Lucius finds out about Narcissa and Ellie

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Ellie stumbles into the sitting room of Malfoy Manor, where Lucius and Narcissa are. "Are you alright Elliandria?" Narcissa asks.
"Hi Narcissa." Ellie slurs.
"Are you drunk?"
"Maybe." Ellie walks over and sits on Narcissa's lap. Lucius looks at Ellie, annoyed by her presence, while Narcissa looks amused. "Hi."
"Hello. I will ask again, are you drunk?"
"Mhm." Ellie lays her head on Narcissa's shoulder. "Bella gave me alcohol."
"And why would Bella do that?"
"You're cute." Ellie says with a giggle. "And hot."
"Thank you."
"Narcissa is she bothering you?" Lucius asks in irritation.
"No dear." Narcissa replies. "Where is Bella?"
"No clue." Ellie replies as the door opens.
"There you are Pet." Bellatrix says and Ellie lifts her head.
"What the hell did you give her Bellatrix?" Narcissa asks.
"A glass of firewhiskey. She's a bloody lightweight."
"Cause the legal age is... 21 in the States and I'm a good girl." Ellie says before looking at Narcissa. "Unless you don't want me to be." Ellie tries to wink but ends up blinking.
"Alright, bedtime for you." Narcissa says.
"Only if you come with me." Ellie says. Bellatrix notices Lucius's irritation and walks over to Ellie.
"Come on El." Bellatrix says.
"Nooooo." Ellie whines. "I wanna stay with Cissa." Bellatrix whispers something in Ellie's ear. Ellie perks up and stands. "Okay!"
"That's it. Come on." Bellatrix leads Ellie out of the room.
"Is there something I should know about." Lucius asks Narcissa.
"No dear." Narcissa replies. It hits Lucius.
"She's the other woman isn't she? The one you had while I was gone." Narcissa sighs.
"Yes. Are you mad?"
     "More irritated that it is her than mad." Narcissa moves over and sits next to Lucius.
     "You know I love you." Narcissa lays her head on Lucius's shoulder. "I'm yours first."
     "As long as she knows that, too."


     Ellie narrows her eyes as she notices bruises on Narcissa. She grabs Narcissa and drags her from the room. "Did he hurt you?" Ellie asks in the hall.
     "What?" Narcissa asks. "What's going on Ellie?"
     "The bruises. Did he hurt you?"
     "Yes but-"
     "I'll kill him!" Ellie says as she draws her wand and goes to walk back into the room. Narcissa grabs Ellie and restrains her before Ellie can get far. "Let go! I'm going to kill him!"
     "Calm down Ellie." Ellie tries to struggle against Narcissa. "Pet! Calm down. Listen to me before you try to kill him. It was consensual. I just forgot to heal them." Ellie calms and relaxes.
     "You promise?"
     "I swear on his life." Ellie chuckles and Narcissa releases her.
     "Alright. I'm sorry for almost killing your husband."
      "It's fine. Glad to see you're so protective of me."
     "I care about you. Also if I didn't kill him Bella would've."
     "Thank you for caring so much." Narcissa kisses Ellie's forehead. "Can we go back in now?"
     "Probably should heal those bruises before Bella sees."
     "Good idea."

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