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"Ne, Baa-chan.. do you think Sakura-chan's ok?" Naruto looked at the stressed blonde in front of him with tired eyes.

Tsunade sighed before looking up at the blonde. The war had been going on for what felt like years and the woman was shattered. Add the fact that her student was missing on top and Tsunade was nearly on her death bed!

Naruto had asked everyone he ran into if they had seen the pinkette but everyone had replied with a negative. With Sakura missing Tsunade was forced to work twice as hard as before and the brown eyed woman was noticing just how much she relied on Sakura.

'..I miss my Sake..' The woman internally whined, she had completely forgotten to answer the Uzumaki's question but she didn't seem to notice.


Sakura climbed up the trunk of a tree and sat down once she reached a high branch that looked sturdy enough to hold her weight. She had tried translating whatever language the two men were speaking in into her own however she had failed miserably. The rosette had left after a while, realising that there was no use in listening in on a conversation she did not understand.

She was starting to get hungry and wasn't fully sure on what to do about it. There weren't really any available animals for her to hunt other then the birds she saw occasionally. She had seen a few other animals however they were all being looked after by the people living in the area and Sakura didn't dare eat a horse. She could go hungry but since she had arrived in the grand village- that was really more of a kingdom- she hadn't had even a single crumb to eat.

Sakura sighed, maybe she could find some berries to feast on? Her brows furrowed when she remembered that most of the plants in this world were unfamiliar to her.

'If not all of them are.. dang it! Years of studying different plants and herbs is really proving quite useless at the moment!' She pouted as she exhaled through her nose.

After a few moments her stomach growled and the seventeen year old decided to look for something edible. She stood up on the branch she was on and jumped onto a nearby tree, gripping onto its bark via chakra. She climbed up the plant before leaping onto another tree followed by another and another. She loved the trees here, they were tall and strong, just like the ones surrounding Konoha. 

She jumped down from the tree she was on when she spotted a berry bush. She walked over to it, staying on high alert. The berries were a purple colour, Sakura picked a few and held them up to her nose. She sniffed them curiously before holding them away from her as her nose scrunched up. The kunoichi let out a sneeze  and sniffed as she rubbed her nose with her right hand. Her left fist tightened around the berries and Sakura felt them turn to mush. She opened her fist and stared curiously at the remains of the fruit. 

Using her free hand, Sakura shuffled through her pouch and fished out a scroll. The seventeen year old summoned a plain scroll from the summoning scroll and laid it on the ground. She put away the summoning scroll before sitting down in front of the plain scroll. She dipped the middle and pointer finger of her free hand into the purple sludge staining her left hand. Looking around she spotted a single, white flower, she smirked slightly before turning her attention back to the white scroll before her. 

Her fingers made contact with the object and with precise control the shinobi moved her fingers across the scroll. Thanks to her profession, Sakura was confident with her movements, not scared in the least that she would make a mistake. When she had still been training under Tsunade to become a medic nin she had been much more nervous and less confident which resulted in her work being sloppy. Her master would always tell her that if her mind was a mess then her work would be as well. She had a lot of experience under her name now though and it showed how much she had improved since she first graduated from the academy.

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