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Chapter 31:

The trio stood there awkwardly with their luggage, they were waiting for the train to come. Turning around - the two Malfoys were chatting quietly, Harry then saw Draco walking towards to them with a drink in his hand. He felt a tap from his shoulder so he turned to look at Ron "Mate, i'm not sure what to say but - where are we going exactly?" He said pursing his own lip. Harry blinks as he scratched the back of his head, sighing then turned around once again and tapped Narcissa's arm which made both couple stop talking turne dtheir attention to him.

"Hi" Harry says waving "sorry to interrupt aunty. . . But where are we going exactly" he asked. Both of the elders eyes softened from the 'aunty' calling, Narcissa smiles "We are visiting Draco's Grandparents and we also thought it'll be great for you guys to be there too! Think of it as a reward of taking care of the house yea?" Narcissa said smiling happily. The young raven nods, before he opens his mouth Draco then grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside the train when its door opened. Harry quietly frowns "Gosh he loves dragging people. . ." He mutters, then he saw him sitting on the sit and pulled him to sit beside him. The blond then waved his hand to cast a spell to pull down the covers which made them unseen, pursing his lip once again as he stayed still and quiet.

He then look up to see a screen with people moving in it and - sounds? His eyes widen in shock "Amazing right? Its called Television, it just gitten out a few days ago. Its very expensive but father is actually planning to buy one" Draco explains "Thats cool. . . How do they do it?" Harry asked his eyes just focusing onto the screen "Ehm. . . Magic? I guess - heres the remote, go and choose whatever show you'd like" Draco said handing the remote to Harry before he took out a book to read. The raven turned around to look at him "Still a bookworm, theres alot of things of you never changed" Harry said snorting and then took the remote as he changed the channel. The blond male didn't respond as he crossed his legs and focused reading the book,

After an hour has passed the covers were slid open making both males turned around to see Lucius nodding "That was fast . . ." Harry said taking his luggage and standing up "Grandpa's house isn't that far, but if you walk of course its far. But taking a train will only take an hour, now move shoo shoo" Draco says patting Harry's back. The raven nods and gets outside from the room and made his way out from the train and walked off over to his friends, Ron was about to open his mouth but Harry cutted him off "I know what you're going to say, yes it is - amazing" the red-hired male blinked and smiled.

Soon after that the three sticked together as they just followed the blond family.


It has just gotten awkward when they entered Draco's Grandparents house, for now the trio were at the back and just smiling awkwardly as Draco had greeted his grandparents and gave them a hug. "Oh how wonderful that you guys have visited us! Lexus! Your brother and his family is here!" Mrs.Malfoy shouted while Abraxas smiled and ruffled Draco's hair messing it completely making the younger male frown. Then a male with a long messy blond hair with some feuatures like Lucius came down the stairs, he wasn't wearing thst proper clothes. Just some black ripped jeans and a gray shirt,

"Way to go Lucy!" The male say grinning widely as he ran over to Lucius and hugged him tightly, a frown also crossed on Lucius face when he jeard the nickname came out from his mouth. Lexus patted his back then broke as he faced the youngest Malfoy which was his nephew, "Draconis! Look how you gotten taller just by a year! I missed you my little nephew!" Lexus smiled happily hugging the younger boy. The four other family members smiled at the view,

After a good tight hug - Lexus had broken it then looked at the back and saw the three. His soft gaze turned cold when he noticed they didn't really looked like a friend of Draco nor a cousin of his, Ron gulped as he felt a shiver down his spine. While Harry just ayed wth his own hands and tried to look straughtly to Lexus, on the other hand Hermione was calm and trying to make herself confident. Lexus broke the eye contact and looked at his brother "Who are they Lucius?" He asked "Children of a friend of mine" Lucius said keeping himself calm "A friend?" Lexus said narrowing his eyes "James" Lucius answered.

Then there was a pregnant silence which made everything awkward by now. Abraxas and his wife looked at eachother with worry, there was just a traumatizing experience for Lexus which all the family couldn't bear but feel his pain. "Hm okay" Lexus said

Draco just shrugged the awkward atmosphere and pulled Harry's wrist once again. "I'll let Harry sleep in my room," he looked at Ron and Hermione who straightened their shoulder when he looked at them "You guys take the other room" Draco finished his sentence and then took Harry's luggage and walked off with Harry. Abraxas looked at them then to Lucius "Am i the only one who forgot what was happening? Or am i just getting old and missed some few pages, or am seeing Draco a bit closer to that Harry boy and a bit frui-" His wife then shushed him "No darling, not only you. Lucius you better tell us what the hell happend with you and your family, because it looks like theres alot of changes to these past few months" Mrs.Malfoy said chuckling as she wrapped her arms around her husbands arm then leaning down to his shoulders with a soft smile. Lucius smiled back and nods,

On the other hand the youngest son of Abraxas was just looking at them with a long face. "Be on your best behaviour, Lexus." Lucius said patting his brothers shoulder before walking away with Narcissa and the two younger teens to guide them to their room. "Its just for a week sweetie, also they're only kids. They wont harm us hm?" Tosia - his mother said, Lexus shook his head "Fine. But i'm keeping an eye on them, kids can be dangerous too" He lastly said before he leaves the room leaving the both worried parents.


A/N: The Malfoy Tree keeps growing and growing guyssss. Btw! Im back, but i am still quite busy rn. I just dont really wanna abondon this book bcs i really have some cool plans for it in the future, We maybe have a new character which is Lexus the younger brother of Lucius. He's not a canon character btw i just made him up since i wanna tense the story a bit, andd also he's obviously the opposite of Lucius! Lexus being the youngest of the Malfoy family from the past is a bit like the Black family. Where all the first born are quite trained to be more responsible and that, Lexus as the second child and the youngest. He mostly didn't get much attention but since he looked up for his brother he didn't really turned into a black sheep of the family nor dissappointment.

I'm telling y'all ahhsha, Lexus can be a wholesome character since he's the sibling who loves to prank his family and also the most energetic one.

To be clear by the updates btw. I'm gonna have a slow update now, since i have some schoolworks to do hehe so i hope u dont mind me slow updating.. its quite frustrating since i have alot to do. But i'll try my best to be active!

Thank you for reading again!!<3
Please ignore my grammar and spelling mistakes<3
Love y'all❤

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