I Failed Him

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"This is the bracket based on the results of the drawing!"

The screen appears and everyone can see who they were paired up with. Bakugo looks over to see who he was fighting.

It was Uraraka.

Damn it, already? Fuck.

He looks over at Uraraka who's staring at the screen, it seems shes thinking the same thing. He looks over and sees that Sakata would be fighting Kirishima, and Todoroki would be fighting Sero.

Damn, of course they get their first rounds to be easy.

"All right! Let's leave the tournament aside for a momentary interlude! Let's have fun with the recreation!"
Bakugo sits in the waiting room with Uraraka and Sakata

"Its funny how we got paired up to fight, right?"

Bakugo looks over at her.

"Um yeah, I guess so."

Uraraka smiles at him.

"Uraraka, just so that you now, I'm not going to hold back. We might be friends but, this is important and, I need to do my best. No matter what."

Uraraka looks at him for a moment then smiles again with a more determined look in her eyes.

"Of course! I won't be going easy on you either."

"So then, there won't be like, any hard feelings between us after this?"

"Of course not! I mean, were here to get better at fighting aren't we?"

Bakugo nods and smiles at her.

"Okay then."

Uraraka then looks over at Sakata

"You know Sakata, you don't really talk much when your with a group of people, why is that?"

Sakata looks at her with her usual creepy look.

"I find nuerotypicals entertaining."

Bakugo and Uraraka give her a weird look.

"Well uh, we should probably be going now, the competition starts soon."

Bakugo says before getting up.
"Hey guys, are you ready?! A lots happened, but it's now come to this! A serious battle! You can only depend on yourself. Even if your not a hero, youll face a lot situations like that! You get it, right? Heart, skill, body, wisdom, and knowledge! Use all of that to rush up!"

Present mic says. Fire starts in the corners of the ring.

"Audience! The finals that you've all been waiting for are finally starting! Match number one -- Eijiro Kirishima and Cho Sakata!"

Sakata and Kirishima step onto the match. Kirishima cracks his neck.

"Present mic said she doesn't have a quirk, but she did finish second place in the first challenge,"

He gets back into a fighting stance.

"I shouldn't underestimate her."

He says. Sakata looks at him, smiling with wide eyes, the usual.

"Ready? Start!"

Present mic says. Immediately Sakata starts heading towards Kirishima and he hardens his arm. When she gets to him he swings to hit her and she drops down and slides her feet under his legs, causing him to fall to the ground. He quickly gets up and hardens his arms again.

"Your stronger than you look."

He says, smiling. She nods at him.

"Yes, that is correct."

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