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Chapter 25:.

Harry made his way to the kitchen after talking with Cedric who had seperated his own way to the other room. Placing down the glass on the sink and then turned around to see the elves moving their feets and clean up around the kitchen, the raven turned to look and see Draco from the door way leaning on the wall with his arms crossed while he shotted a cold stare to him, Harry blinked in confusion when just Draco sighs and left.

Then Ron stepped in to the kitchen and goes to the raven and whispered, "Did something happen? Draco looked like he was literally mad just now" Harry shook his head "No clue. Did he said something?" He said "No but he did give me a glare while i was coming here" Ron  scoffs "What an attitude" he finished while Harry just chuckled at his friend "Anyways. . ."

Harry nodded "Lets just see eachother in our room okay? Goodluck by washing the dishes, Wonwon" He teasingly said making the red-haired nudge his shoulder and glare down at him as both of them laugh quietly and seperated their ways. Harry then left the kitchen and walked through the halls before he foes to the dining room while he sees Hermiome tidying up the table, he raised his arm to give her a small wave and walked up to her. "No need to help me," Hermione said rolling her eyes "Young Malfoy had ordered you to go to his cabin once again. Are you guys shagging every once a minute? If so" her lip slowly turned into a grin. The raven blushed "Atleast tell me the det—" "WE are NOT shagging!" Harry cutted her off and gently hitted her shoulder making the brunnette burst into laughter

"Its just a small talk! Like old friends! God! Why do you even think about that?!" Harry complains with his cheeks flushed. Hermione grins more "Well, i've readt tons of best friends into lovers novels something. . ." She said "That will never happen!" Harry replied glaring at her "Thats what all they sayy~" Hermione said

Harry groans in frustration and turned around to walk away — he ignores all of Hermione's yells, "Tell me the details okay!" "Me and Ron can do all the chores! But atleast tell us that love story of yours!" "Harry! Whens the wedding!"

The raven male walked through the long stairs making him feel exhausted before he reached the top of it. He pants "Did i and Draco used to run these stairs? Jesus. . ." He muttered before wiping the sweat from his forehead and continued to walk. He stood on Draco's door that was locked and he can already hear some chattings inside making Harry wonder that his friend Pansy was also inside the room, he blinked. Draco wasn't really a person who show his room to anyone. There was  a hint jealousy feeling in his chest, he sighs. Draco can show his room to anyone, thats not my bussiness. He then knocked on the door once—

He heard some running footsteps nearing the door and then opening it and Harry could only knew that Draco literally towered him. "Harry" the blond said his voice was a bit low and deep by now. "Young master, you've called?" Harry replied. He watched Draco looking at him then turning his head to look at the girl before he stepped out the room and closed the door and turned around again to look at him. His arms slowly crossing as his one eyebrow rosed up, Harry can feel the tense between them. "What were you talking with that yellow donkey earlier?" Draco said "He's not a donkey. . ." Harry replied "Oh so now you're defending him?" Draco said growling after "What? What are you even mad for?" Harry said narrowing his eyes as he felt so confused at this time.

The blond shotted him a cold glare "i dont like you talking with him" he said

The raven blinked "What?" Harry said "I dont want you to talk with Cedric Diggory, while he's gonna stay here for awhile with his father." Draco said

"Master Draco, i dont think you have the will to tell me who i can talk to" Harry said glaring the older male. Draco glared back before he harshly pulled Harry's wrist and leaned closer to his face"Try me, Harry. If i see you hanging out with that guy, you wont like the consequences" The older said to him making Harry feel some shivers down through his spine. "I'm your master here, not Diggory. You listen to me, not Diggory. You're mine, not his. Got that? Dont be a brat okay Harry? I'm you best friend and i have the rights to be protective to you" He realeased Harry's wrist and stepped back "I know you better and i know you're stubborn to these kind of things, grow up. I'm just making sure you're safe. The Diggory's have some rough history, and i dont want you to get manipulated from him. Put that in your head Harry, dont be dumb. I know you're smarter than this" Draco finished and turned around and opened the door and gave Harry one last glance before he stepped in the room once againa nd shutted the door into his face.


"And then he just slammed door infront of my face!" Harry said groaning "What an arsehole" Ron commented "I knew it, i knew that Malfoys are walking red flags!" Hermione said sighing "But you and Draco looked cute s—" "Are you seriously saying that after Draco literally just gave Harry a bruise on his wrist? Theres no love between those two," Ron cutted the brunetted and glared at her

"Oh shut up Ron. Maybe its jealousy? I readt it that most obvious feelings starts with jealousy. . . Do you get jealous Harry?" Hermione saud looking at the raven  "What? No, i dont have feelings for him. It was a stupid crush when were younger okay?"  Harry replied "But did he day he likes you?" Hermione said. The raven blinked and shook his head "As a friend, thats it. He's just being protective now since i was his only his friend from the past and i guess he wasn't really comfy about me making another friend other than him" Harry said bluntly as he leaned back from the bed

"Yea its that obvious, he dislikes us 'Mione"Ron said looking at the brunette who just nodded "Maybe, but every love story starts with tha—"

"Hermione!" Harry and Ron said in syc making the girl giggle "Sorry. Just obssesed over books and romance, you guys should try and come with me at the library. Afterall they have one here and Mr.Malfoy allowed us to come there and clean, so we have time to look at those books! I swear to you! You two would love to read  it!i have tons in my li—" Both Harry and Ron just continued to listen to her but didn't respond.

Harry sighs and gets inside under the cover and turned to his right side and closes his eyes not even bothering to listen to both of his friends sudden arguement. He yawns and drifted to his sleep.


A/N: Nvm ya'll i actually like jealous Draco hahhahs, lets just hope Draco wont even  try to touch our little hufflepuff okay? Cedric is precious

I might not update for awhilee— i need to think of the plot and how im continueing this😆 i literally dont have a clue whats gonna happen at the next chap

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