A Depressing Place

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Bakugo looks up at UA with more anxiety than he had on the day of the exams. During the exams there was barely any talking, so barely any chance of him slipping up and screaming at someone and then everything ending up the same. Everyone thinking Bakugo was an arrogant asshole. It felt like he was one screw up away from another Deku situation. Today he had a strong chance of ruining the next 3 years, possibly the rest of his life.

Of course, if he snapped once it probably wouldnt make a difference, but Bakugo didnt realize that, for all he knew one wrong word could destroy his entire future.

But stress wasnt the only emotion he felt, UA was always a deppressing place for him. It made him feel so guilty and shameful. He still felt that Deku should be there. He still had a weird feeling that something just wasn't right.

Bakugo takes a deep breath in attempt to make his emotions escape from his body, but it doesnt help as much as he hoped it would. He looks up at UA again but this time with confidence. He takes another deep breath and walks in.

As he walked through the halls he could hear people talking and he had trouble concentrating with all the sound. He could feel anxiety rising within him and the loud noises were not helping at all.

After what felt like an hour of walking around he finally arrived at a huge door leading to the class he will be spending the next dreadful three years. He opened the door and saw a few people already sitting down and talking like they've known each other their whole life.

Do they all know each other, or are they just that friendly? Theres no way they could immediately be such good friends... right? I should talk to them.

Bakugo takes a few steps into the room looking at the fellow students. But the quickly adverts his eyes to the seats instead.

Um no, I shouldnt. I should find my seat.

Starts to walk other to a seat when he hears another friendly voice coming from behind him.


He turns around to see Uraraka.

"Your that one guy I met outside the exams right!"

Oh, it's that annoying girl.

"Um, yeah"

He replied.

"You know I dont think I ever got your name,"

"Thats because I didn't tell you."

They stood in silence for a minute.

What does she want me to tell her my name? I'm not doing that unless she specifically asks.

"Heh, well, uh, I'm Uraraka! As you already know, and you are?"

Ugh I really dont feel like talking to this idiot.

"I should really go sit down before class starts."

She stays silent for a bit thinking of a response.

"Um, yeah!"

He starts to walk forward and sees Uraraka looking around in class, then she looks at the ground, seeming disappointed.

Is she looking for someone? I wonder who.

It was almost time for class to start and one of the seat remained empty, the one behind Bakugo. Uraraka seemed to have her eyes glued to the door in anticipation. Bakugo is a bit confused about what was so intriguing about the unpunctional student but he brushed it off. The clock ticked and they still await their arrival and the second the clock reached the time class was supposed to start a peculiar girl walked in, soaked in water. She had the palest skin he had ever seen and bright white hair along and eyes that looked like a light red color. She had a creepy and familiar smile.

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