First time (nsfw)

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(Year 6 - 20 yrs old)
Ellie knocks on the front door of Malfoy Manor and Bellatrix answers after a moment. She grabs Ellie's wrist and pulls her inside. Bellatrix closes the door and pushes Ellie into it, pinning the wrist she's holding to the door next to Ellie's head. "Hello there." Bellatrix says.
"Hello." Ellie replies.
"I knew you'd be back."
"Oh really now?" Bellatrix grabs Ellie's other wrist and pins it the same way before roughly kissing Ellie. Bellatrix bites Ellie's lip hard and Ellie whimpers softly. Bellatrix pulls back with a smirk.
"I think I like that sound." Bellatrix says as Narcissa walks into the foyer.
"I thought I heard a knock." Narcissa says. "Didn't take you long."
"Yeah." Ellie replies. "Hello Narcissa."
"You didn't even let her take her coat off."
"Pulled me inside and pinned me to the door before I could react." Bellatrix releases Ellie's wrists and steps back. Ellie takes her jacket off and hangs it up. She chills run down her spine as she feels someone right behind her.
"So reactive, I'm not even touching you." Narcissa sweeps Ellie's hair to one side and gently kisses the back of her neck. Ellie's eyes close and Narcissa gently spins Ellie around. Narcissa gently kisses Ellie. When she pulls back she gently grabs one of Ellie's hands. "Come with us." Ellie lets Narcissa lead her to the room she woke up in (second meeting). Bellatrix closes the door behind them. Bellatrix walks up behind Ellie and wraps her arms around her. Bellatrix smirks as she whispers into Ellie's ear.
"Are you going to behave?" Bellatrix asks.
"Do you know what happens when you don't?" Bellatrix reaches for her wand as she speaks. She holds Ellie tight against her as the tip of her wand touches Ellie's hip. Ellie's body seizes up as pain shoots through it. Ellie's eyes squeeze shut and she whimpers. She opens her eyes when Bellatrix stops to see Narcissa smirking
"I think somebody liked that." Narcissa says.
"Really?" Bellatrix questions. Ellie averts her eyes and slightly lowers her head. Narcissa forces Ellie to look at her.
"No need to be embarrassed."
"No need at all." Ellie shivers at Bellatrix's tone. Narcissa leans forward and gently kisses Ellie. She pulls back after a few seconds. "Now that you have agreed to this, there is one very important thing to know."
"This may be physical only, but we don't share. You belong to us now."
"Pet." Ellie takes a shaky breath in
"I go to school with a bunch of teenagers, I don't think thats going to be a problem." Bellatrix grabs Ellie's hair and jerks her head back.
"Be careful with your sass dear. It could get you in trouble." Bellatrix releases Ellie's hair. Narcissa makes Ellie look her in the eye.
"If you ever feel uncomfortable or want us to stop, tell us. Understand?" Ellie nods "Use your words please."
"Yes." Bellatrix sweeps Ellie's hair to one side and nips at Ellie's neck as Narcissa kisses Ellie. Ellie's hands hang awkwardly at her sides and Narcissa pulls back. She takes one of Ellie's hands and guides it to her face.
"You can touch me dear. We don't bite hard. Well Bella does." Ellie chuckles and slides her fingers into Narcissa's hair as they kiss again. Bellatrix's hands slowly move down Ellie's sides until she finds the hem of Ellie's shirt. Her hands slide under Ellie's shirt. Ellie's breath hitches as Bellatrix's cold hands touch her stomach. Narcissa nips at Ellie's lip and Ellie let's Narcissa take control with her tongue. Bellatrix removes her hands and slowly starts to unbutton Ellie's shirt from the bottom. Narcissa pulls back when Bellatrix finishes unbuttoning Ellie's shirt. Bellatrix spins Ellie around and kisses her. Bellatrix digs her fingers into Ellie's hair and forces her tongue into Ellie's mouth. Ellie moves her hands to touch Bellatrix but Narcissa grabs them to stop her. "Don't touch her unless she says you can." Narcissa pins Ellie's hands behind her back as Bellatrix pulls back. Her fingers brush over the exposed skin of Ellie's collarbone.
"So soft, so pale." Bellatrix says before whispering in Ellie's ear. "Perfect for marking." Ellie takes a shakey breath with closed eyes.*
"We forgot to ask, have you done this before?" Narcissa asks.
"Been with a woman? Yes. Anything more than basic sex, no." Ellie replies.
"Good to know." Bellatrix smirks darkly.
"I don't think I like that look."
"In time you will." Bellatrix says before kissing Ellie again. Narcissa slides Ellie's shirt down her arms and off her body. Narcissa uses the shirt to tie Ellie's hands behind her back. Narcissa waits a few seconds to see if Ellie objects before pressing herself against Ellie's back. Her hands slide across Ellie's stomach. One holds her while the other slowly moves downwards. Bellatrix pulls back from the kiss and nips at Ellie's neck. Ellie gasps as Bellatrix bites her pulse point. Narcissa's hand reaches the top of Ellie's pants and gives Ellie a second to stop her, which she doesnt. Narcissa slowly slides her hand into Ellie's pants and Ellie lets out a breathe she didn't realize she was holding. Bellatrix releases Ellie's skin before stepping back. Narcissa gently kisses the back of Ellie's shoulder as her fingers find the wet spot in Ellie's underwear.
