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Sakura nibbled on her lip as she checked over herself for any injuries she may have received during her fight against the shadows. She let out a satisfied hum when she noticed she hadn't gained any new injuries apart from her bruised knuckles that were bleeding slightly. The pinkette's brows furrowed, she wasn't sure where her gloves were, maybe she should check through her things later and see if she can find them?

Her tongue slid out of the side of her mouth as she shifted in her place on a branch of one of the trees that was in the forest nearby the village her guide was staying in. She had noticed whilst she was fighting the armoured knights that she was losing her touch so she would have to figure out a way to train whilst staying hidden. It wouldn't do to reveal herself in an unfamiliar land.

She shivers as she recalls the uncanny aurar the shadows gave off, it was.. terrifying. The pinkette swallowed thickly as she remembered the frightening fact that mixed in with their dark presence was overwhelmingly comminatory chakra that was as suffocating as it was miniscule. So far in this foreign land Sakura hadn't come across any traces of chakra until she had stood face to face with the shadows.

'At least we now know that they're foe..'

'You're really depressing you know that? Shannaro!' Sakura huffed at her Inner's words. The sun hadn't yet risen and her other half was already bugging her! Besides, it's not her fault that she was somehow transported into an unknown world! As much as she hated it, her friends back home could be dead and the world destroyed! Her eyes watered and her lips trembled as she tried to hold back her sobs.

The tree she was in wrapped a branch around her waist, pulling her closer to it's trunk. If the pinkette wasn't a crying mess at the moment she might of laughed at how the tree was acting so much like a mother hen. The tree sheltered her from view as she sobbed into it's bark. 

Sakura knew that there were probably people going through much worse then what she was but it was just so hard! Knowing that your friends and all the people you love could be dead whilst you're stuck stranded somewhere unknown to you was torture! Her world, her home, everything could be gone and she couldn't do a thing to even try and help.

Her emotions always got the best of her but then again she was only human! She sniffed as she remembered how Sasuke always called her weak for crying and 'displaying her emotions like she was an open book'.

'Why are you thinking of that baka at a time like this? Pick yourself up, wipe away your tears and focus on figuring out what you're going to do! Shannaro!' Inner should think about a future of giving people motivational speeches, she could honestly help people do something with their lives. 'Gosh woman, where would you be without me?' Or not.. she would probably just end up making people's lives worse.

Sakura eventually calmed herself down and thought about her predicament logically. She had somehow been transported into a foreign world where she had thought there was no chakra. Then she got a guide and followed him to a village where she.. met the shadows, as she like to call them. The shadows had chakra rolling off them in waves and even though there was only a miniscule amount it was so atrocious it felt as if it was suffocating you. The best way Sakura could describe it was it was like being deprived of the air around you, as if the atmosphere had been crushed and your lungs were collapsing and your throat tightening. It was truly a terrifying experience and one she would rather never go through again.

Now she was here, sitting on a branch of a tree, cuddling into said tree's trunk as it hugged her. 

'Yeah,' she thought. 'I would rather not ever go through anything in this world again..' The pinkette just wanted to go back home and help aid her teammates. She owed them that much..

Sighing, Sakura patted the tree to let it know that she had collected herself. The branch around her waist slowly slivered away.

'Ne, Outer?' 

'What is it this time Inner?' The seventeen year old sighed as she rubbed her tired eyes, she wasn't in the mood for Inner's antics.

'Hey! Shannaro!' Inner cried. 'If you don't want to hear my epic discovery then fine!'

'Discovery you say?'

'Nuh uh! You said you didn't want to hear me!' The pinkette's right eyebrow twitched.

'I didn't say that!' She shouted internally. Inner was so.. so.. so frustrating sometimes! Her second half really knew how to hold a grudge even when there was no need to.

'You thought it though! Shannaro!'

'I- fine, but please just tell me what this epic discovery of yours is!' This was ridiculous! She shouldn't have to go through all this just to hear one thing!

'Hmph! Maybe if you get down on your knees and be-'

'Inner, I am not going to do that, please just tell me before I lose my mind.' Compared to Inner Sakura, Outer Sakura was really quite patient.. depending on the situation, so hearing her say this in such a calm but deadly tone made shivers run down Inner's non-existent spine.

'Fine, shannaro! You probably didn't notice since it's such a miniscule detail but whenever the trees move you can sense the tiniest sliver of chakra run through them.' Sakura's eyes widened at her other half's words.

"What..?" She whispered, astonished.

'Wow, you're dumber then I thought..' Sakura pouted.

'I am you!' The pinkette could almost see her Inner rolling her eyes.

'Detail, details.. Anyway, if you ask our tree friends to move or whatever you can put your hand against it's bark and you'll most likely feel the chakra. Shannaro!' 

The kunoichi sighed as she directed her healing chakra into her hand before placing her glowing hand on the trunk of the tree she was in. The tree wiggled it's branches causing its leaves to rustle. Sakura's brows drew together when she sensed the small and brief flash of chakra rushing through the tree. It was like a sudden spark of light, sort of reminiscent of a firework; there one moment gone the next.

'See.' Sakura thought Inner sounded much too smug for own good.

'Yes yes, although I'm still puzzled as to how and why the chakra is so small yet so powerful..'

'That makes two of us, shannaro!'

The medic nin spread out her awareness, curious to see if she could pick up on the chakra, it couldn't have just disappeared so maybe the tree's chakra was stored in it's roots? She frowned in annoyance when she didn't pick up on even a drop of chakra.

'This world is so odd..' She thought.

Sakura blinked in surprise when she noticed that her guide had left the village he had been staying in. The Hiraishen formula she had placed onto the bottom of his travelling pack made her ultra aware of where he- or more precisely his travelling pack- was. She had probably been too distracted to realise that he'd started travelling earlier but now that her emotions had calmed down she could very well sense that he was getting further and further away.

'Let's get going then Outer, shannaro!' Inner cheered as the pinkette grabbed her things and put them away before she jumped from tree to tree towards the humming presence of the ranger's bag.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry not much happened in this chapter I wanted to show more of Sakura kind of addressing the situation she is in.

Please make sure to check out my other stories! Also please comment and vote, I'm really grateful for you all! Make sure to tell me any ideas or advise you have!

Sorry for any mistakes!

Hope you enjoyed!

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