The Sports Festival

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It was the first class since the incident, when the villains attacked the school. There were so many news reports and articles on what happened. It's been awhile since Bakugo has been on the news, and the first time hes actually happy to be shown on TV.

The day went like any other day. Uraraka goes up to talk to him in the morning, and they talk like they had never even gotten into a fight at all.

They get into class and everyone is talking about what happened at the USJ, and being shown on TV.

"Tsu, who's gonna teach homeroom today?"

Mina asks.

"Well, Mr. Aizawa is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries..."

She responds before Aizawa walks in to the room with bandages over his face.


He says before walking into class. It doesn't even look like he could see through the bandages. Iida raises his hand.

"Are you alright Sir?"

He asks.

"My well being doesn't matter. More importantly, the fight isnt yet over."

Aizawa says in return.

The fight? What does he mean?

"The UA sports festival is drawing near. "

The UA sports festival! I forgot about that.

He smiles.

I always loved watching the sports festival... Where everyone gets to show off and beat everyone up.

His smile fades.

Wait, no I- I mean. It's a good opportunity to get in good training and be seen by top heroes.

He sits up straight and takes a deep breath to try to calm his competitive nature. He looks around and sees everyone else looking just as pumped as him for the festival, which made him feel a bit better about getting so excited before.

"Is it okay to have the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?"

Jiro asks.

"What if they attack us again or something?"

Someone else says.

"Apparently. They think of it as UA showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened five times that of previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains. Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them. As you know, with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of those Olympics is the UA sports festival. The top pros will be watching you all. It's important to make a good impression. Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. Time is limited. If you expect to go pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event. One chance a year -- a total of just three chances. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!"

"Yes sir!"

Everyone says.

"Homeroom is dismissed"

Aizawa Says. Bakugo takes a deep breath.

He's right, the sports festival is important. Even if I do have a powerful quirk, I don't know what will actually be in the event. I need to be prepared.

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