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Sakura spent the rest of the day creating some extra Hiraishin seals. She had tucked them away into her pouch and then she started meditating. The kunoichi felt the world around her shift and opened her eyes to be met with a sea of black . 

'Hey Outer! Shannaro!' Inner greeted.

'Hey Inner.'

'Are we going to go see our clone?' Sakura's shadow asked.

'We'll go at night time.' The kunoichi answered. Inner and Outer continued to chat as they waited for the sun to set. After a while the two decided to spar, they stood up from where they had been sitting down and got into their stances. 

The two charged at each other, Sakura sent a punch to Inner's face. Her shadow dodged before sending a kick to her side. The pinkette  caught her Inner's foot, sending her own kick to her shadow's head. Sakura's opponent caught the foot, making them look as if they were doing some sort of yoga balancing challenge. They continued to spar, kicking one another when they could and throwing punches when they saw an opening. 

After what felt like forever the two finished their spar, both of them panting as they lay on their backs. 

'Well.. that was..... fun.. shannaro..' Sakura chuckled as she turned her head to look at her Inner.

'Is it night yet Inner?' She asked as said person yawned.

'Yup, shannaro!' Inner closed her eyes tiredly as she began to succumb to sleep.

'I'll take that as my sign to leave.' The kunoichi thought as she closed her eyes and focused on her senses and the outside world.

She opened her eyes and found herself sitting crossed legged on a tree branch. The pinkette blinked at the thin branch rapped around her waist. She was sure that that hadn't been there before.

'How odd.' She thought as she tried to wiggle her way out of the branch's grasp. The branch loosened around her waist before slowly disappearing out of her sight. Hesitantly the pinkette smiled and thanked whichever tree had lent her a branch.

The pinkette looked up at the dark sky, it was littered with stars and constellations, non of which were familiar to the girl. Sakura shook her head before making her way towards the village. The kunoichi loved travelling under the cover of darkness, it made her feel like an actual ninja. Of course that didn't make much sense since she was a ninja but it was the only way the pinkette could describe it.. there was just a certain thrill about travelling in the dead of night.

The kunoichi made her way into the village, she was still largely disappointed by the security. She would at least like a bit of a challenge! She leaped onto the tree and landed in front of her clone- who was still disguised as a bird.

"Yo." She said.

"Finally, I was wondering when you were going to get here." The pinkette rolled her eyes at her clone's behavior, honestly, who knew clones could be so sassy?

"Me and Inner got caught up in a spar." She stated. "Now please get on with your report."

Her clone sighed before giving her report, "The man hasn't been very productive, every now and again he makes his way out of the village, patrolling the area. I think he's growing anxious which makes me believe that the person he's waiting for may be in danger. He usually eats his food in his room." Sakura nodded her head as she listened to her clone.

She furrowed her brows as she thought about what her clone said. 'Danger? So far I haven't come across anything in this world that could be considered even remotely dangerous.' In fact the most dangerous thing she had come across were the trees that liked to snake their branches around her at night and the only reason they did that was to keep her warm. 

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