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     After a meeting, Bellatrix and Narcissa are talking to Snape while Ellie stands by the door. Greyback walks over to Ellie and Ellie backs away. Greyback keeps up until Ellie's back hits the wall. "What do you want?" Ellie asks.
     "You." Greyback replies. "How I wish you were my pet."
     "I am no one's pet."
     "You're Bellatrix's pet. But eventually Bellatrix will tire of you and then you'll be mine."
     "I will never be yours."
     "We'll see." Greyback raises his hand and touches Ellie's face. Ellie cringes back. Snape, Narcissa, and Bellatrix notice what's going on. They all draw their wands but Bellatrix is quicker.
     "Crucio!" Bellatrix yells. Greyback howls as the spell hits him. Narcissa runs over to Ellie and Ellie latches herself onto Narcissa's arm, shaking. Bellatrix walks and keeps up the spell until she reaches Ellie and Narcissa. Snape stays back, choosing to let the sisters take care of it. Bellatrix drops the spell and kicks Greyback hard. "How dare you touch my pet! She's mine you fucking mutt! Never touch her again! I will fillet you alive if you touch her again!"
"Are you alright Ellie?" Narcissa asks and Ellie nods.
     "Come on Bellatrix." Greyback says. "Don't you know how to share?" Bellatrix raises her wand again but Ellie gently grabs her wand arm. Bellatrix looks at Ellie, confused.
     "Make him suffer." Ellie whispers into Bellatrix's ear before walking out of the room and Bellatrix smirks darkly. Narcissa looks between Bellatrix and the door before following Ellie. Greyback's howls echo through the manor as Bellatrix curses him again. Ellie smirks to herself as she walks. Her face look changes to worry as Narcissa catches up.
     "Are you okay Pet?" Narcissa asks again.
     "I don't like it when she tortures people." Narcissa laughs.
     "I heard what you told her Pet. You're enjoying the fact he's getting tortured." Ellie chuckles.
"Okay I normally don't like it when she tortures people."
     "I know you were acting like you were scared."
     "Bellatrix likes protecting me so I thought I'd act scared. And I didn't have my wand so I was a little scared." Narcissa chuckles and shakes her head. "I suspect once she's done with him she'll come upstairs and cuddle with me. It will be a possessive cuddle but still a cuddle."
"You know how to manipulate Bella way too well."
"I know how to get what I want."
     An hour later, Bellatrix comes upstairs to see Ellie sitting on her bed reading. Ellie looks up from her book to see blood on Bellatrix's face and hands. Ellie sets her book down and gets up. She leads Bellatrix into the bathroom and washes the blood from Bellatrix's face. Bellatrix washes her hands and they go back out to the bedroom and Bellatrix sits on the edge of the bed. Ellie walks over and Bellatrix kisses her. "You're mine."
     "I'm yours."
     "Good." Bellatrix moves back and she lays down. "Come here." Ellie climbs onto the bed and lays down with Bellatrix. Bellatrix wraps her arms around Ellie and pulls her as close as possible. "If he touches you again, I am going to kill him." Ellie lays her head on Bellatrix's shoulder and smiles.
"I love you."
"I know."

An: sorry for so long without a new update. Havent had any ideas.

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