Control (nsfw)

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     Ellie activates the Protean Charm to Narcissa before getting ready. When she get to the manor she finds Narcissa. She pushes Narcissa into the nearest wall. "And just what do you think you are doing?" Narcissa asks
     "My day has been completely out of my control." Ellie replies. "I need some control somewhere. Question is, do you trust me enough to let me?"
     "I do."
     "Good." Ellie roughly kisses Narcissa, her hands in Narcissa's hair. She pulls back after a minute and whispers in Narcissa's ear. "You can even punish me for misbehaving later." Narcissa groans as her head falls back against the wall and Ellie chuckles. She kisses Narcissa again. She kisses down the side of Narcissa's neck, occasionally nipping at Narcissa's skin.
     "I swear to Merlin if you leave a mark—" Narcissa is interrupted by Ellie biting her collarbone and Narcissa groans. Ellie goes back to Narcissa's lips. Ellie releases Narcissa's hair and her hands trail down Narcissa's sides. She gets to Narcissa's hips and digs her fingertips into them before pushing them against the wall. Ellie pins Narcissa to the wall with her hips and Ellie kisses down the other side of Narcissa's neck. "Please."
     "What do you want?"
     "Fuck me please."
     "I guess I could." Ellie slowly kneels and gets under Narcissa's dress. Ellie teases Narcissa by licking her through her panties. Ellie chuckles as Narcissa whimpers. She grabs Narcissa's panties and drags them partway down. Ellie takes a slow lick of Narcissa's slit and Narcissa moans loudly. Ellie keeps her licks soft but long until Narcissa is whimpering.
     "Please." Ellie pulls back and Narcissa whines.
     "Please what?"
     "Please fuck me. I want to feel your fingers in-" Narcissa is interrupted by her own moan as Ellie pushes two fingers into her. Ellie starts slow but decides she's teased Narcissa enough and speeds up. "Fuck" Ellie sucks on Narcissa's clit and curls her fingers. Narcissa moans as she cums. Ellie carefully licks everything up before crawling out from under Narcissa's dress. Narcissa is leaning against the wall, out of breath. Ellie stares her down as she sucks her fingers clean. "Fucking hell." Ellie smirks as she stands.
     "Thank you."
     "Why are you smirking?"
     "I made you whimper and whine. I made Narcissa Malfoy whimper an-" Before Ellie can react, Narcissa flips them, pushing Ellie into the wall.
     "Don't get cocky with me Pet." Narcissa says as she grabs Ellie's throat. "You only had control because I let you have it. That is over."
     "Well what do we have here?" Bellatrix asks as she walks into the hall and sees them.
     "A pet who thinks she can take control whenever she wants."
     "That's not good. What are you going to do about it?"
     "I haven't decided yet. Any ideas?"
     "Maybe." Narcissa releases Ellie's throat and grabs her arm tightly. She drags Ellie through the manor to Ellie's room, Bellatrix trailing behind them. She shoves Ellie into the room. Ellie trips over her foot and lands on her ass. She doesn't move, knowing she's already in trouble. "Now what made you think you could have the power here Pet?"
     "I don't know."
     "You don't know? Well I think we should make sure you never get that silly idea again. Get up."Ellie stands. "Over the bed." Ellie goes over to the bed and bends over so her chest is on it. She feels hands on her pants. They unbutton her pants and pull them down. Another pair of hands ties Ellie's hands behind her back. The two sisters are silent, communicating with Legimency so Ellie doesn't know what's going to happen. When they finally decide what to do, Bellatrix goes around the bed and sits in front of Ellie. Narcissa's hands squeeze Ellie's ass in warning. "Keep quiet or we'll gag you." Narcissa brings her hand down on Ellie's ass. Ellie's eyes close and she rests her head on the bed. Narcissa continues while Bellatrix keeps a close eye on Ellie. Narcissa stops after thirty and looks up at Bellatrix. Bellatrix nods and Narcissa walks away. Bellatrix moves closer to Ellie and puts Ellie's head in her lap. She gently pets Ellie's hair. "Good girl. Such a good girl." Ellie flinches as hands rub lotion into her ass.
     "You're all done Pet." Narcissa says. "You can relax." Ellie closes her eyes as Narcissa continues. Narcissa unties Ellie's wrists and rubs lotion into them before walking away again.
     "Pull up your pants and get up here." Ellie carefully stands and does what she is told while Bellatrix moves up to the pillows. Narcissa comes back as Ellie gets on the bed and lays with Bellatrix. Narcissa joins them on the other side of Ellie.
     "Do you want to talk about what led to your actions this evening?" Narcissa asks.
     "Not really." Ellie replies. "Not much to tell. Just a hard day where everyone but me was controlling everything."
     "Well you have an hour before you need to be back." Bellatrix says. "What do you want to do?" Ellie answers by snuggling up against Narcissa.
     "Looks like the answer is cuddling." Narcissa says with a smile. Bellatrix gently takes one of Ellie's hands and holds it. "Even Bella is cuddling." Narcissa teases.
     "Tell anyone and I'll kill you both." Bellatrix growls
     "1. You like us too much for that and 2. Like anyone would believe us." Ellie replies

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