Whats That?

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"Heh, yeah..."

Uraraka said. She seemed... distracted. In fact, she had been acting that way ever since the fight she had with Sakata and Iida. At first Bakugo thought it was just akwardness, but after a few days that shouldve been gone.

"Are you okay?"

Bakugo asked.


She perked up and looked at him.

"Oh uh, yeah Im fine..."

She looked down and pushed some hair out of her face.

"Normally your the one doing all the talking but you really havent been talking much lately"

Bakugo announced. She looked at him again and chuckled a bit nervously.

"Sorry, Ive just, well, theres been something on my mind..."

She looked over at Bakugos left hand.

"What is it?"

Bakugo asked.


She looked away from him and onto the ground instead.

"I'll tell you later..."

They stood silent for a second.


Bakugo said.
After class Uraraka was talking to Iida before while walking through the hallway but suddenly something grabbed her backpack causing her to stop. She gasped and turned around quickly to look at who it was, and it's Bakugo standing there.

"Its later"

Bakugo said before letting her go of her.


Iida questioned.

"Oh right, um,"

She bit her lip amd looked to the side.

"Im just gonna finish walking down there with Iida then we talk, okay?"

Bakugo didn't look content

"Just, you know, when were alone"

Bakugo looked a bit suprised

...that sounds...serious...


They walked ahead and Bakugo stood still, his curiosity killing him.
Uraraka and Iida finally parted ways and Bakugo caught up with her.

"Ok first off, I NEED you to promise me something"

She said. Bakugo kinda jumped back at that. He's never really seen her like this.

"What do you need me to promise?"

There was a slight sense of, fear, in his voice.

"you just have to promise, you will answer, every question I give you"

Bakugo tensed up after hearing this.

"Um, the fact that I have to promise makes me think I shouldnt..."

"If you dont I wont tell you"

Uraraka quickly responded. Bakugo scoffed then looked to the side thinking.

"Damn, okay"

Uraraka looked at him. like she was still waiting for something.


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