I Guess

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"Team Sakata and Todoroki, practical exam. Ready, go!"

Sakata and Todoroki walk down the fake city searching for Aizawa.

"Todoroki, I-"

"You already have a plan?"

"Please do not interrupt me, Todoroki. Yes I do. And I am very happy with who I ended up with because-"

"I wish I could say the same."

Todoroki says, interrupting Sakata once again.

"Todoroki it is rude to interrupt people while they are talking. I suppose I wasn't very clear with my sentence. I am very happy I am going up against Aizawa."

Todoroki gives her a look.

"Harsh, why would you be happy about being up against Aizawa? He can take away my quirk and then he can go up against two quirkless students."

"Yes that is what the teachers must have been thinking when they paired us. I thought that you were smarter than to believe that, Todoroki."

"It's not stupid, why do you have to be so arrogant all the time?!"

Todoroki says. Sakata grabs Todoroki's wrist and begins to pulling him away from where they were standing.

"What are you doing?!"

He asks her.

"I apologize, I was distracted, and did not see him."

She responds and Todoroki's looks over to see Aizawa. She pulls him through an opening between two buildings. Todoroki moves his arm away from her angrily.

"You were arguing with me and you distracted me and didn't give me time to say my plan."

Sakata says.

"Okay first off, if you want to say your plan so bad just do it, you don't have to take the time to yell at me. Second, I have a plan too you know."

"I am glad you took the time to make a plan as well Todoroki. What I wanted to do was-,"

Aizawa runs out in front of them.

"Acting without talking first was a good move, but you didn't seriously think that moving out of sight of me would give you that much time."

He says. Todoroki tries to use his quirk but as he suspected it doesn't work. Aizawa shoots his scarf at Todoroki which ends up wrapping him in it but then Sakata immediately grabs the scarf, bites onto it and rips it apart with her teeth. The material loosens around Todoroki and Sakata pulls on the string she was holding, pulling him forward. Then goes to punch him in the face but he ducks and wraps pulls his scarf over his head and pulls her to the ground. He then makes some space between them.

"I see, your trying to hit my face so that I blink and Todoroki can use his quirk again. Pretty good idea, too bad I know what it is now."

He grabs her wrists then wraps them together. Todoroki rolls his eyes.

"Well, thanks for revealing your plan to him before me Sakata."

"Why are you thanking me for this? This is a bad thing Todoroki."

"I know!"

He yells back at her.

"You two are a team. You have to work together if you want to beat me."

Sakata looks at Todoroki.


"That won't do anything Sakata."

Sakata stares at him for a moment, then tilts her head in the direction of Aizawa. Todoroki looks back at him He then steps back to run away.

"That's disappointing. I thought you had some plan to get away."

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