Taunting Lucius (nsfw)

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      Ellie is walking down the hall when Narcissa walks up to her. Narcissa grabs Ellie by the wrist and pulls her into the library. Narcissa pushes Ellie against the closed door and kisses her. After a minute, Narcissa kisses down the side of Ellie's neck. "Fucking hell Narcissa."
     "Shut up." Narcissa commands.
     "As much as I am enjoying this, I have a meeting to get to." Narcissa pulls back from Ellie's neck.
     "It can wait."
     "No it really can't. It's a Death Eater meeting."
     "Fine but afterwards, you are mine Pet."
     "Yes Narcissa." They leave the library and go towards the drawing room.
     "There you are Cissa." Lucius says as they approach him in the hall. "Your lipstick is smudged a bit."
     "Oh." Narcissa says as she fixes it with her fingers. Ursa smirks at Lucius as she walks past, Narcissa's lipstick visible on her neck. He glares at her as she walks into the nearest bathroom. Narcissa sighs in annoyance when she sees Ellie's smirk.
"Really Narcissa?" Lucius asks.
"What?" Narcissa asks innocently.


"You little shit." Narcissa says as she storms into Ellie's bedroom. "Taunting my husband." Narcissa grabs Ellie and pushes her into the nearest wall. Ellie smirks at Narcissa and Narcissa glares at her. "Are you proud of yourself?"
"Yes." Ellie replies. Narcissa wraps a hand around Ellie's throat.
"You are a brat."
"Would you like me if I wasn't?" Narcissa squeezes Ellie's throat.
"Watch it Pet. You're already in trouble." Narcissa releases Ellie's throat and steps back. "On your knees, in front of the bed." Narcissa watches Ellie walk over to the foot of the bed and kneel on the floor. Ellie bows her head and puts her hands behind her back. Narcissa leaves the room and comes back a few minutes later with a bag. Narcissa sets the bag down on the nightstand and draws her wand as she walks over to Ellie. She points her wand at Ellie. "Incarcerous." Ellie's hands are tied with ropes. "Now, you know better than to taunt my husband. Why did you do it?"
    "There was no way to clean off your lipstick before we got to him." Ellie replies, head still bowed.
     "You're a witch. You could have cleaned your neck with magic."
     "I didn't have my wand."
     "You could have had me do it. You have no excuse." Ellie's shoulders slump.
     "I'm sorry Cissa." Narcissa puts the tip of her wand under Ellie's chin and uses it to raise Ellie's head.
     "Don't 'Cissa' me. You're in trouble."
     "I'm sorry Narcissa."
     "I don't think you are. But you will be." Narcissa grabs Ellie by the arm and pulls her to her feet. Narcissa drags Ellie around to the side of the bed and pushes her over it. "You've been a bad girl Pet." Narcissa pulls Ellie's pants and underwear down. Narcissa turns to the nightstand and pulls a paddle out of the bag. "No noises." Narcissa brings the paddle down on Ellie's ass. At ten, Ellie is biting her lip to hold back noises. At twenty, tears are falling down Ellie's face and Narcissa stops. "Good girl." Narcissa says as she gently rubs Ellie's ass. Narcissa pulls Ellie's pants and underwear back up and unties her hands. Narcissa helps Ellie stand and gently turns her around. Narcissa notices Ellie is holding back more tears. "You can make noise now Pet." Ellie lets out a small sob and Narcissa hugs her. Narcissa rubs circles on Ellie's back as Ellie cries into her shoulder. "You're alright now. You're such a good girl." Ellie sniffles as she calms down. "All better?" Ellie nods into Narcissa's shoulder. Ellie pulls away from Narcissa but Narcissa grabs her by the waist before she gets too far. She wipes Ellie's tears with her thumb before kissing her gently. "Such a good girl." Narcissa whispers. "Come here." Narcissa kicks off her heels and lays on the bed. Ellie kicks off her shoes and lays down, her head on Narcissa's chest. Narcissa kisses the top of Ellie's head before petting Ellie's hair. Ellie closes her eyes. "Now what are we not going to do again?"
"Taunt your husband." Ellie whispers.
     "I'm sorry Cissa."
     "I know you are. Especially since I am making you apologize to Lucius later."
     "Please don't make me apologize to him. It will go to his head." Narcissa chuckles. "He already thinks little of me."
     "I know Pet." Narcissa kisses the top of Ellie's head.
"I don't know why he doesn't like me. I mean I know why but he didn't like me before I started sleeping with you."
"Well you did insult him and Draco the first time you met. And then immobilized him when you escaped. Which you did to me too."
     "Sorry for that."
     "I forgive you."
     "The Dark Lord was not happy you escaped. Lucius got yelled at so that didn't help his opinion of you." Ellie chuckles.
"Wish I could've seen that." Narcissa rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
     "You're such a pain."
     "But you like me anyways."
     "Can I still taunt Rodolphus?"
     "All you want. I know Bella finds it hilarious."
     "You know I'm probably going to heal myself later right?"
     "You heal yourself and I'll do it again. Understood?"
     "Yes Narcissa."
"Good girl."

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