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Pain was the first thing she felt, it was as if she was numb to everything else. She opened her eyes forcing them to face the harsh rays of the burning sun. She turned her head and noticed that she was in a clearing.

'We need to get up and find some cover, shannaro! We're pretty much an open target for any enemies!' Sakura knew that her Inner was right but she couldn't bring herself to care, she was so tired. It wasn't long until she passed out.

The next time she awoke she found that the sun was setting and the pain in her head had decreased slightly. She sat up and took note of how much of her chakra had replenished, she only had about half of her reserves, still, that was better than it had been. She didn't appear to be on the frontlines or anywhere near the battlefield, where was she?

There were no traces of any tailed demons, nor was there the lonely air of despair and death. The air smelt fresh and healthy, a stark contrast to the lifeless air on the battlefield. Sakura could hear the songs of birds although they sounded different from the ones she remembered, then again that might just be because she hadn't heard the sound of birds for what felt like forever.

'Shannaro! Just get some cover!' Inner was beginning to get impatient. She stood up and made her way over to the forest surrounding the clearing. She kept walking for a while until the pain in her head got worse and she had to stop. Looking around she spotted a large tree and walked up it, she settled on a branch and sent healing chakra to her head to try and soothe the pain.

'Where are we? Shannaro!'

'I have no idea.'

'Hopefully we're not too far away from the battlefield.'

'Yeah,  but what if it's already too late? I mean, this looks nothing like the frontlines..' Sakura's eyes widened as she gasped, "What if we're in the Tsukiyomi! This is terrible!'

'If that's true then it's worse then terrible it's.. it's.. catastrophic! Shannaro!' Sakura took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

'Ok, let's not panic. We still aren't sure, we could have just been dropped off somewhere?' It was pathetic that she was having to make such dumb comments but she was really at a loss. Her head still felt as if it had been smashed against an iron wall two thousand three hundred and thirty-eight times so she wasn't in the best condition. Not to mention she had no idea where she was and that she had no idea what to do in this situation, was she supposed to return to the battlefield immediately or go get more supplies? They were running low on quite a few things..

Eventually the petal haired woman decided to check her surroundings and see if she could figure out roughly where she was. She climbed up higher on the big tree, not stopping until her head peaked over the treetop. She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh air.

'Definitely not near the battlefield.'

'You got that right, shannaro!' Sakura sighed and opened her eyes, looking for anything that could tell her, or even give her a hint as to where she was. She frowned as she started looking around more desperately, sending chakra to her eyes to enhance her vision. It was night now and a few stars had come out to greet her, rather alarmingly she didn't recognise any of the constellations. All she could see was the never-ending sight of treetops and greenery, and although this was a refreshing sight it didn't fail to make more panic rise in Sakura. She hadn't seen any nature (unless it was dead) for what felt like years. 

Trying to squelch her worries, Sakura swallowed before climbing back down the tree. She jumped off the tree halfway and used chakra to support her landing. She stood on the ground, trying to figure out what she should do.

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