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Chapter 13:

Draco yawns while he eyed-down the potion he was making, crossing his arms then standing up straight waiting it to combine. After a few minutes the red color turned into a yellow color — he then took the small bottle of potion and leaned closer as he slowly pour it correctly until,

"DRACONINEES!" Pansy bursted into his room — banging the door open and making a loud noise while it made the young Malfoy flinched in shock. His eyes widen when he poured too much making the potion he was making explode infront of his face.

Pansy blinked as she watched the blond look up to her with a messy black-powdered all over to his face, she scrunched her nose "Geez Dray, what the hell did you do?" She said. Draco facepalmed as he continued to stare at her and his other friends walking by her behind and making the same facial-expression just like hers. "You happened, Parkinson" Draco replied rolling his eyes as he took a towel from the side table and rubbed it over to his face.

The raven-haired girl rolled her eyes also "Anyways Dray, we're having a sleepover" she said making the blond look at her with a weird expression "And who said?" Draco replied "Your mom" Luna said smiling softly, Blaise snorted "Your dad also — so. . . " Blaise grinned and run over to Draco's bed and jumped to it "Geeeez talk about a king-sized beedd— i'm jealous" the male whined snuggling his face under the pillow. "Never thought you'd have a big bed Dray, since you know, its only our second time coming into your room." Pansy said looking around as she adored how big and pretty the room was.

Luna walk towards to the other side table and saw the picture "No wonder. . . " she said picking up the picture frame "Draco, you never introduced us to your lovely boyfriend" the female blonde turned around showing the pic to them while she smiled. The young Malfoy cleared his throat and walks over to her and snatched the picture-frame and hid it inside the drawer, "Not important. What do you guys wanna do?" Draco said changing the topic.

Pansy grins and walk towards to Draco and tried to open the drawer but Draco stopped her,

"C'mon Dray, i wanna see that picture. No need to be shy — i wanna take a look!" Pansy tried her best to opem the drawer again and again but was still stopped by the blond male. Both of them glared at eachother "Draco c'mon" Pansy whines "Luna, Blaise atleast give a hand?!" She turned around to the two who just stared at them "Nah you can do that Panty" Blaise boredly said and layed down from the bed ignoring whats happening.

"Useless!" Pansy groans "LUNA!" She looked at the female blond who just shrugged and walks away and sat on Draco's bed while she just watched them.

Pansy rolled her eyes and just give up, shooking her head. Draco just looked at her and faceplamed and then sighed — the raven heard him opening the drawer and taking out the picture frame and handed it to her. Pansy blinked and then smiled as she took it and rushed over to the bed joining the two,

"Got it! Blaise wake up, look! Its little Draco and his friend" Pansy said grinning widely. Blaise sat up and looked at the picture and Luna did the same. "Draco, who's this boy?" The female blonde said looking up to see his friend also taking out a large book from the drawer, "My childhood friend. Harry" he replied

"You guys are cute here!" Pansy said giggling as she just continuedly adore the cuteness over to the pic. She gasped, "No way — is he an angel?!" She said. Blaised rosed up his eyebrow and smacked the ravens back "Are you dumb?" He said

Draco chuckled as he picked the large book and walks towards them and sat beside Luna "He is" he said calmly looking down from the pic. The three turned around with their eyes widen in shock "No way! Really?!" Blaise exclaimed his eyes shining by amazement. Draco nodded.

"How?! When?? Why didn't you tell us about him?!" Pansy said glaring at the male while she pouted

The blond rolled his eyes and said "Well you haven't asked, and, the four of us just become friends like last year — so. . ." The three of them nodded awkwardly, Luna then spoke "Well. Where is he now?"

Silence roamed around the room

Draco sighed as he bit his lower lip, "Probably dead. . . "He said looking away not wanting to face his friends. He could hear the gasps just after he said that, "Omg. . . Draco i— i'm so sorry" Pansy said worriedly "Yea Dray we— we didn't mean to. . ." Blaise said "I'm sorry. . ." Luna apologized, the blond turned around and shook his head "No its— not. . . I mean he died from the start of the war so. . ." Draco said looking down,

"He was visiting you? Like. . . At 1991? That was . . . Like 5 years ago— i'm sorry for your loss, Draco" Blaise said circling the blond's back.

Draco shook his head and sighed "Its fine, its been long and i'm moving on by it. Yea it was hard for me to these couple of 4 to 5 years, but, mom already said i need to stop thinking about it." He gently smiled "Yea Dray how old were you? Like 11 right? You were only 11 so. . . Wait— how long ahve you and that Harry guy had been friends anyways?" Blaise asked

The blond chuckled "since we were 6"

"Wow! What a strong friendship—" Pansy started to talk but Draco cutter her off "Yea and i ruined it" the blond sighed. The three looked at him confused "Why?" All of them said in sync. "Got an arguement. . . And that made him left our manor— i dont know what happened next, none of us were expecting a war. . ." He said looking down. Luna looked at him in an awe "Oh Draco.  . ." She said wrapping her arms to the blond and started to comfort him,

"A-and. . . After— i— after a f-few weeks we receive a-an news t-that their village were wiped out! That includes his mother and father— we never had any news of Harry after! But. . . We do all k-know that he— died when he left our house. . . " Draco said sobbing quietly

Pansy careesed the blond's hand gently while Blaise continued to curcle his back.

"It's none of your fault, i bet he doesn't blame you to that Dray. It was an accident, no one knew he was greeted by death." Blaise said looking down to his friend.

"Yea Dray, you gotta stop blaming yourself. It has happened and it was just a coincedence— you guys had a fight but who knew that tgere was gonna be a war? You two cant predict the future, Dray." Pansy said "Dont blame yourself, or else, you'll make him sad also" she said with a gentle smile.

The blond looked up to his friends and smiled back — wiping off his tears and sighing once again,

"Right. . . I need to stop that . . ." Draco said sitting up straight. He then took the large book from the other side of his bed and showed it to the three who looked at the book confused. "Lets stop getting emotional, how about i show you mine and Harry's photos?" The young Malfoy said

Luna, Blaise and Pansy faces beamed brightly and nodded "Lets!!" Pansy cheered as she opened the book and saw a six year old Draco and Harry not smiling and looking away. The three awed,

As time passed by all Draco could hear was "THIS IS ADORABLE" "Lol, Draco you look like a manggo here" "You guys are so cute!!" "If only we could've meet him" Hearing this made Draco smile.

Pansy giggled "One one last question!" She whined "Was seeing him up close beautiful oh oh! And his wings OH and what's his full name?" She said smiling widely. The young Malfoy snorted "Thats not even one question" he said making the two laugh while Pansy groans and rolled her eyes as she began to get impatient.

Draco smiled as he looked down to the picture of Harry smiling.

"Yea, Harry. Harry Potter was the prettiest person alive."


A/N: double update iggg?? Were getting close to Harry and Draco's reunite aahhhhh☺

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