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Chapter 8:

The gentle music played inside the room. The blond male eyes were closed as he felt everything was relxing, ignoring the things he was gonna do today and just sat there on his sofa while he hummed with the music.

He could hear someone coming in and then shutting off the music which irritated the young blond, he opened his eyes and glared at the man "Dad what the hell?" Draco said getting off the sofa. What do you mean What the hell? Dont lazy out here, you have things to do, Draco." Lucius said glaring back at his son.

Draco rolled his eyes in frustration, but he couldn't say 'no' to his father. "Then get out of my room, i need to change first" Lucius who nodded and then left the room while closing the door.

The blond walks towards to his closet and took out a black-formal suit which suited for his style. He grins, he knew girls would be drooling over to him when he comes out to that door. Why wouldn't they? He started to take off his clothes and puts on the suit he had got.

It has been 2 years after the war. Plenty of devils were killed by the angels, he was glad he wasn't one of them. He fixes his tie then goes infront of the mirror while he fixes his hair, while he was doing that he saw from the reflection the photo from the back. A photo of him and Harry,

He stopped moving as he stared at the pic. Draco turned around and made his way on the desk and looked down at the small picture, he then picked up and stared it.

His eyes softened when he saw the picture of him and Harry smiling. It was took when it was Draco's 9th birthday, his uncle James had gifted the blond a camera. And at that time Harry was excited to try to camera and then they took a picture together at the end of the day.

Draco smiled. Ever since Harry lashed out from that day, they never heard of him again. The Malfoys never heard anything from the Potters, they tried to reach contact from the following years but they didn't get anything. Lucius and his aunt Bella had guessed they had died in the war,

When Draco heard that from the first time he knew his world fell apart. He cried for weeks thinking Harry and the loving family he had has died because of him, After that day the blond blamed himself from the death of the Potters.

He sighed- closing his eyes as he heard a knock from the door "Come in" he said while putting down the frame.

Narcissa came in with her formal-black dress and a smile. "Draco, are you ready sweetie?" She said walking towards to his son. She looked at him then to the picture he holded, her eyes were now in guilt. She careesed the blond's cheek "Sweetie. . . Didn't i told you to not blame yourself about this? It was a coincedence, no one knew there was gonna be a war that day" Narcissa said trying to comfort her son

"It's much worse when he died on his birthday. . . If i wasn't a jerk that day then- he'd be safe and maybe st-staying here" Draco touched his head as he began to imagine Harry's death body. It pained him.

"You were only 11, Draco. Both of you were still kids and- you guys were only entering the teenage years." Narcisaa hugged her son gently while Draco leaned on his mothers warmth,

Draco just responded with a hum. Maybe feeling a little bit better,

The women then smiled and broke the hug. "Lets go then, dear? Our guests is are now waiting for us and they cant wait to see you" she pinched her son's cheek

The blond smiled and nodded and both of them left the room and mad etheir way downstairs.


Harry groans when he started to wake up form his deep slumber. His eyes slowly fluttered open as he started to look around, he looked down to see himself on the ground- his hands were tied up so is his feet, this means he couldn't move.

He looked around and saw the walls were buildt as a rough rock. It was dark the only light ther was was sometbing above him away from the cell, the raven-haired was all alone.

Harry was worrying about the Weasleys since all he knew that he was blacked out and never knew what happened next. His heart began to race wildly when he heard footsteps coming.

He looked up to see a person standing infront of his cell. "You awake brat?" Harry gulped in fear. He could hear the man groaning in annoyance,

The raven flinched when the man hitted the cell loudly- meaning he was mad. "ANSWER IF I SAY SO, GOD!" Harry continued to look at him as he unlocked the cell then walks towards to him and pulled him from the arm making the younger whimper. Harry looked at the man infront of him, he didn't have wings but he did have horns. He gulped, he was a devil.

The man looked back at him "Why aren't you a pretty little one, such gorgeous wings." The devil gently touched his wings making Harry flinch again by the sensitivity all over his body.

"Too sad it needs to get off." Harry eyes widen, what? What did this man say?

The man pulled him by the arm and began to drag him out from the cell and drsgged him from the dark hallway- his glasses falling off from his face and got left behind. Harry looked at the other cells, there were people also bleeding out. Their eyes were gloomy, What did Dumbledore do to his people?

He then was snapped out of his thoughts when he was thrown away from somewhere making him groan in pain of how painful he hitted the ground, he sat up using his elbows to look around. His eyes widened in fear,

There up in the darkness. Different kinds of wings were hanging up on the sky, every wings were all bloody. Every wings were pretty, this wasn't supposed to be here. Where were the owners of these beauyiful wings? His eyes began to tear up.

The devil pulled him up and made him sit on a chair, cutting the ropes from his hands. Harry tried his best to try and kick the devil away but he failed when the man quickly shove his hands away and made it lock on the seat. Harry cried as he plead the man to let him go, "N-no p-please d-dont do this p-please sir-"

The devil then also locked his feet on the chair making Harry struggle to move.

More tears streamed on his face when he saw the devil pick up something from the darkness.

He was holding a large knife. Harry shook his head "Please! D-dont no! Stop!" The man walks behind him "Sir- p-please not m-my wings! I'll do anyt-" he was cutted off "Hold your breathe." Then Harry screamed loudly when he felt something sharp hitted on his wings,

The devil continuedly pushed the sharp knife on the end of his wings, he ignored the youngers screams. A but later when he finally chopped that right wing of the raven. He dropped the knife and took the bloody wing of the younger,

"Beautiful" he said grinning as he looked at Harrys bloody wings.

The raven quietly sobs as he looked down onto his feet while he began to felt cold. His eyes were started to drop off, he can feel the man slice his other wing. But this time,

Harry didn't scream- he was too tired.

And that, Harry felt himself pass out for the amount of blood loss.


A/N: Am i that cruel to make Harry suffer this much-

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