"Someone's excited." Narcissa says. Narcissa pulls her hand out and Ellie unconsciously whines in disappointment. "Don't worry dear. Today is about you." Bellatrix forces Ellie to look her in the eyes.
"Only you." Bellatrix hooks her fingers in Ellie's pants and pushes them down. Ellie steps out of them and Bellatrix sits on the edge of the bed and leans back on her hands. Narcissa smirks at Bellatrix as her hand slides into Ellie's underwear. Ellie whimpers as Narcissa's fingertips ghost over her slit. Ellie gasps as Narcissa's slowly runs her finger up Ellie's slit. Bellatrix stands and walks back over to them. "I want to see." Bellatrix hooks her fingers in Ellie's underwear. Ellie nods and Bellatrix pulls them down. Bellatrix smiles darkly as she goes back to the bed.
"Ready?" Narcissa questions and Ellie nods "Use your words."
"Please." Ellie whimpers. Narcissa smiles and slowly pushes one finger into Ellie. Ellie's eyes close and her head falls back against Narcissa's shoulder. Narcissa slowly moves, giving Ellie as much time as she needs. Narcissa kisses the side of Ellie's neck as she adds another finger. Ellie moans and her back arches. Narcissa gives Ellie a bit to adjust before moving her fingers. Ellie moans as Narcissa speeds up. Bellatrix stands and walks back to Ellie. Bellatrix grabs Ellie's chin and kisses her hard. Ellie whimpers as Bellatrix bites her lip.
"Dont cum until we tell you that you can. Understand?" Narcissa says. Bellatrix pulls back and Ellie nods. A moment later, Ellie bites her lip as she reaches the edge. Narcissa whispers in Ellie's ear. "Cum for me." Ellie loudly cries out as she cums. Narcissa tightens her grip on Ellie's waist to keep her up.
"Good girl." Bellatrix says. Narcissa slowly pulls her fingers out and brings them to her lips. She moans as she sucks them clean. Bellatrix gently wraps her arms around Ellie and Ellie lays her forehead against Bellatrix's shoulder as Narcissa let's go of her.
"I think we already tired her out." Narcissa says.
"I just need a minute." Ellie says. "It's been a long time. And never that hard." Narcissa chuckles as she releases Ellie's wrists and Ellie lifts her head. One of Bellatrix's hands goes up Ellie's back and into her hair. Bellatrix pulls Ellie into a kiss. Bellatrix's other hand grabs one of Ellie's and puts it on the back of her neck. Bellatrix bites Ellie's bottom lip and pulls on it. She bites harder until it bleeds. She releases it with a smirk.
"Do what you're told and I'll have you coming undone around my fingers." Bellatrix says. Ellie's breath hitches and Bellatrix kisses her again. Narcissa sits on the couch and Bellatrix guides Ellie to the bed. "Sit." Ellie sits on the edge of the bed and Bellatrix kisses her again. Bellatrix pulls back and kisses down the side of Ellie's neck. She bites Ellie's collarbone and Ellie whimpers. "I think that is my new favorite sound. Lay back." Ellie lays back and Bellatrix steps back. She grabs Ellie's legs and pulls her to the edge of the bed. Bellatrix kneels between Ellie's legs. Ellie moans as Bellatrix takes a lick of her slit. Bellatrix wraps her arms around Ellie's thighs and starts licking. Ellie's hands go to Bellatrix's hair and Bellatrix stops. "Hands off Pet." Ellie moves her hands to clutch the sheets and Bellatrix starts again. Ellie's hips buck and Bellatrix holds them down. Bellatrix circles Ellie's entrance with her tongue before pushing it in. Ellie whines and screws her eyes shut. Bellatrix pulls back and pushes two fingers into Ellie. Ellie whines and she squirms. "Stay still Pet." Bellatrix smirks as Ellie's walls clench around her fingers as she says "pet." She starts moving slowly. She slowly speeds up and her mouth finds Ellie's clit. Ellie moans as Bellatrix curls her fingers. Ellie's fists tighten and she struggles to keep still. Bellatrix releases Ellie's clit and it's replaced by her tongue. Ellie moans again as Bellatrix draws figure 8s on her clit. Bellatrix pulls away and replaces her tongue with her fingers. Ellie tenses as she struggles to keep her hips still. "Having trouble staying still? You're doing so well." Ellie's back arches as she reaches the edge. "Cum pet." Bellatrix's mouth goes back to Ellie's clit and Ellie cries out as she cums. Bellatrix doesn't stop and quickly pushes Ellie into another orgasm. Bellatrix gently licks Ellie clean while she comes down.
"Fuck." Ellie says breathlessly. Bellatrix chuckles as she stands.
"I'll take that as a compliment." Bellatrix says. Narcissa stands and walks over as Ellie yawns.
"Go get yourself cleaned up and you should probably get back before someone notices your missing." Narcissa says. Ellie gets cleaned up and goes to leave. Narcissa stops her and hands her a trinket.
"What's this?" Ellie asks.
"A trinket with a Protean Charm on it." Narcissa holds up a duplicate. "Bellatrix has one too. So we don't have to use owls and it's quicker."

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