We're not Here to Make Friends.

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"Okay Sakata what's your plan?"

He asks. Sakatas smile fades into a more determined, but still creepy, look.

"Okay, Uraraka, you will be the left wing, you will use your quirk to lighten our weight so it's easier to move around. You will also be on look out, anyone you see coming you must inform us immediately where and who. You may also need to make us float completely to avoid attacks. I know you have trouble using your quirk consistantly, are you prepared for this Uraraka?"

Uraraka nods quickly and intently. Sakata looks at Todoroki.

"Todoroki, you will be in the front. You will be the main source of defense, I see you use mostly your ice powers, am I correct?"

He looks at her and nods.

"I only use my ice powers."

He says. Sakata nods back.

"Okay, that is fine. Your fire powers will not be needed since your ice powers are so strong on its own. Your going to use your quirk as a main defense, anyone you see coming you must stop by forming ice up to their legs so are temporarily unable to move, giving us time to escape."

He nods.

"That's pretty obviously something I could do to stop people, you don't need to tell me."

"I'm just making sure we are all on the same page."

She says seeming calm, while Todoroki still seems annoyed. She looks over at Bakugo.

"Bakugo, you will be the rider. You will be the one avoiding any attacks made to get your headband. You will have to have quick reaction time, and be prepared to both send and defend long range attacks, is that understood?"

Bakugo nods.

"Finally, I will be the right wing. I will also be on lookout. When a new plan is needed because of the people we are working against I will use my quick thinking skills and tell you all. You will need to react to my words quickly and do what I say straight after or even while I'm saying them. Are you all prepared for this?"

They all nod, and she smiles creepily as usual.

"Okay then, let's do this."

Bakugo says.
"All right! You've made your teams, right? I'm not gonna ask if you're ready or not! Now let's go!"

Present Mic says.

"Three, two, one!"

Midnight holds out her wand.


Immediately, two people run at them, one of them was Jiro, Turo, and two others from Class 1-A.

"Bakugo, I'll take that!"

Turo says. The other people heading towards them is 4 people from Class 1-B.


Sakata yells.

"Yeah, I got it."

He responds with a slight tone in his voice. A path of ice appears leading to their legs stopping both of the teams and they begin to run the other direction.

"I won't let you get away!"

Says one of the Class 1-B people while the man in the front tries desperately to get out of the ice.

"That one in the front has some sort of power where he needs to connect to the ground to use it, apparently it could be very effective to stopping us. We must keep an eye on them."

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