i was younger, around 4 years ago about him if he saw a short kid with a raven-hair then green eyes with white wings. Which particularly describes you, but, without wings. So i'm gonna say you're about 4 years late to find him" Cedric said pursing his lip

"Is that my fault?" Harry said narrowing his eyes hinting a slight galre to the older who shook his head with a nervous laugh "N-no of course not," he smiles "I like it when you're so comfortable now. Forgetting that you're the servant while i'm the master here?" Cedric grins. Harry felt embarassed just by standing there "Is this how you and Draco communicate? As if you guys are friends? I just wished you were in my house, i would like to spend time with you." Cedric looked away "Just a small accompany there, its boring sinc eyour parents are always away and you're stuck at school without no one to talk to" he sighs

Harry looked at him "Sorry if i was making you uncomfortable later, i just thought it'd be good if i ask you to be my friend. If. . . Thats okay?" Cedric looked back at him with a shy smile as he scratched the back of his neck, the raven smiles "Yea of course! I'd love that" Harry said

Cedric eyes beamed in happiness "Really? Thats great!" He said smiling widely "I thought you liked me just earlier or you were planning something evil to me later on. . ." Harry said making both of them stare awkwardly but laughed after

The taller chuckles "No no, sorry if i made you think that. I did have alot of comments about this, i guess my eyes were the problem" he said shooking his head. "But no i dont like you, like that. Afterall, i just want a friend now not a relationship. I wann focus to my dream first" he said making Harry smile and eyed his horn from his forehead "Your horns looks cool, its kinda growing to the right side or?"  Harry asked

Cedric held his horns and smiles "Oh, its in our blood. Ours had some stylish style in some way, thats what people say. Thats what made our family name interesting to them" he answered while the raven nodded "While The Lestrange had sharp ones which made them look scarier, and i guess Malfoys are also. . . Having a heir now with this cool horns of the Lestrange,  Draco's is famous about it" Cedric said

Harry nodded "I noticed that. . . Oh - i need to go and help the others. . . Um?" He said "Cedric, call me Cedric. No need to be formal, we're friends anyways" The older male replied with a smile

The raven nodded and bowed "Okay Cedric" he said but before he passed him and walked away with a smile on his face since he made a new friend, a nice one.


A/N: ya'll thought theres gonna be Hedric? No sir, lets calm Draco for now HAHAHA afterall. Harry is his sooo no points for Hedric and Rarry, just some moments to make Draco jealous😆😆😆

Whats your thought about the marauders btw?

Oh and forget my grammar mistakes;)

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