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Arwen mounted her steed and looked down at the handsome man. The brown haired elf hesitated slightly before warning the man in her own tongue.

"Be careful. I am not sure who or what they are but something is lurking in the trees. They are neither wraith nor orc. However we can't be sure they mean us no harm. They may be after Frodo."

Aragorn looked at the female in mild shock. Something had been hiding away in the surrounding woodlands and he had failed to notice? His expression darkened. 'Have they been following us? If so for how long?' He grit his teeth.

"Do not worry." Arwen said, sensing the man's worries. "If they do choose to follow me then they shall not be able to keep up."

Aragorn nodded. "Arwen, ride hard. Don't look back."

The elf turned her attention to the animal she was on. "Noro lim, Asfaloth. Noro lim."

The white-grey horse took off, it's hooves digging into the dirt as it galloped away. It had precious cargo and its rider trusted the animal to deliver them safely.

"What are you doing? Those wraiths are still out there!" The brown haired elf ignored the questioning shouts that could only have come from one of the hobbits. She continued to ride as she made sure Frodo was secured in her arms.

It was a tough ride however Asfaloth's speed was beyond impressive and Arwen couldn't be more grateful for this fact. Her eyes remained focused on the area in front as she willed the white-grey horse to speed up. She knew that the wraiths weren't far behind and that if not for the horse she was currently riding the dark riders would of already caught up to them.

She glanced over her shoulder to see the dark shadows that were the wraiths chasing after them.  They slowly started gaining on her and the female elf inhaled shakily as their horses screeched. A branch of a tree scraped her cheek but Arwen payed the wound no mind.

She looked back at the wraiths who seemed to be closing in on her. One reached its hand out  for Frodo but its action was halted by a dark figure suddenly appearing out of nowhere and punching the shadow's steed. The female elf didn't waste any time and took advantage of the opportunity to command her horse to move faster.

"Noro lim, Asfaloth!" 

Behind her the dark figure whipped out a kunai and tossed it at one of the shadows. The explosion tag attached to the weapon blew up on her command and the cloaked kunoichi raced forward to catch up to the female the shadows were running after. She narrowly dodged one of the dark knight's swords and the pinkette focused chakra into her right hand to form a chakra scalpel. She sliced into her attacker's horse and pulled out her arm before cutting off the chakra forming the scalpel. Sakura jumped into the sky as she pulled out one of her kunai with the Hiraishin seal wrapped round it. She flung it at the shadow that was the closest to the woman and transported to it when it reached the dark knight. She landed on the dark horse with a chakra enhanced kick. and flipped backwards to catch her kunai before continuing to run after the white-grey horse.

'Jeeze! These guys really do make the temperature drop!' Sakura ignored her Inner's comments as she caught up to the woman on the horse.

Arwen glanced at her, her eyes widened when she realised that Sakura wasn't one of the wraiths. 

'Could this be the creature I sensed..?' She closed her eyes and shook her head. She needed to focus, the cloaked figure wasn't trying to attack and they were keeping a short distance from her and Frodo, they also seemed to be warding off the Nazgul so the elf decided to trust them, at least for the time being.

The dark riders were gaining on them and Arwen held Frodo tighter as their screeches rang through the area. The brunette turned to look at the cloaked figure but was surprised to see them gone. It was then when one of the Nazgul's horse let out a loud screech and the elven princess turned her head to see the cloaked figure fighting several of the dark knights, one of which was on fire. 

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