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Bakugo steps back on the same sad grounds he had been in quite a few times now. It was time for yet another deppressing day of learning in the worst place he could've thought of. But, Uraraka was there. At least her annoying happy and energetic vibe would annoy him enough to get his mind off everything else. Turns out she was actually a good friend. He just had to wait for her to come to talk to him like she has always done before.


There she is. Right on time too, the sadness was just starting to settle in.

She started to talk as usual about whatever. He didnt really care about whatever it was but it was nice to have the presence of another human to distract him from his guilt. And it was cool to see her suprised reactions to his response to very serious things to her. It was comforting to know there was still a human being who didnt have to care about big things like death. She was innocent. Kinda like de-

"Hey Uraraka!"

They shifted their view towards the anonymous female voice coming from the building.

"Come over hear we have to tell you about this!"

It was Mina, of course. She waved her hand in the air. Uraraka smiled at them and Bakugo quickly looked away.

"Ok I'll be right there!"

She looked back over at Bakugo and Bakugo looked back at her.

"Sorry I gotta go see, I'll talk to you after class okay?"

Wh-what? I mean, she has other friends, I knew that of course, its just, are they, more important than me or something?

He stared at her with his eyes wide open.

"Y-yeah of course"

He said. She smiled at him and he looked away again. She looked kinda confused but then walked off to his friends.

Bakugo immediatly slouches down and looked very annoyed.

Its fine, I get it. Shes too busy hanging out with her real pretty snd nice friends to talk to lowlifes with me, thats fine. I used to be just like her, shes a child, doenst understand how stupid shes being, cant be too hard on her I guess.

He continued walking to his class, alone.

I hate this place...

He walked through the sad empty hallways full of people. I guess it wasnt empty, but it still felt empty. It felt like the classroom was still fifty doors away when it was only a few. The gray walls all seemes to be closing in as he walked across. The gray all turned black and made everything so dark he couldnt see and all the people around him disapeared as he struggled to get to his classroom a mile away. The walls got smaller and smaller leaving him in more darkness and making it harder to see and he tried to walk past it all and just get to his classroom. It was hard, it had never been so hard, he was distracted. It was the most depressing place, it wasnt right, nothing was right, the walls were closing in he could barely see anything he had been walking for hours has he not past the few doors yet? It was getting to dark he couldnt see anything anymore-

He found the door to his classroom.

Finally, geez.

He opened the door and saw Uraraka and Iida talking.

So she has time to talk to him and not me? I see how it is. Fucking bitch.
Finally, class was over. Bakugo immediatly looked over at Uraraka and saw her smiling then quickly looked back away. He then slowly looked back, he saw she wasnt smiling that big anymore, and it was safe to see what she was doing.

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