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Sakura checked that the coast was clear before dropping into the room. It was early morning and she hadn't been able to focus on meditating because of her grumbling stomach. The rosette had observed the whole of the town during her stay and so she had a decent map of the place in her head. She had always had an amazing memory, it was the one thing she had from the beginning.

'Oi! We don't just have a photographic memory! Our mind is great overall! We're intelligent and the brain is my domain so obviously it's going to be-' Sakura dismissed her Inner. Sometimes her other half could give her a migraine that would last days.

She sighed before looking around the room she was in. It was the kitchen of one of the bigger buildings, there was left over food in plates and bowels on the counter and Sakura decided to have a look to see if she could eat it. There seemed to be half a slice of some sort of meat left along with some vegetables on one plate and there was a bowel with some stew in it. There wasn't much stew left in the bowel, only a small portion of gravy with a few pieces of beef. None of it looked poisonous which was good. The other plates and bowels were empty so Sakura picked up the plate and the bowel that still had some food in them and set them on the ground. She opened a few of the cabinets until she found some bread. She got a slice of it and brought it over to the rest of the food. It wasn't much however to the seventeen year old it was a feast. She hurriedly ate it all, dipping the bread in the gravy that was left over and once she had finished her tummy let out a satisfied gurgle. She hadn't had food anywhere near this quality in what felt like years!

She had eaten with her hands since she couldn't find any chopsticks, this left her with dirty fingers. The pinkette cleared away the dishes before leaving the house as silent as she had entered. She stopped by the bottom of a waterfall and washed her hands in the water. The sun would start to greet the land in an hour or so and the pinkette decided to wash herself in the river.

She stripped out of her clothes, leaving her things underneath a nearby tree. She slowly got into the cool water and relaxed as she let all the grime on her body wash off. After a small while she dunked her head under the water and ran her slender fingers through her pink locks. Her hair had grown, it now travelled down to brush her shoulders. It was slightly greasy but Sakura knew that her vanity was nowhere near her top priority at the moment. She soaked in the river for a few moments longer before she decided to get out. She sighed as she stepped out of the cool water, shivering slightly as a breeze ran through the area. She circulated chakra around her body, attempting to warm herself up. The pinkette ran on a spot for a moment, trying to dry herself off as much as possible. It didn't help too much but she was warmer then before. Sakura got out a roll of bandages from one of her pouches and used it to bind her chest. She slipped on her underwear before getting dressed into her clothes again. 

The seventeen year old pulled up the hood of her dark cloak and then proceeded to leap onto a branch of a nearby tree. The sun was making its appearance and she didn't want to be spotted. Ninja preferred to stay hidden when they could and Sakura wanted to actually be able to stay unnoticed for once- she actually had a chance now that she wasn't with Naruto. 

'I wished we could of stayed in that water for longer.. shannaro..' Inner yawned. 'That was the first bath we've had in ages!' The cherry blossom haired teenager sighed, rolling her eyes.

'Inner.. you know we can't.. if we stayed in there any longer someone would most likely spot us. Plus, how embarrassing would it be to be caught naked in a river?'

'Mm.. I guess that wouldn't be too pleasant.. I think I'm going to go sleep now Outer. Good night, shannaro.'

'Goodnight..' Sakura smiled softly. 


Sakura had been enjoying herself, flying through the air, leaping through the trees, feeling as free as the birds who flew overhead. She had been feeling better then she had in a long time when she suddenly stopped in her tracks. The sound of voices met her ears, it came from her left and Sakura,  being the curious kunoichi she is couldn't help but investigate.

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