I Fucking Hate Him

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"Now, let's get started right away. -- the first game is what you'd call a qualifier! Every year, many drink their tears here! Now, here's the fateful first game!"

A screen appears that randomly generated the game. Everyone watches with intent.

"This year it's, this! An obstacle course!"

An obstacle course?

"All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium--about four kilometers! Our school's selling point it freedom! As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do!"

Hm, this could be interesting...
They all line up and get ready for the course. Bakugo steps back and prepares to begin the course.


Midnight says. Bakugo begins running forward but this the path there is so narrow, everyone struggles to get through. Bakugo tries to squeeze through everyone but suddenly feels a foot jumping on and off of his shoulder. It was Sakata. He looks up to see her jumping up on people to get across. She was the first one out. He scoffs at her.

Then suddenly a wave of ice goes through the stadium and freezes the floor and everyone's feet to it. Then Todoroki then runs through the path as well.

Of course it's Todoroki.

Then Bakugo smirks.

That bastard thinks he can hold me back.

Bakugo uses explosions to push him upwards and out of the ice. Then he pushes himself up towards the front with Sakata and Todoroki while some other students also find ways to escape the ice.

Suddenly everyone stops to see many of the zero point robots from the entrace exam. Sakata stops in front of them but she does not stop for long. She looks over at Todoroki who stomps on the ground, making ice appear and she decides to keep running towards the robots.

What is she doing? She doesn't have a quirk she can't get past those huge robots!

"So this is what they used in the general entrance exam. If they went through all this trouble, I wish they would've prepared something better."

Todoroki says. He puts his hand on the ground and makes a huge ice wave above him and freezes some of the robots. Sakata smiles while she continues running as Todoroki does the same. Bakugo looks up in shock of Todorokis power. He looks over at him and scoffs.

He thinks he so cool. I fucking hate him.

Suddenly the frozen robots begins to fall. Bakugo swiftly moves out of range of the robots. The fall causes a huge explosion of wind and dust. After the dust has cleared Bakugo looks down at the path, surrounded by robots.

Fine, if the bottom is blocked, I'll just have to go above.

Bakugo looks up and uses his quirk to start flying upwards and lands on top of one of the robots. Then he jumps down and looks at Todoroki and Sakata.

I need to catch up with them. I can't let them keep getting ahead of me.

He uses explosions to push himself forwards and begins to catch up with them. He sees them make a quick stop and runs up to see an area that was almost a huge hole, but has many small sections of land scattered throughout it. In between the sections of land are ropes for people to get across to them. Todoroki ices the rope and slides across it, getting through
quickly and easily.

I'm not letting that idiot get ahead of me again.

Bakugo looks at Sakata, who's staring at it wondering what she's supposed to do. He smirks then makes explosions to launch him off the ground and through the area. He looks over at Sakata who had jumped on the rope.

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