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Chapter 33:

Taking off his round-glasses as he looked up the dark sky. Ther was no light like his hometown, his darkish brown eyes was gloomy. Its been years since he had lose the people he love but he still believes that his son was still alive somewhere, he was just here and he knows it. "James?" Someone called him so he turned around to see a grown woman "Petunia" he said with a small smile. The women gave a blank look and sighs,

"What are you doing out here so late? You do know its really cold in hell compared to your heaven" Petunia says. James looked away and dropped his head as he stared at the floor "I just. . ." He sighs "i just want some alone time" his lip pursed when he began to felt the heaviness from his chest.

Petunia, she was the one who found him. It was still weird how her attitude changed after that, she was always rude when they were still in hogwarts. The private school of the devils and angels, Petunia Evans was a devil she was a seer. But not all future she can see wasn't really true, she cant do many things but Lily oh Lily still supported her and protected her from everything. Seers were rare which made Petunia the apple of their parents eyes, they pressured her too much making her hate her powers as such. She was banished a long time ago when puberty hitted her, she was falling inlove to a guy from her school named Vernon and made a choice to ran away with him which drove the family crazy.

"Still mourning about Lily and Harriet?" Petunia says. James chuckled "He's a he and my son is Harry" he said "Harriet seems like a boys name also but a bit of femine but yes, Harry" then silence joined

"James are you sure Harry is still alive? Its been 5 years. . ." Petunia said in worry. James looked at her "My son is alive and i know it and i'll find him" even though he was not sure but he will never give up. He will find his son, his Harry. Whatever it takes.

Petunia narrowed her eyes and sighs as she handed the man a blanket for him to warm up "Get inside later, or else Dudley will freak out why the hell you are outside. You do know Dudley admires you very much, he doezn't want to see his uncle freezing alone outside" Petunia says. James took the blanket and wrapped it around him and nods "Yea. . . Thanks" he mutters. The woman looked at him for the last time before he goes back inside and shuts the door and leaving it unlock.

James burried himself from the blanket and boringly stared at the ground once again as he repeated the memories inside his head where he was still with his family. He just misses them so much. A tear fell down from his cheek as he sobs behind the blanket.



"James? Where are you going— James—!" A year younger Petunia yelled as she tried to stop the Potter from going out. She was worried that he might collapse since it has been just a few days when he woke up

As stubborn as James is he was growing impatient by leaving the bed. He was worried for his son, just a few days back he was mourning over his wife's death when Petunia had told him when he asked her. James was sure that his son Harry was still alive, he saw him and he knows it. His back ached as he rushed over to the city, his wings were cutted off while he was in coma. They were still in a war but James doesn't give a shit because he needs to find his son. He looked at the city to see a black smoke from it, deatheaters were launching over to the gate and also harm the people in heaven it was their revenge.

James bit his lip and took his wallet out and took the picture a younger Harry who was smiling brightly in the picture with a peace sign and was with James. Groaning as he felt some tears forming from his eyes, he wants his son back. His heartbeat fasten as he sobbed, his knees gave up and cries "JAMES!" From all the pain and the weakness from his body his vision began to feel blurry while his head started to get dizzy, as he was about to collapse someone catched him "You gotta be kidding me Potter!" It was Vernon "James!" Petunia yelled beside him in worry. He began to cry and let out all the pain out "I - i - i w-want my boy back, i want Lily back. . . !! I want my boy" He cries "We'll get him back James, for now you need to rest please" Petunia says looking at him

The raven Potter quietly cries and began to get tired making himself pass out. The two couple looked at eachother in worry, Vernon gave James a piggy back as the three of them made their way home.



James walked over to the door from the Malfoys Manor door, he can see there was some new changes from the house it was newly painted but still had the same color. He sighs nervously when he clicked the doorbell making him hear the loud sound inside the mansions, he nervously played with his hands as he tries to stand up straight.

After a few minutes of waiting he saw no one at the door so he looked down, an elf, "Hello there! Is there anything you need mister—?" The elf says as she tilted her head "James! James Potter uhh. . . I am here to talk with Lucius Malfoy? Is he here? Its really important and i really really need to to talk to that fut uh - Winky right?" James said smiling

Winky gasps "Master James!! You are alive the rumours are realy true then! It is really nice to see you again Master Potter!" She says making James sigh and nod repeatedly as he grow impatient "so is he here? Cause i really need to talk to that guy" James said tapping his hand from his thigh.

"Oh. . . Well i'm really sorry Master Potter, but the Malfoy family had taken a trip to somewhere with the three new angels. I apologize, they had left a few hours ago." Winky says. James groans - but wait angels? "Angels? Wait what angels?" James narrowed his eyes as he looked down at Winky in confusion "Ohh silly me . . .  The angels were sent by Dumbledore, we elves all know that they were banished and here being in hell is their punishement. Ohh! And Young Harry was one of them, your son! Yes yes Young Harry Potter, he had matured alot Master Potter!" Winky finished

James froze in shock. Harry. Harry was alive, his lip formed into a smile "Winky, where did they go?"

"To Master Abraxas, Master Potter" Winky replied, the raven nodded in a hurry "Thank you! Thank you so kuch Winky you really are a big help thank you!" He says before he rans off from the Manor and left the elve smiling by the door before she waves her hand to close it.

"Harry," James smiles "Papa is coming"


A/N: Well double update because i was really excited to do James chapter, i mean who wont be its JAMES POTTER. Anyyywaayss i just love James and Harry's father-son relationship in this book, a fathers love<33

Sorry if this chapter is boring but i gotta say this chapter is one of my favoritee!

Wow i really missed writing this book alottt. Idk but i'm just enjoying it hehe, anyways thank you for 4kreads and 300+ votesss love y'all!!!

Hahhaa pls ignore grammar and spelling mistakes thankyuuu and have a great dayy❤❤

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