I Wasn't Here

563 28 15

Bakugo sighed.

I swear this fucking idoit has nothing interesting to say...

Uraraka was rambling on about whatever she was talking about. He wasnt really paying attetion.

She looked over at him and saw that he was very uninterested. She chuckled nervously then cleared her throat.

"Anyways, what have you been doing lately"

Bakugo sighed.

"I dont know. The usual"

He replied.

"Well whats that?"

"You know, eating sleeping doing homework"

Uraraka seemes unsatified.

"What else?"

Bakugo gave her a look.

"...is that really all you do?"

He nodded. They stood in silence for a moment.

"No it isnt. You have to have hobbies or something."

Bakugo sighed again.

"I guess I...draw, sometimes."

"Okay, what else?"

More silence fell upon them while bakugo thought of what to say.

"I dont know, I dont really enjoy doing a lot of the things I used to do."

Uraraka doesn't say anything, she doesnt seem satisfied by the answer. Bakugo sighs.

"I read this sometimes."

Bakugo held up his note. Uraraka examined it.

"Oh, what is that?"

Bakugo looked away.

"It's not important."

Urarakas looks at it.

"Why are you carrying it?"

"I always carry it with me"

"Oh, I didn't realize that"

She says. She looks up at him then back at the note.

"Can I see it?"

She says reaching out for it.


He cuts himself off then took a deep breath.

"dont touch it."

Although he stopped himself from yelling, the response he did end up giving wasn't much better. However it did get the point across, and Uraraka pulled her hand away.

"S-sorry, why is it so important to you?"

They stood in more silence until Uraraka broke it.

"Are you gonna answer?"


And more silence


Suddenly someone ran into her and she turned around so quickly it's almost like she was expecting it. No one was behind her. She stares at the empty space behind her with shock but then she grunts and almost looks angry.

"Are you okay?"

Uraraka looks back at bakugo almost surprised that he said anything.

"Um, yeah, I guess... Sorry. "

She turned back around and kept on walking.

"Just, thought I saw, someone..."

She chuckles.

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