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The man had stayed in the inn for seven days. A whole week! Usually if somebody was travelling and they stayed in an inn to rest they would only stay a night or a few days at most. You never know how close your enemies are so you shouldn't stay in one place for too long. At least that was how things were where she was from.. Sakura stopped that line of thought before before she got too depressed. The man must be waiting for someone, that was the only explanation the pinkette could come up with. 

Since the man had stopped in the inn Sakura had plenty of time to practice using the Hiraishin. She had also managed to increase her chakra reserves slightly. She smiled softly as the memories of when she was training under Tsunade resurfaced. 

She shook her head, she needed to focus. she peered through the bushes at the rabbit, watching as the animal sniffed the air. Thankfully the medic had covered her scent. She grabbed a kunai (one of the one's without the Hiraishin seal wrapped round it) from her weapons pouch. Then she shunshined over to the animal and stabbed it in the throat. She didn't enjoy killing, she preferred saving lives, much like every medic, well every medic beside Kabuto. She frowned, that guy gave her the creeps.

She watched the bunny bleed out, the life disappearing from the creatures eyes. The emerald eyed seventeen year old picked up the dead rabbit by the ears and wrapped it up in her cloak. The kunoichi went through hand signs and spat out a stream of water. The water washed away the blood that had escaped from the animals wound. Ninjutsu wasn't her specialty but Naruto had taught her a few simple ones that she could use. She covered the blood that was still visible with leaves and sticks. Then the pinkette picked up her cloak that was wrapped around the dead animal and jumped into the trees.

She leaped through the trees, travelling to a small clearing that she had passed by whilst she was hunting. The pinkette jumped down into the clearing, it was small enough for nobody to find but big enough to not be cramped. The ninja set her cloak down on the floor and walked around the clearing, collecting sticks. It hadn't rained in a while so all the wood was dry, perfect for making a fire. She also found some stones which she would be sure to put to use.

She laid the sticks down, arranging them. Then the female put the stones around the pile of sticks. She had a few left over so she sealed them away in a scroll. 

The pinkette ran through hand signs, calling out the name of the jutsu. "Fire release: Great fireball justsu!" Sakura only spent a small amount of chakra on the jutsu which made the the fireball smaller and less powerful. It still did it's job however and the sticks caught on fire easily. She recalled the last time Naruto had tried to start a campfire with a fire jutsu. He ended up lighting the whole camp on fire, she and Ino were absolutely furious with him, Shikamaru had just sighed tiredly and Sai had just stood there with one of his fake smiles on his face. They had been on a mission where they had to spy on an organisation that had over taken a small village. The group had stopped outside the village to set up camp but they were given away thanks to Naruto. Her face hardened as she shook her head. 

The woman then moved on to casting a genjutsu over the area, nobody would be able to see or hear or even smell the fire or any smoke it was giving off. She sat down and unwrapped the rabbit from her cloak. It was small but had a decent amount of meat on it. She prepared the animal and couldn't help but smile fondly as she found herself stuck in memories of the past. She continued to work on the animal as she got lost in her thoughts. 

'Good morning Outer! Shannaro!' An all too familiar voice yawned.

'Inner.' Sakura growled as she was broken out of her thoughts, she was just remembering the time when her and Ino had fallen out over some trivial matter. They had then been sent on a missi-

'Would you stop recalling old memories and focus on the present!' Inner yapped.

'I'm not the one who's been asleep for over a week!'

'Hey! Shannaro! I need my beauty sleep too y'know!' Sakura rolled her eyes.

'Yeah, yeah..' She sighed as she separated the meat from the legs with the meat from the body. 'Do you want me to go over everything that's happened whilst you were sleeping?' 

'Nah, it's ok. Shannaro! I'll just go through your memories whilst your eating.'

'Ok then..' Sakura blinked, usually Inner would never miss a meal. The emerald eyed teenager knew that the senses were dulled when you receded to the back of the mind. 

'Don't think too hard on it, I'm just simply being the amazing, kind and beautiful me that I am, shannaro!' 

'Sure..' Sakura deadpanned before she focused back on what she was doing. She had finished preparing the meat and had taken out two thick sticks that she had found. She grabbed the biggest part of the meat from the rabbit and spears it using one of the thick sticks she had found. Thankfully they were already quite sharp so she didn't have to sharpen them herself.

The emerald eyed woman stuck the stick into the ground at an angle where the meat was over the fire. The pinkete stood up and gathered the remains of the animal and made her way over to the bushes. She placed it all down for a wild animal to find before walking back over to where her food was cooking.

'Jeez, so the guy I sensed is now our guide? Shannaro.' Inner chimed in, Sakura supposed she had watched through her memories already. Don't ask her how but Inner could go through years of memories in minutes; it was actually quite impressive.


'And he has no idea?'


'And he's waiting for somebody in an inn? Shannaro.'

'I think so.'

'Got it.'

'Good. Honestly, if you couldn't look back through my memories I wouldn't allow you to sleep through all the important things that happen.'

'Tch. Whatever.. Shannaro!'

Inner and Sakura conversed, going through everything that had happened ever since they had been transported into this peculiar world. Sakura explained about how the trees seemed to be sentient in this foreign land. They discussed about how the trees could of evolved to be so as Sakura ate the rabbit that had finished cooking. 

'Maybe some sort of magic spell or like a curse turned people into trees! Shannaro!'

'Inner, that is a ridiculous idea.'

'Hey! Shannaro!' Inner huffed as Sakura finished eating her food. The pinkette stood up and got to work on covering her tracks and hiding anything that indicated that she had been there. She spread the ashes from the fire around the clearing, hiding the burnt sticks and the stones she had used to prevent everything  but the sticks from catching on fire.

After making sure the clearing had no signs of her stay, the seventeen year old grabbed her cloak before leaping into the trees. 

'Maybe we should pay a visit to our clone? Shannaro!' Inner suggested.

'Sounds good, we'll rest up now and make some extra Hiraishin seals and then tonight we can go and check in with our clone.'

'Let's do it, shannaro!'

A/N: Erm, sorry not much happened this chapter, Sakura was mainly updating Inner on everything that happened. More shall happen in the next chapter so stay tuned!

I apologise for any mistakes!

Please comment and reveiw!

Hope you enjoyed!

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