Night Patrol

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Ellie walks down the empty hall. Snape assigned her as Head Girl so she has to do night patrols. No one would be stupid enough to be out past curfew and risk detention with the Carrows. She sees movement in front of her, the end of a cloak going around a corner. Ellie jogs after the person. She turns the corner and goes down the hall to find no one there. "Guess I'm seeing things." Ellie mutters to herself. She turns around and is face to face with Bellatrix. "Fucking hell Bella!" Ellie exclaims as she jumps back. "Don't scare me like that. It's the middle of the fucking night."
"Such dirty words."
"What do you want?" Bellatrix kisses Ellie.
"You, Pet." She says when she pulls back.
"We're too far from my chambers to do this right now Bella. Besides I have to finish my patrol. Go wait for me."
"Unacceptable." Bellatrix says before pushing Ellie into the wall. "I want you now and I always get what I want." Bellatrix doesn't give Ellie time to object before kissing her again. Ellie gently pushes Bellatrix away.
     "I'm serious Bella. Not right now." Bellatrix pouts. "Don't give me that. Don't pout. Look I'm almost done then I'm all yours. You can finish my patrol with me or go wait in my chambers."
     "Fine." Bellatrix says and starts walking towards the main hall. "You coming or what?" Ellie rolls her eyes and follows Bellatrix to the hall. They walk side by side and eventually, Bellatrix holds Ellie's hand.
     "Looks like you don't always get what you want." Ellie comments.
     "Don't tempt me Pet."

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