Ellie's First "I love you"

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Early Autumn 1997
Ellie finds Bella in the sitting room. "Bella, I need to talk to you." Ellie says.
"Something wrong?" Bellatrix asks.
"No, actually. Though it may cause a problem."
"What's going on?"
"I like this, I like what we have but... there's something I haven't told you. I've been too scared."
"Is there someone else? I will kill them, I told you I don't share except with Cissy."
"No, Bella. It's not someone else. I know what's going to happen once I tell you this and I'm scared because of it." Ellie takes a deep breath.
"Ellie if you're about to say what I think you are..."
"I'm tired if being scared and I know you're going to shut me out but I'm going to do it anyways. I don't expect you to feel the same way or if you do I don't expect you to admit it." Ellie holds Bellatrix's hands. "I love you." Bellatrix remains silent. Ellie let's go of Bellatrix's hands. "I thought you should know. If this is just physical for you it is probably best that we end this now. So, I'm gonna go, and let you... I dont know. You know where to find me." Tears well up in Ellie's eyes as she leaves. Bellatrix immediately goes to find Narcissa.
"Ellie just told me she loves me." Bellatrix says.
"What did you say?" Narcissa asks.
"She left before I could fully process it. She said she didn't expect me to say anything, even if I feel it too, and that if it was just physical we should end it all now."
"What are you going to do?"
"I don't know."
"You care about her, don't you?"
"Yes and it's not safe to love me. She could get hurt."
"I think she knows the risks Bella."
"She will get hurt. Either I'll mess something up or someone will use her against me. I care about her too much to let that happen."
"If you're too worried about her getting hurt, you need to let her go now."
"But I don't want to do that. Ive never felt this way. It's confusing."
It's been two weeks since Ellie told Bellatrix that she loves her. Ellie manages to avoid Bellatrix on the weekends when she is forced to be at the manor. There's a knock at the door of Ellie's quarters and Ellie furrows her brow. "It's open." Ellie says. The door opens and Bellatrix walks in.
"Bellatrix." Ellie stands and walks just outside arms reach. Bellatrix stands there nervously for a second before reaching out and grabbing Ellie's wrist. She pulls Ellie to her and kisses her gently. Bellatrix pulls back after a moment.
"I... It... This isn't just physical for me anymore."
"That's all I wanted to hear." Ellie kisses Bellatrix.
"I... I do care about you Ellie. I'm not... at the same place as you, at least not yet, but I don't want to lose you." Bellatrix steps back and pulls something out of her pocket. "I um... I got this for you." Bellatrix holds out a choker with a heart pendant. Ellie smiles.
"It's beautiful Bella. Put it on me." Ellie turns around and holds up her hair. Bellatrix gently puts it around her neck and clasps it. Ellie turns back around and kisses Bellatrix again. "I love you."
"I know."

Narcissa/Bellatrix x OCWhere stories live. Discover now