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Chapter 16:

As soon when all of them had taken their seats. Severus took the key out from his pocket and began to unchain the three, all of the Malfoys attention was deeply on the raven-haired. Eyes full of worry if Severus would've guess — he took the chains off them their wrist and ankle before bowing and leaving them all from the dinning room.

Harry, Ron and Hermione sat silently and didn't even dared to say a word. The Malfoys continued to stare at them until Lucius broke it and spoke, "It is. . . Wonderful to see you three, please let me introduce myself — my name is Lucius Malfoy the head of the Malfoy Manor. I am here to welcome you to your newly-home, we hope" he eyed Harry "all of you would feel comfortably here, once again" After finishing his speak the pregnant silence roamed around the dinning room. Making Narcissa fake coughed and took her spoon and fork and started to cut the steak from her plate. "Eat up kids no need to be shy, it's welcoming day — Um you" she looked at Ron who flinched as he looked back

"Would you like some steak, dear?" She said with a soft smile. What spooked Ron was her tail waving behind her back and also ber long horns coming out from his head made it even worse, Ron then gone pale. Harry looked at him worrily. Hermione on the other hand looked at the two as she cleared her throat "I-i'd would like please m-ma'—AM" she squeaked when she saw the raven haired women looked at her with a sharp smile. "Hey! You could've ask me i have plenty of steak here also angel," she leaned closer to her and whispered "Not a fan of steak" going back to her seat and then smiling once again while her tail wagged

The brunnette can also feel herself going pale. Devil's were scary, just like she readt from the book. Sharp teeths and also sharp long horns — a shiver came down from her spine as she gulped. "You guys should relax. we wont hurt you" a young blonde girl said who was sitting the opposite center seat across Lucius. She was around their age if Hermione could guess,

The three sat there silently

Draco sighed and looked at the raven "Harry . . . Hey" he said smiling at him while the male looked back at him and also smiled at him "Hey" he replied "Steak?" The blond said cutting the food while Harry shyly nodded. Draco then gave the cutted steak and puts it on Harry's plate, "Eat up. It's the same taste just like years ago, you love steak right? Its still Dobby's recipe" he said chuckling with Harry. The raven nodded "Thank you. . ." Harry said and began to eat

"No worries, it has been my duty to cut those steak for you. You're bad at it — i mean. . . The last time you cutted a steak it flew over to fathers plate" Draco teasingly said while grinning. Harry face blushed as he remembered the embarassing moment of his. he looked up and glared at him "Shut it, Malfoy" gritting his teeth — Lucius smiled "Harry dear, i— have my deepest condelence for you. . ." He gulped "I'm sure James and Lily would be so proud of you sitting here and still brave as you are" He finished.

The raven stared at him then looked down as he continued to eat. He can feel his heartache, his parents wasn't the only people he lose — the Weasley parents also. They were so loving and caring so pure, but, Dumbledore had killed them without mercy.

Harry took the last bite of his food and then licked his lip and took a napkin and wiped it. "Oh — Harry you're finished already? You can eat more dear. I'll just call the elv—" "No ma'am i am good and i am full now so no need" He cutted Narcissa off who froze and just looked at him in shock,

Ma'am? Shouldn't it be Aunt? Narcissa gulped and just stared at Harry with sad eyes, "Um. . . May i go and take a bath?" Harry said "Yes you may. . ." Narcissa sighed and clapped her hands "Winky!" She called out

Then an elf popped out beside her. Ron looked at the elf amazed of how they just teleport anywhere and on time, "Winky. Can you go get a towel and also some new clothes for the three? And please lead them to the nearest bathroom" she commanded. The youngest Malfoy then spoke "Get a clothing of mine and give it to Harry, i bet you remember him dont you?" Draco pointed out the raven who looked at him confused "Oh! Young Harry Potter! It is good no— great to see you!!" The house-elf said with her face and smile beaming brightly. "I have been very worried! It is very very veryy important today young Harry! The other elves would love to see you once again!" She said

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