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It was time. Hes been waiting for this day. Hes been dreading this day. Time to go to UA, for the exams. You might
Think hes scared because he might not get in but that's actually not the reason. For one, he didn't think of UA the same way he used to, it now only reminded him of Deku and it makes him feel guilty. And second, he wasn't used to being nice to people. He was always around his fake friends pretending to be better than everyone else so he didnt really get a chance to be nice to people. But he had a fresh start at UA. He could be nice. And even though that was a good thing, he was afraid to stop the lifestyle he is so used to. If he gets into UA he has to constantly be nice. Always. Which was pretty terrifying to him. But he knew he had to at least try and get in, even if he doesn't end up going.

He walked onto the grounds of UA and stared at it.

This is it...

He takes a deep breath, he could already feel the guilt in his body taking him over. He walked to the door and heard some people behind him talking.

"Isn't that the guy who got beat up by that sludge monster?"

Bakugo stopped after hearing this which made them stop too.

Those fucking idiots thinking their better than me I'll fucking kill them!

he was about to then around and yell at them but he stops himself.

No... I need to stop being mean! Remember?

He keeps walking despite every bone in screaming at him to not. Then suddenly he is stopped again by someone touching his shoulder.

"Um excuse me"

A female voice behind him says. He jumps back and turns around to see a brunette girl looking at him

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you! Do you know where we're supposed to be headed?"

"In there."

He says pointing to the building. Uraraka seems a bit shocked by that response.

"Um, yeah, I guess so. Well, um, my name is Uraraka!"

She smiles and reaches her hand out for a handshake.

Damn it already!? I thought I could wait at least a little bit until I had to be nice to people. What am I supposed to say hi? Fuck I'm bad at this...

"Um, hi."

He said. Uraraka keeps her hand up for a bit longer but then slowly brings it down and try to think of something to say.

"U-um this is really scary isn't it?"

"Um, I guess so."

Uraraka smiles at him again.

"I'm gonna go now, you should too. Don't want to be late"

He turns around and starts walking, then let's out a deep breath.

That was... Hard.
After a short explanation of how the physical exams will work, they finally arrived at the place where the exam would commence.

Gosh I hate this place. I don't wanna spend another second here.

He looks around and saw Uraraka taking deep breaths in order to calm herself down and prepare.

Oh shes here. I wonder how she's gonna do. What is her quirk? It's probably something stupid. No, gosh damn it why do I have to judge everyone I meet?

"What are ya'll waiting for? It's time to go!"


He looks around and suddenly everyone is gone. He starts to walk forward too before a strange feeling overcomes him.

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