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Chapter 29:

"I dont know 'Mione, i think Draco's love does not feel love to me" Harry said as he continued to pour some water for the plants "We discussed this Harry, he's inlove with you. You're just confused and weren't you inlove with him when you guys were kids? You cant waste your chance here" Hermione replies "No no you dont get it. He may act kind sometimes but - he's very harsh and i dont like it, he changed so much. He's too possesive around me, and when he's alone with me - he confuses me. At first he'd be nice and sweet but then he goes on rage and even threaten me" Harry stopped planting and turned to see her "He even complains about what i call you, he says he doesn't like it when i call Cedric as 'Ced' - and how the heck does he knows about the nickname for Ron!" The raven complains

"Maybe you said it out loud and he heard it?" "Hermione said looking back at him as she crossed her arms "No! I only said it one time, its where i teased Ron but in private. The only thing i can think is, maybe he heard us or - worse what if he was stalking? I haven't seen Draco for years. He never behaved this way, and its creeping me out" Harry says while he ran his fingers over his hair through frustration "I dont know Harry. . . Weren't you two lovey dovey yesterday? Maybe he was just jealous since you talked with the Diggory guy" Hermione said with a worry tone "And give me a bruise? Thats just out of the line, Hermione. He even threaten me twice already" Harry said

"Maybe being aggressive is one of his kinks?" Hermione said blinking. Harry looked back at her weirdly "Are you serious? Really? Now?"he said while the brunette giggled and apologized "Sorry, i guess so. Your Draco seems like a walking red flag now and it does creep me out, distance yourself for now" Hermione said and continued to trim some of the plants "It'll worsen. . . What if he locks me up in his room? He can do that since he has the power to do that, i'm just a servant to him" Harry said sighing "Then i suggest for you to stand up by yourself Harry especially when you're alone, wake him up. Dont make him dominant you everytime - you'll just make yourself like a pet of his, at a situation like that you need them to see reality. The way he acts now is as if you are his, i mean. Like he sees you guys are together. But dont forget 'Har, me and Ron has your back" Hermione explained

"Some people who had missed someone the most of their life tend to get obsessed over them, its like a game Harry. He's the controller while you're the puppet, he is trying his best to tame you." Hermione lastly said


"Ehm. . . Why the hell are you mad over Cedric all of the sudden? Weren't you best pals just months ago?" Pansy said as she munched some fries in her mouth "Its like you wanna murder him, Dray" Blaise said while the others agree "The way you talk to Harry then to Cedric feels like your a stalker or worse as if you are a yandere" Luna commented

"I'm not a creep, Luna. I just dont like Cedric, he might hurt Harry and i also dont like him spending time with Harry. I dont want anyone to be with Harry" Draco said whike his eyes darken giving shivers to his friends "But Dray, you dont even owe Harry? And you might scare him out dude. We all know that you missed him but this kind of behaviour is creepy, just week ago you said you dont like that red-haired guy and you wanted to choke him? We all thought its a cute crush but you are getting creepy day after day" Pansy said

"I am not a creep. I just want Harry to be safe, and you know how many devils are hunting angels and manipulate them then kill them! Didn't you see the news years ago? An angel was tortured by a gang of devils? After he layed from the bed he vanished, if that happens to Harry i'd hunt those people down and feed them to the wolves" Draco gritted his teeth "even if they are the closest people around me" he finished while the others gulped.

Then there was a knock by the door, Draco swayed his hand and opened it with magic and looked up to see Harry standing there witha  tray of drinks. The three of his friends looked at eachother with an worried expression, after Harry came back they also had noticed how Draco's anger issues worsen. They just hope he doesn't take too far, they eyed Draco who broke a smile when he saw Harry.

"Harry you finally arrived" Draco said softly while the raven looked at him worriedly and nodded then also smiled back as he stepped in the room, he then handed the glasses of juice to them and left himself with the tray. Draco then patted his side to signal Harry "Here sit here" the blond said,

The other trio looked at Harry who hesitated but stil gave in then sat beside the older. "Alright, Harry maybe you have met most of them but i'll introduce you guys once again. This is Luna, then this is Blaise and one here is Pansy. Guys this is Harry, my childhood best friend" Draco said smiling. While the other three thought, We know.

"Hello Harry, Draco told us alot about you" Luna said smiling gently as she looked at the raven who nodded and smiled back "Ginny also told me about you! And of course Draco, Ginny said you were good at cooking! I should try to invite you sometimes in my manor! I'm sure you miss some of your friends right? You can invite both of the other angels! Draco you wouldn't mind right??" Pansy said excitingly "I dont as long i can go with him" Draco said smiling. Pansy blinked then shrugged it off "Fine! But let Hsrry spend time with the others not only you alright dragon!" Pansy says as she gently punched Draco's shoulder who rolls his eyes,

"Hello  Harry, we never really talked much but i am looking forward for us to be close in the future" Blaise said smiling at him while Harry nods "I'm looking forward for that Blaise" he replied with a smile. Draco looked at them coldly but Pansy nudge him by the shoulder and whispered over to his ear "Stop killing him by your glare, Blaise doesn't like him like that you idiot" Pansy sent a glare to the blond who sighs and shook his head while the female raven rolled her eyes.

The five of them began to talk about what have they been doing and Harry had also said how close he is with the Weasleys and he was thankful for them to take care of him from all over these years, but of course he doesn't mention about the wings incident and when Pansy asked about what happened to his wings the raven always tries to change the subject - making Draco suspicous about it but also tries to shrug it off.

If Harry was asked of how he was doing with Draco's friends? he'd say it was really nice meeting new devils, they were nice like Cedric and the Malfoys. But they do often curse - especially Pansy, she was most likely the clown in the squad of four which Harry finds hilarious. He was happy that Draco found these people, they were the people who can save the blond through anything. How does he know that? Because Draco loves people around him even though he doesn't act like he doesn't, he still appreciate people coming to him and talking with him. Harry knows Draco changed, but he knows that he is the only one who knows Draco more than anyone.

Maybe Draco had just gained some changes, but, he knows that the older was nice maybe just more possesive and few changes.

He just hopes the blond doesn't harm anyone because of his possesiveness. Just like Hermione said, he shouldn't let Draco dominate him. He should balance themselves, wake him up when he gets aggressive. Harry knew those symptoms, and he knows how to prevent it. He just needs time and comfort, thats what Draco needs now and Harry knows that. If Harry was in the olders position, he might act the same. Draco has changed but he still knows that the smiley and sweet innocent Draco was still in him,

Afterall. Best friends should always be there for eachother, and Harry knows that he is the only person who can take that same person come out once again.


A/N: look i know its complicated and i'm also dying from cringe of how my book is turning out, i feel like its looking ugly every after i write💀

Imma make it look awesome when its time for them to snog. Lets go back for sweet Drarry now, angsty Drarry will return later again HAHAHA

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