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She caught up to the stranger quickly and she noticed his four companions and the horse one of his companions was holding onto straight away. It wasn't the most pleasant of mornings, the air was cool and the soil was moist. The group below her trudged forwards and the pinkette who was nestled high in the trees took this time to take in the four males her guide had taken under his wing.

She recognised them as the four she had seen sleeping in the stranger's room, they were short and looked well-fed. The whole group travelled in a single file line with her guide at the front. Second in the line was a blue eyed male who had dark, curly hair. His skin was fair and he donned a white button up shirt with what looked like a brown waistcoat and a normal coat on top. He had on brown trousers that stopped past his knees and a green cloak that reached the end of his trousers. Behind the blue eyed boy there was a male with blondish hair, this boy also wore a cloak but his was more of a washed out green colour. Underneath his cloak he had on a white button up shirt and a yellow-ish coloured waistcoat along with a green coat and some dark trousers.  Fourth in the line was a male with dark blonde hair that almost looked ginger. Much like the other two he wore a cloak over top his clothes, a brown button up shirt, some trousers and a brown waist coat. The fifth one in the line had a striking resemblance to the second one, they looked so similar that Sakura deduced that they were twins- if not they had to at least be brothers. He wore a green scarf that hid his button up shirt and his waist coat from view. His dark green jacket peaked out from under his brown cloak and his dark trousers were almost identical to the other three's. The four were all shockingly short and had big, hairy feet.

After analysing the four shorties, Sakura turned her attention to the animal the fourth one was holding onto. Back in the Shinobi Nations they had horses but the animals were usually used by civilians for transportation between villages. The pinkette had never actually seen a horse before but she had read about them. Her hands itched to examine the animal, to run her medical chakra through it and gain knowledge on its anatomy. The animal had a brown coat and the pinkette, even with her limited knowledge on the animal, could see that it was quite underfed.

'Poor thing..' Her eyes softened as she watched one of the shorties, as she was now calling them, lead the animal around a tree. 

The group had only been travelling for a few hours and it was obvious that the four shorties were lagging behind. Sakura sighed, the speed the stranger had set for them to go was agonisingly slow and if anything potentially dangerous was following them then they were in trouble.  It was blatantly clear that the small creatures weren't used to travelling and the kunoichi wanted to scream in frustration when they started to moan and complain in jumbled up grunts. 

Ahh yes, Sakura didn't even attempt to guess what they were trying to say for all it sounded like to her ears was gibberish. The kunoichi would of been content to just ignore their mutters and murmurs if it wasn't for one of them grunting something that Sakura did not understand to the stranger. The rosette's eyes nearly pooped out of their sockets when the stranger replied to them in the same gibberish like language.

'Are they crazy or something..?' Even Inner was puzzled. 

'I-I-I have no idea..' The medic nin had stopped in her tracks and had kneeled on a branch of a tree as she thought things over, her mouth agape. Their groans had sounded like words but she hadn't understood anything they had said. This was quite concerning since in the Shinobi Nations everyone spoke the same language. Sure, some villages made up a secret language in case anbu needed to communicate whilst on a stealth mission or something but they would normally use hand signs or would convey messages through their chakra. Sakura had known their was a chance she wasn't in the Shinobi Nations any longer but- well- having a language barrier really made things a lot more complicated. She couldn't ask anybody where she was, she couldn't communicate through words at all and well, she had no idea what she was going to do!

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