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Sakura sat on the branch of a tree, watching as the pointy-eared people went about their day. It had been four nights and three days since she left the pretty woman with the shortie. She had tailed them as they made their way to where she was now and since then Inner had receded into the back of their mind. Her other half was probably taking a nap and the rosette wasn't surprised. Inner had been dormant for many years before the war, Sakura had regained her confidence and made peace with who she was but ever since the battle started with Madara and .. Obito- she thinks that's his name- she had to put on a façade again. It was slightly annoying and very exhausting but when Inner formed again Sakura just realised how much.. comfort her second half brought her. She wasn't sure if it was because having Inner was like having someone you could vent to and trust not to leave you but all she knew for sure was the utter relief she felt when Inner awoke with a shout of 'Shannaro!'.

She did know that Inner wouldn't be with her forever but it was times like this, when she felt like she was alone in the world with no one to rely on. It was times like this, when she was stuck in an unfamiliar world with a language barrier and no way of getting home that she was relieved to have Inner. She had noticed that Inner was beginning to fade again but being in this foreign land seemed to strengthen Inner's existence and the pinkette noticed just how peculiar her second half was.

Inner always was.. there when she felt lonely or when she wasn't being 'herself'. Inner faded when she was becoming more confident with herself. It was odd yet fascinating how her Inner was connected to how she felt.

'So.. once I gain more confidence and become more familiar with my surroundings she'll leave again?' Sakura's brows pulled together as she pursed her lips. 'But.. but I don't want her to leave.. she's the only thing keeping me sane.....' Tears formed in Sakura's eyes but she blinked them away and sniffed.

'I shouldn't be crying about this!' She thought, frustrated. 'I'm a shinobi! I've fought in a war! I shouldn't be crying about something my mind created going away!' She punched the branch she was on angrily.

Her eyes widened when it cracked loudly before snapping. The kunoichi leapt onto the roof of a nearby building and watched silently as the branch fell to the ground. Some of the people down below paused in what they were doing and rushed over to inspect the tall plant's broken limb. They conversed amongst themselves, wondering about what could have happened. The trees in this Wonderland of a place were the tallest she'd seen in this world and they had many branches. 

'..I should probably stop harming trees..' Sakura thought as she remembered the kind trees whom had helped her when she first got to this world. It seemed like it had been ages since then and the pinkette froze for a moment when a thought hit her. 'How long has it been..?'


After spending a long while questioning her age and her ability to count, the ninja decided that she wouldn't age until she returned to her world.

'A simple solution to a stupid problem!' She thought as she climbed up the side of one of the walls of what had to be the biggest building she had ever seen. 'The people in this world sure know how to build a village.' Sakura thought as she stared at the view behind her. Multiple waterfalls were bursting from lushes mountains and all the plants were healthy and vibrant. Everywhere seemed to glow golden in the ethereal light of the sun. The village had a sense of calm to it and Sakura closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She had forgotten how pure the world could be. She took a moment to reminisce in her memories, remembering her life when she was a genin.

Konoha wasn't anywhere near as peaceful as this village was but it had a similar feeling to it and to Sakura it was perfect. A small smile made its way onto her face and the pinkette daydreamed about missions that in the past she found tedious but now found herself aching to do. Pulling out weeds; walking dogs; babysitting; and chasing after that pesky cat Tora. Her heart throbbed in her chest and she was suddenly overcome with the urge to complete these tasks.

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