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Chapter 10:

Harry and Ron felt themselves thrown to the ground roughly, lifting their heads up and then staring at the people around them was Hermione, Ginny and the twins. Thy can hear the angel and the devil locking the cell and left them there,

"I'm sorry. . . I never meant his to hap-" "Just shut - it" Ron cutted the female brunette. Shooking his head then saying "Its pointless, all of us do not have our wings anymore. And now were forced to be slave for the rest of our lives, TO the devils. Who knows what'll they gonna do?" Ron said frowning. Yes, his parents are dead and it really broke him but - crying wont do anything.

Ginny sat on the ground - resting her chin on her palm, "They can be good" Ron looked at her and glared "Devils? Goods? They've threaten us so many times, you're just madly inlove to that Viktor devil guy." He said while his younger sister scoffed and glared back at him.

"Some of them are" George commented

"Some, Georgie" Fred said "Say. . . Harry, weren't you close with the devil's before? You were at Hell when the war started right? You and our little Ginerva" He continued looking at the raven. Harry looked at the older and nodded "Malfoys, well we weren't in good terms when i left;" He shrugged. "Only with their son. But me and his parents are good, i dont know if they'd remember me. Lets just pray we'll get into that house. . ."

"Malfoys? I heard about that family, i also readt it from a history book. They're quite famous" Hermione said

Harry raised his one eyebrow "Really? Where?" He said while everyone payed attention to them "Oh, my grandmother gave it to me around my birthday. It was a book full of family history, just like the Dumbledore's, Riddles and Greengrass. Oh! And the Black's," she said "Harry did you know you're related to the Black's?"

The raven eyes widen "Aren't Blacks devil's??" Ginny said. Hermione nodded "Yes one of the richest family in Hell before the Riddles then the Nott's" she said "I never met a relative, the only people i know are the Malfoy's. No one else" Harry said. The brunette nodded "I readt the last family member of the Black was arrested from stealing then was sent at the azkaban after;" she said "Azkaban? What's that?" Ron said tilting his head.

Hermione facepalmed,

The youngest smacked his older brother "Were you even listening properly?!" Ginny said annoyingly "Ow! Well i'm sorry! Family history is boring for me!" Ron said glaring at her "Azkaban is a prison, one of the darkest and scariest place in hell." Harry said while the female brunette nodded "He's right - wait where'd you learn that tho?" Hermione said

"Oh my uncle Lucius loved to talk about these kind of stuffs," Harry said "Even though you're an angel?" Ginny said "even though i'm an angel. Yes. Well i didn't mind, Hell is really an interesting place" the raven said "Same for the devils, i bet they do also think Heaven might be an interesting place but. No it isn't, our god here is the most evil person that the ruler of the heaven ever had."

After that there was a pregnant silence.

Well that didn't last long when Ginny spoke, "So. . . When do you guys think we'll be sent to the devils?" Ginny said with a worried face. "Maybe after a few days? Let's just hope that we wont get seperated and" George looked at Harry "That we'll work under the Malfoys" he said. Ron sighs "I dont know guys, Devils are devils you know? They have always been bad, so, even if Harry tells us story about this Malfoy. I still think they wont be kind, especially when we were angels who attacked their homeland." Ron said

Harry scratched his nape and nodded "You're right, me and the Malfoys haven't get in touch for years. I dont know if they'll be the same people that i have spent years before. They could've changed, we dont know." Harry said looking down, thinking if Draco was still disgusted about him. It scared him. What if the blond hated him for his whole life? He shook off his thoughts

"Cheer up, cub" Fred and George sandwiched him as they placed their hands over to the youngers shoulder "We will make sure and as one of the oldest family member, we must protect the youngsters and Hermione are one of it too." Both of them said in sync

All of them looked at the twins in awe "You guys are the sweetest . . . But - really i - i'm really sorry for your l - loss" Hermione said "Its alright Hermione, we have always been prepared for this kind of situation. We always did, it was mother and father's advise when we were young. They didn't want to leave us depressed by their death." Ginny said smiling at her, "Hm. Ginny's right, i'm sorry if i'd act rude about it sometimes." Ron said after

The brunette shook her head and smiled kindly "No! Of course i understand, i just really hope we um. . . Be still be friends" Hermione exclaimed making them laugh while the brunette blushed in embarassment

"Silly" Fred said

"Anyone" George continued

"Is always" Fred continued

"Welcomed to the Weasley's!"both of them said in sync, Hermione blinked the smiled "I - thank you!" She said

Harry, Ginny and Ron laughed at her reaction " 'Mione, really its okay. They also acted like this when they found me, it was a fresh start being adopeted by the Weasleys" the raven said smiling "Yea Hermione, i dont mind having another family member who has the same age as me" Ron said smiling.

The female brunette couldn't help but smile widely "This is -" she started to get teary of how much caring and beautiful this family was. " 'TIL DEATH US A PART!" George shouted "WE WILL DIE STILL AS A FAMILY!" Fred said as they caused everyone into a laughter "Sounds like we're married!" Ginny said laughing "True true!" Ron said laughing

Harry laugh died down and then looked to all of the people infront of him and started to look at them admiredly,

This was his family. Just pure joy, even though they have lost someone. They would do anything to revive the happiness in them, Weasleys were the best.


A/N: have you guys watched The Batman? Well i had . . . Idk what to say, Robert's acting was good. Well the whole movie was just them tracing down the killer, kind of boring i say. . . But i still liked it, even though my mother and i didn't finished it and left the cinema since it was getting late and she was bored lmfao!😭. But no hate for the DC's fans, the movie was okay and.. i prefer MCU hehe..<3

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