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Chapter 17:

Harry fluttered his eyes open when he felt someone shooking him off by his sleep, he groans as he rubbed his eyes. He looked up to see Ron smiling at him, "Wake up mate. We need to work now or else we'll get our ass killed" the red-haired said making Harry giggle and shook his head "They would never do that, the Malfoys aren't the people you really know, Ronald." He replied while Ron groans when he heard his birth name came out from his mouth. The male then slowly leaned down and burried his face under Harrys shoulder, the raven could feel his face heat-up from how close he was.

Too close, calm down Harry.. he thought

"Boys can you atleast hurry up - oh?" Hermione bursted into the room as she gadped when he saw the two, she blushed. Harry then gently pushed Ron off him and nervously smiled "H-hermione! I- sorry i'll get up i'll get up!" Harry gets off the bed and ran over to the closet and opened it and then saw it empty.

Ron continued to sit and watch him wherever he goes while on the other hand the brunette shook her head and left the room and come back with a clothes hanging on her arm. She walks towards to Harry, "Here - the elves gave it earlier when you were still asleep" She said. The raven turned around and smiled "Thanks 'Mione. . ." He took the clothes from her "Well i'll take my leave here, we still have 15 minutes. Better be fast okay? C'mon Ron!" Hermione said waving her hand then walking out the room. The red-haired then stands up "Dress well, mate" he said before leaving the room.

Harry sighed and started to take off the shirt he was wearing and changed to a new one.

He goes over to the mirror and fixed up his hair and bow-tie. He looked beside him and saw a table with a lip-balm ontop of it, he grins and lifted it up and applied it on his lips. He always liked his lips being pinkish, he knows that it was girly.. but who cares? Its his anyways. He puts down the lip-balm from its place and looked at himself in the mirror for the last time before he walks off.

Harry made his way from the long hallway and found his way from the living room as he saw the two teens sitting on the chair looking nervous, he speeds up his walking and entered the living room and then saw Lucius and Draco with their all-familiar silver sharp gaze.

He felt himself tense up from the atmosphere. Harry bowed to the two "I'm so sorry i took long enough, Mr.Malfoy and young Malfoy" he said shutting his eyes. Lucius looked at him and shook his head "No worries Harry, please take your seat." The older blond said, the raven looked up and gave a small smile and made his way over to the couch and sat beside Ron. "So new servants, today will be your first day if work. I'd like for you guys to not dissappoint me since i'll be going easy on you" Lucius said before clearing his throat "Um. . . I have a list here for you guys to do" Lucius took the paper from the table and handed it to Hermione who took it then looked down to read it.

"I do wish to not tell you what to do, the elves wilm help you if you are having trouble. Me and my wife will be on a vacation for now, so" Lucius looked at his son "Draco. My son here will be the you should obey for now, if my son had done something terrible to you. Please do not hesitate to tell me when i get home or just deliver me a letter, i will surely give him a lesson. But, do not worry. Draco is a very matured boy here he doesn't really like trouble much, so i hope you'll take care a good care of him" Lucius finished while his gaze was stuck to the trio who nodded

Draco then spoke "I assure you father," he looked at Lucius then to Harry "I will take a good care. . . of them" his grin slowly turned into an innocent smile.


Harry washed off the towel as he cleaned it off. He felt exhausted by just cleaning Draco's room, it was the same room he remembered years ago. But it was just tok big for one person, oh to be rich and do nothing but do potions. He scoffed.

He leaves the bedroom and saw the blond again focused on his potions and was not paying attention to anything at all. He shook his head and walked up over to the bed and began to take off the bedsheets and pillow case, after that he left the room to get some new sheets and pillow case. He quickly goes to the bed again,

He puts on the bedsheets and pillow case and when he was done his hand was on his hips and sighs exhaustedly. "Tired?" Draco spoke taking off his goggles and turned his seat to Harry and grins. The raven looked at him and smiled back "not really young Malfoy, i can handle it" he replied "Drop the polite act would you, Potter?" Draco said groaning rubbing his temple "I'm afraid i cant do that, it's against the rule." Harry said sighing

Draco groans again "Harry. We literally know you, my mom, my dad - my aunty. Even the elves, i'm sure they wont mind" The blond said looking at him with a worried look. The raven nervously played with his own fingers and then smiled, "I'm sorry young Malfoy. I cannot do that" Harry said. Draco continued to look at him "Would you like me to do anything more? Bring you coffee? Food? Stuff?" Harry said

The blond shook his head and stood up then jumped on his bed and burried his face deeply onto the pillow. "Give me a massage, Harry" he mumbled "Pardon?" Harry replied not hearing what he said "Massage" Draco turned his head and glanced over Harry "Now" the blond said "Dont make me wait, Potter" Draco growled in frustration. Harry bit his lip and blushed a bit beofre he gets on the bed and gets on top of Draco.

The raven male gently pushed his hand on Draco's shoulder and began to massage him gently. While, Draco being Draco began to moan from his massages making Harry blush madly from every moan and groans come out from the blonds mouth. "Still. . . A hm. . . Good massager as always, hm Harry?" Draco said chuckling, the younger just stayed silent and focused to massage him. Then he was stopped when Draco grabbed his wrist and turned him over as they switched position. Now, Harry was under the young Malfoy's hand while Draco was on top. Harry couldn't help but blush more as his eyes widen when Draco began to button off his dark-green colored suit,

Draco then take off his suit and shirt and now was left off shirtless - infront of Harry

The blond looked down to the raven and sighs then took Harrys hand and put it on his chest and slowly slowly slide it down over his abs, his lip slowly turning into a grin. Harry was stunned of what was the male doing now, the raven was sure the puberty hitted Draco very hard of how big be was now, he gulped when he started to admire the older male abs. His breathe hitched, "Harry. . ." Draco leaned down over to his ear while his hand snakily gets under Harry's shirt gently moving up tp Harrys chest "call me master. . . Would you?" His deep husky voice rang in Harrys ear.

The raven snapped out of his thought gasped as he slapped Draco on the face and pushed him off from him, he pants and looked over to Draco who was on the groan rubbing his face hissing. Harry holded his shirt tightly and glared at him, "You fucking pervert Malfoy!" He yelled at him before he gets off from the bed running off

Draco looked at him until he was out off from his sight, he groans as he looked down from his pants and saw a bulge. He hitted himself and groans loudly "Fuck. . . I messed up a big time. . . For fuck sake Draco. . !" He mumbled angrily to himself


A/N: why - dirty young Draco needs to take care of little Draco junior hmmm?😏

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