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The pinkette followed stealthily behind the group and she tried desperately to ignore the spine shivering screams coming from behind.

'What the heck! I thought the stranger took care of them, cha!' The rosette grit her teeth, if the dark knights caught up with them there was a large chance she would have to join the fighting. The Naruto in her would demand it of her to help them and the medic in her wouldn't be able to help them fight the shadows without checking out whatever was bothering the shortie. She inhaled deeply, hopefully the shadows just didn't catch up- that would be really helpful since Sakura didn't want to waste any more time worrying about revealing herself.

The shortie who had first been kneeling besides his injured friend said something in a worried voice to the stranger who uttered something in a low voice to the whimpering male he was carrying.


The group stopped for a short break and the three unharmed shorties immediately crowded around their friend when her guide put him down next to the fire he had made. The plumpest hobbit grumbled something in their foreign language, an anguished look on his face. The stranger who was standing a short distance away from the tiny men turned back around when another one of the short men said something. The pinkette's guide told the shorties something just before the blue eyed hobbit gasped and a painfully familiar screech rang through the night.

This caused Sakura, who was perched on top of one of the demonic looking statues, henged as a bird to snap to attention much like the rest of the group. The dark haired man called over one of the shorties who immediately rushed over. They exchanged a number of words, all of which Sakura didn't understand. The rosette still payed attention to their grumbles, trying desperately to make sense of the gibberish.

The conversation ended and they both rushed off into the surrounding woodland, thick sticks that had been torched in hand. The rosette was hesitant whether or not to stay with her guide; on one hand she was following the stranger but on the other she couldn't just leave the three shorties by themselves. After a moment of thinking things through, the emerald eyed kunoichi decided to stay with the shorties and their horse, they did after all seem important to her guide and she knew how hard it was when you lose someone important to you. With the shadows nearby Sakura didn't want to take any chances, she was sure that the stranger could handle himself and her guide wouldn't stray too far. Hopefully the man she had decided to follow would be smart enough to not let the fourth shortie, whom had also wandered off, out of his sight.


She wasn't sure how long it had been since the stranger had gone off along with his short friend but Sakura's senses started tingling. Her back straightened and her green eyes darted around, searching for the owner of the energy she was picking up. It was in that moment when the small campsite the group had set up seemed to glow from a light that's from a souce other then the moon. The medic nin's head snapped to look over to where the light seemed to be emanating from and her eyes widened slightly at the sight that met her.

A stunningly beautiful woman riding a snow white horse appeared from the trees. The female dismounted the majestic animal and slowly walked towards the blue eyed shortie who seemed to be sharing Sakura's shock. The woman had pale skin and long brown locks that fell in waves. Her blue eyes were as clear as day and her lips were a cherry red. The gown she was wearing looked like it was a gift from the heavens and the rosette felt a spike of jealousy rise from within her at the females beauty.

The gorgeous female kneeled down besides the boy and whispered something in something that Sakura could only describe as a song. The pinkette huffed silently when she found that she didn't understand the language the brunette was speaking. It was clear to the kunoichi that the language this woman spoke was entirely different from the tongue she had heard the group conversing in.

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