The News

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Bakugo walked away angrily.


Midoria thinks

That was wierd

He smiles.

Well, better get back to giving up on my dreams...

He turns around but stop in his path to see Al-

Nothing. There nothing there.

Thats... weird... I swear i feel like- someone should be here...

Deku looks upward and sees a butterfly, flying above him.
Bakugo bursts in to the classroom, bragging about what happened yesterday to his friends. They are so impressed by him totally being able to hold his own against a powerful villain. But then he looks over to Midoria and suddenly stops. At first he worries about him calling him out for his lies but figures he's too much of a coward. However he does see the sadness in his eyes and somehow confuses it with silent judgement.

He was about to scream at him for thinking what he so clearly was not thinking, but quickly realized if he did, his friends wouldn't understand why he was so upset, and may figure out what really happened.

That fucking idoit thinks hes soooo much better than me. HE DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING! I SWEAR I WILL DESTROY HIM!

"Are you okay?" One of his friends asks after noticing his sudden silence.

"What?! O-of course I'm okay!" Bakugo screams startled by the question. His friend backs up a bit
"Um...okay" he said.

Bakugo suddenly feels eyes on him and turns to face Deku who quickly look away from him.

DAMN IT THAT FUCKING IDOIT KNOWS I'M TALKING ABOUT HIM AND KNOWS I LIED TO THEM AND NOW HE KNOWS I DON'T WANT THEM TO KNOW AND HES GONNA TELL THEM AND OH MY GOSH I WILL FUCKING KILL HIM! I need to make sure he doesn't tell them, after class I'll make sure to him a good scare. Yeah that fucking coward is terrified of me, he'll back down immediately.

"Um" He hears a voice behind him "Your- um.... y-your kinda blocking the door-" A guy behind him says, terrified.
"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK!" He answers before hesitantly walking to his seat. He looks over to glare at Deku once more before class starts but Deku does not meet his eyes.

Little bitch.
After school all his friends get up from their desks but Bakugo stays in his seat. His friends look over at him

"You coming?" They say.

"I'm going to stay for a bit..."


Bakugo doesn't take his anger filled eyes off of Deku as everyone gets out of their seats to leave. He expected Deku to get up along with everyone else, just for Bakugo to slam his hand on his desk and tell him not to move, but to his surprise, Deku stays seated. Eventually everyone was gone, everyone but them two. They both sit there for a minute, he notices Deku glancing at him but not speaking up. He tell he's getting anxious, but doesn't understand why he isn't moving. Eventually, Bakugo gives up on his plan and gets out of his seat to slam his hands on Deku desk which makes Deku tense up and shut his eyes close.

"Don't think I didn't see you judging me idoit. You think your better than me, don't you?"

"Um, no" Deku says seemingly confused. Bakugo isn't convinced but he continues on anyway.

"don't you dare tell ANYONE what happened yesterday OKAY?"

Deku noded and starts to put his books away. He's not as anxious and terrified as usual.

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