Quick update

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No longer relevant but I like the comment on it so I'm keeping it here if y'all don't mind :) also I published this before I published the first part of friends like the plural but it says I didn't because I started the first chapter before publishing this so sorry about that.

Im having a lot of trouble with chapter 7, and it might take a while to get done. If you didnt realize, chapter 7 is based off the last episode of season 1, so its going to be long. I know you dont really care, I mean its not a popular story, but ya know I have some people who seem to be interested so I thought I would say it since Ive been updating every week recently. Hopefully after chapter 7 I can continue with the recent updates but who knows really. But hey, were starting to get closer to the end, Im ending it after season 3 for reasons. And trust me, after the summer camp, it gets very interesting. If I write it well but I might fuck it up like I did with chapter 1. Its actually a kinda complecated story and Im still working out all those small flaws but it should be really good and very cringy but you get what you get and you dont complain. But anyways, yeah chapter 7 will be delayed, and I wanted to reasure ya'll so you dont think its just gonna be like all those chapters for the entire story.

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