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Chapter 32:

In the dining room, Harry felt really anxious as he ate silently with the Malfoys. It seems that this family usually eat without talking, which is an opposite things that Weasleys do. The twins would make a fuss while they ate - it was troublesome but also some good moments for him to remember. "So Draco, how's your potion doing?" Abraxas said looking at his grandson who looked up and sent a small smile "It's been doing well grandfather, but recently i've been studying and improving my magic. I've come to realize that growing up - defence is more important" Draco says

Lexus nods "Uhuh nephew. But i'd say potion is more important because sometimes it can cure illness and other things!" He said grinning "It is a suprise really that Draco has taken an interest improving his magic" Tosia said covering her mouth as she chuckles "Well when Harry came home, he did really start to change" Narcissa says with a grin and wiggles her eyebrows while she looks at his son. Lexus scoffs and continued to eat his meal. "Anyways. . . Lucius" Abraxas looked at his son as he narrowed his eyes making the blond sigh.

"Right um. It is a bit complicated, we actually never expect to have some angel helpers in our manor, father. It just started the way back" Lucius explained while his wife beside her nodded in agreement "Around last year i think, we've been hearing rumours about Lord Voldemort has been accepting angels in hell. We dont know why but Lord Voldemort had called me months ago about this situation and suggests me to. . . Have some and - i cant actually refuse that or else i'd be dead now. All i heard is there is some sort of an agreement between the Dark lord and Light Lord, i dont know how or why. I just heard it from Remus" Lucius continued "I dont really know what are they planning and why are they are doing this, but in the good part. . . Harry here" Lucius stretched his arm and pointed to the raven who looked at him

"Is a son of a friend of mine years ago. It is a coincidence, but i am glad he got into our house" Lucius finished and smiles same with Narcissa. "Now brother maybe that is the happy part, but what about the confusing part?" Lexus said resting his chin on his hand and looked at the blond suspiciously. Lucius eyed him and frowns "Brother, isn't it suspicous when the dark lord had insisted you to have angel helpers? For what? I know the dark lord is a good man for his people. But why would he accept some angel killers and bring them here? Which makes it more confusing since he may accepeted this from the Light lord a.k.a Dumbledore" Lexus said "and why the hell are you all not asking that these angels doesn't have their wings? Are you guys that fine to get assinated at night by them? What if this isn't Harry? Or this red-head! Or even this girl! What if they are planning but all of you are getting fooled? Is this what we call the Malfoys the great?" Lexus said gritting his teeth as he glared to his older brother

Lucius massaged the bridge of his nose as he frowns again in anger and sighs. "Not every angels are killers, Lexus. You need to understand that" he said "But for me they are - let us just see and how will this end, for you to get fooled by these little" He looked at Harry who froze "Murderers" The raven felt himself melting from embarassment and fear "Okay that is enough Lexus!" Abraxas slammed the table and glared at him and pulled him away from the dining table. Leaving the three angels startled form the sudden arguement from the Malfoy brothers. Hermione, Ron and Harry looked at eachother in worry. "I'm sorry for that" Lucius said looking at them "My brother has a traumatizing experience making him believe all of the angels are bad, but he is a good person. Dont jusge him to quickly yea?" Lucius said giving them a smile while the trio nodded and all of them continued to chat quietly.


Abraxas yanked Lexus from the other room and pulled away roughly as he glared at his youngest son angrily "What was that ?! For merlin sake Lexus! Your brothers family had just come today and now you're already making them uncomfortable! Aren' you embarassed ?!" Abraxas said while his son glared "What i was saying there were the truth! Angels are murderers! All of them! They killed him with no mercy! They sre the real bad ones father. Them! And not us!" Lexus said in frustration

His father groans loudly "Cant you appreciate them to come here? Cant you? You're being a jerk now and its not helping Lexus, didn't you heard your brother? That Harry is James son? Did you forget who is James? He used to come here everytime when your brother comes home from shool. James was your favorite! What is the sudden change!" Abraxas said. Lexus clenched his fist and looked away trying to stop his tears and gulped, he then looked back at him

"After that war everything had changed father, nothing is called 'happiness' in this world if there is no peace" The younger blond said "There is no win or lose in war father. Everyone has the right to have hatred to the kind of whom they dont like, and what i dont like is that those angels are in our house. Because i am afraid that i-" his breathing fasten while his eyes looked at his father in fear.

"B-because i am afraid that i'l l-lose you all too and i dont wanna be alone, i already lost Zephyr. I dont want to repeat the memory again, dad. Not again" Tears began to fall from his cheeks. His father's gaze soften and sighs then walked closer to him and hugged him,
"Everything will be alright no one will die. Just play along for some time, those angels wont be here for that long okay? I know how hurt it is to lose someone and it hurts for me to see you cry, Lex. I know i know. . ." He said. The younger blond sobbed from the hug and tightemed his grip. "I'm sorry that you still mourn for Zephyr's death, i know you loved him so much and i accept you for that my son." Abraxas finished and letted the blond quietly cries from his shoulder.

From the long distance away from the two, the brown-haired male named Zephyr's soul watched them in an awe. It does hurt him very much that they cant see him, and the way Lexus was still mourning for his death until now.


A/N: hello everyone i am very sorry for not updating for so long. My energy has been really drained these past few months, i tried myself to write this chapter but made me really bored so i  rested for awhile and i am really glad that i finished writing this! I had also planned the upcoming chapters especially the ending. I actually never thought that my story would be this long since from the past i only planned to make its chappter up to 30chaps only but i guess that didn't happen HAHAHA.

Anyways! I think the upcoming chapters would be a little wild i guess? Some a bit of plot twist?? I'm not really sure but i'll try to improve the storyline.. I will still have to slow-update since i am trying to write the chapter when i am in the mood so i hope you guys will be patient, thankyouu:))

Pls ignore my grammar mistakes and some other things thankyuuu have a great dayy!!❤❤

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