Friends, like the Plural Noun (Part 2)

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Iida, Uraraka, and Jiro stand with their backs to a building, panting. Its pouring down raining, and super windy. They stand in some sort of simulation of a big city with tall buildings.

"Come on! You can't hide forever!"

Says one of the villains.

Iida looks over the side of the building to see the villains then turns back to his friends.

"He's right, we have to fight them."

He whispers. Then he takes a deep breath.

"Okay, that scaly girl over there seems to be able to rip the scales off her arm and throw them at people. I should be able to dodge her attacks easily, so if I can keep her distracted..."

Iida says, then thinks for a moment.

"But there's also the guy in the red jacket, who seems to have some sort of dust manipulation. If I get dust in my eyes it will be hard to see her attacks to dodge them. Did either of you see the other three's quirks?"

Uraraka and Jiro think for a moment.

"I think, that one wearing that animal mask, I think he has like, heat control. He reached out his hand and I felt a patch of my skin start getting very hot. I think it might have burnt me."

Jiro says. Iida takes a deep breath.

"That's.. Not good. We need to figure out something - some sort of plan!"

Iida says a little bit louder.

"Yeah, seems like a plan would be exactly what you need"

Their eyes go wide as they turn around to see the guy in the red jacket and the 4 other villains standing behind them, ready for an attack.

"But I also think that stronger quirks, and more training, would also be useful for you all aswell"

He smirks, pulling up a tornado of dust. They all step back but then Iida runs towards him, grabs his stomach and pulls him to the ground. Iida quickly gets up and runs to the other side of the villains.

The man in the red jacket stands up

"Thats cute"

He smiles and Iida prepares for another attack from him.

"Akihiko, Ronin, Sumi, you handle the girls. Kichi, take care of this one for me will ya?"

He says.

"With pleasure"

Says Kichi, the one wearing the animal skull. Iida begins to run at him but falls to ground due to the sudden extreme heat he feels in his legs.

Jiro inserts her ear plugs into her boots and plays amplified sounds so loud it causes the villains to all cover their ears in pain. Kichi stops using his quirk on Iida, but Iida is also in range of Jiros attack. Suddenly one of the villains turns into liquid.


She says. The puddle of liquid slides over to her. she stomps on it but it does not seem to do anything. Then it turns back into a villain.


He says before punching her in the face. She falls to the floor and the man pulls out two knives and flips them around in his hands. He tightens his grip on one of the knives and reaches to stab hear.


Uraraka yells before reaching out and touching him. He starts to float in the air. Uraraka smiles.

"Yes! I did it!"

She says happily, before feeling a tight, sudden pain in her arm, causing her to drop him. She looks and sees the girl, Sumi, has thrown scales into her arm.

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