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Sakura knew exactly when her clone dismissed itself. It's memories returned to her in a flash and her head snapped up so fast Inner was surprised she didn't break her neck.

'Careful Outer, shannaro!' Sakura was too focused on what she had learnt to listen to Inner. It had been weeks since she had been transported to wherever she was and she had started to fear that she may have made a mistake following the mysterious ranger known as Strider. However according to her clone's memories whoever the man had been waiting for had arrived.

The only thought running through her mind was 'Got to go see.' this may not be the smartest idea ever but Sakura's curiosity got the best of her.

She leaped out of the tree she had been in and sprinted off to the village. She jumped across rooftops as she made her way over to the Inn. It was past midnight and the kunoichi felt grateful the she could use chakra to enhance her sight. 

She arrived at the the Inn and made sure that she had her cloak on and her hood up before she snuck inside. 

The level of volume inside of the building would of had past hers eardrums exploding. Even though she was teammates with Naruto Uzumaki who was known for being..... unpredictable and loud and- must she really go on? The point was even with her being around things and people that made a whole bunch of noise her sensitive hearing meant that she was met with eternal headaches. Thanks to her medical chakra she could numb the headache but she was beginning to accept the migraines.

Thankfully, once the war had started the pinkette had begun to get used to never-ending earthquakes and explosions which helped her get used to noises so loud you would expect anyone in close proximity to whatever was causing the sound to go completely death. It sounds complicated when you word it in such a way but Sakura didn't have time to get lost in her musings as she tried to make her way through the crowded room and up the stairs. 

She silently crept up the stairs and along the hallway to the strangers room. 

'Maybe it would of been better to just peep through his window. Shannaro!'

'And you didn't care to share your thoughts before I snuck through a crowded bar?' Sakura deadpanned.

'Hehe..... oops?' The medic nin rolled her eyes with an exasperated sigh.

'Honestly, how are we one and the same?'

'We're not exactly the same we're just.. the same but different! Shannaro!'

'That doesn't even make sense.'

'Just focus on what you're doing!' Sakura shook her head before climbing up the wall and onto the ceiling.

'How on Earth am I supposed to get inside?'

'I don't know! Figure it out, you're a kunoichi, shannnaro!'

Taking a deep breath, the pinkette tried to come up with ways to sneak into the stranger's room. She could create a shadow clone and have the clone henge into a fly or something and then she could use the substitution jutsu to switch places with her clone. It was certainly the best idea she had but she would have to grasp her surroundings quickly once the jutsu activates, lest she blow her cover.

Deciding it was her best chance, the pinkette created a shadow clone. The clone henged into a fly and flew down from the ceiling. the clone then squeezed through the crack of the door to the stranger's room and snuck inside. 

Her clone flared it's chakra slightly when it was in position. Sakura took a deep breath before reaching out to her clone with her chakra and running through the hand sign required for the substitution jutsu.

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