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"Now we've got everyone who's advancing to the second round! So let's get started! The first match of the second round is a big match! Todoroki and Fumigate Tokiyami!"

They both walk onto the ring and stare at each other.


Todoroki sends a huge wave of ice and Tokiyami's shadow punches the ice, causing it to break and fly towards Todoroki. He creates a shield of ice to block it. Tokiyami's shadow goes towards Todoroki and destroys the ice shield then Todoroki shoots more ice at him.

The shadow goes back to Tokiyami, and Todoroki sends another wave of ice and it freezes them in place.

"Well that was easy enough."

He says.

"Tokiyami is immobilized! Todoroki wins!"
After a few more matches, it was time for Sakata to fight.

"Next up is Cho Sakata and Tenya Iida!"

Iida puts his foot back ready to run while Sakata gets in a fighting stance.

"Ready? Start!"

Iida bolts to behind Sakata and she turns around and side kicks him to the stomach. He falls to ground then gets up and immediately runs towards her again and she moves to the side and round kicks his head and spin side kicks his stomach. Then Iida runs towards her and ducks down, grabbing her leg, pulling her over his shoulder, preparing to throw her downwards. Before he can, however, Sakata wraps her arms around his chest, and pulls her legs up and out of his grasp, and lands them on the floor, still holding onto Iida. Then she pulls him over and slams him onto his stomach.

"I am surprised by your fighting ability Iida."

She says, calmly. Iida doesn't respond, he instead gets up. They stand like that for a little bit, neither of them wanting to make the first move. Iida runs behind her again and she turns around but when she does Iida punches her in the face. She steps back and Iida quickly runs behind her again. He grabs her shoulders and starts pushing her to the edge of the ring and she doesn't stop him.

What the hell is she doing? I know she has fast enough thinking skills to be able to get out of this, what is she thinking?

When they get near the edge Sakata plants her foot down behind her. She then pulls her arms in between Iida arms and pushes them outward, then she grabs him arms and pulls him around to outside of the ring.

"Iida is out of bounds!"

Iida quickly gets up and puts his arm out to shake her hand.

"You did good."

He says.

"So did you, I am impressed by your quick thinking skills and ability to read your opponents."

She says in return.
"The next match is Katsuki Bakugo and Ibarra Shiozaki!"

Bakugo walks on stage and cracks this neck while Shiozaki is seemingly calm.

This girl seems to be pretty powerful, I should be ready.


Shiozaki shoots vines towards Bakugo and he makes explosions and destroy them all then run at her. She shoots vines at him and each one coming at him he explodes, still running at her. She backs up then when he gets up to her she creates a barrier of vines around her and bakugo makes another explosion, pushing her back out of the line.

"Shiozaki is out of bounds! Bakugo wins!"

Okay.... Semi-finals here I come.
Bakugo gets back to the seating area and sees Uraraka sitting down.

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