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TW: Sickness

     "Ready for our lunch date?" Bellatrix asks Ellie.
     "Mhm." Ellie replies, ignoring her queasy stomach. Bellatrix doesn't notice something is off about Ellie. They go downstairs and into the kitchen. They sit at the kitchen table, where food has been set out for them. Ellie picks at her food while Bellatrix talks.
"You alright Pet?" Bellatrix asks as she finally notices Ellie is picking at her food and Ellie nods in reply. Finally, the churning in Ellie's stomach becomes too much and she feels bile coming up her throat. She covers her mouth and runs out of the kitchen, Bellatrix running after her. She goes into the nearest bathroom and empties her stomach in the toilet. Bellatrix holds Ellie's hair back as Ellie throws up. Ellie sits back on her heels when she finishes.
"I want Mommy." Ellie says finally.
"Your mother's dead remember?" Bellatrix says as she rubs Ellie's back. "You killed her."
"Not her. Cissa."
"You call Cissy 'Mommy'? You're more messed up than I thought." Ellie glares at Bellatrix. "Sorry. Let's get you up to bed, then I will get Cissy, alright?" Ellie nods and Bellatrix helps Ellie to her feet. They go upstairs to Ellie's room and Ellie lays down in the bed. Bellatrix leaves to find Narcissa as Ellie closes her eyes. She opens them a few minutes later when the door opens.
"Oh Pet." Narcissa says as she sees Ellie. Narcissa walks over and feels Ellie's forehead with the inside of her wrist. "You have a fever. Why didn't you tell anyone that you didn't feel well?"
"I didn't want to ruin our date." Ellie replies.
"How did you not notice something was wrong with her Bellatrix?" Narcissa asks as she turns to face Bellatrix.
"She looked fine to me, until she got sick." Bellatrix replies.
"Look at her Bellatrix. She's so pale."
"She's always pale." Ellie rolls her eyes at the sisters fighting.
     "Make yourself useful and go get potions for her. Should be a fever reducer and anti-nausea potions in the storeroom. Bring up a glass of water too." Bellatrix walks out and Narcissa turns back to Ellie.  "Do you need anything?"
     "Mommy cuddles." Ellie replies.
     "Scoot over." Ellie scoots over and Narcissa lays down next to her. Ellie curls up against Narcissa, head on Narcissa's chest. Narcissa wraps an arm around Ellie while her other hand moves hair from Ellie's face. "You need to tell us when something is wrong Ellie."
     "I didn't want to bother anyone and Bellatrix was actually excited about our little date."
     "You aren't a bother Ellie. We love you and want to make sure you're alright."
"I'm sorry."
"You don't need to be sorry. Just tell us next time alright?"
Bellatrix comes in a few minutes later with the potions and a glass of water. She sets them on the nightstand next to the bed. She stands there awkwardly while Narcissa opens the first vial for Ellie. "Sit up." Narcissa says as she sits up. Ellie sits up and Narcissa hands Ellie the first vial. Ellie drinks it and her nose wrinkles in disgust. "I know. Potions never taste good." Narcissa notices Bellatrix standing awkwardly. "Bellatrix sit down on the couch, get on the bed, or get out. Stop standing there awkwardly." Bellatrix glares at Narcissa before walking around the bed and sitting down on the other side of Ellie. Narcissa tries to give Ellie the second potion but Ellie doesn't take it from her. "Ellie you need the potion."
"No." Ellie says. "It tastes bad."
"El drink the potion." Bellatrix says. "It will help you feel better."
"Pet drink it before I force it down your throat."
"Bellatrix!" Narcissa exclaims before talking normally. "Ellie, there is water here for you to have after you take it. Now take the potion."
"Fine." Ellie takes the potion from Narcissa and downs it like a shot. Narcissa gives Ellie the glass of water and Ellie gulps it down. Ellie hands Narcissa the glass when she's done and lays back down. Narcissa lays back down pulls Ellie against her and Ellie lays her head on Narcissa's chest again. Bellatrix moves closer to the two and gently rubs Ellie's back.
"So she calls you 'Mommy.'" Bellatrix says. "Why does that not surprise me?" Ellie's cheeks turn pink in embarrassment.
"Didn't surprise me either." Narcissa says.
"Shut up." Ellie mumbles in embarrassment.
"It really wasn't a big surprise Pet. Your mother tortured you and you ended up having to kill her. It makes sense that you have issues."
     "Can we please stop talking about this?"
     "Yes Pet. Now get some sleep."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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