Snippets/Short oneshots (slightly nsfw)

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AN: These are just snippets I couldn't figure out how to finish or continue or just short oneshots

Bellatrix looks around the room, trying to find Ellie, and growls when she doesn't see her. Bellatrix sits down in her chair. "Someone go find my pet." She says.
"Do it yourself." One of the grunts says.
"Crucio!" Bellatrix curses him without thought. The rest of the grunts dash out of the room, the cursed one after he can move again. After a few minutes, Ellie walks into the room with tears in her eyes. "What's wrong Pet?"
"Greyback cornered me again." Ellie replies.
"I am going to kill him one of these days."
"No, no killing."
"Come here." Ellie walks over to Bellatrix and Bellatrix uses magic to lock the door. Ellie stands in front of Bellatrix and Bellatrix pulls Ellie into her lap. "You're all right." Ellie lays her head on Bellatrix's shoulder and lets her tears fall. "I won't let anyone hurt you."
     "I know. It's one of the reasons I love you." Bellatrix smiles slightly. "You're surprisingly comforting for a psychopath."
     "Only you can call me a psychopath and get away with it."
     "And Narcissa."
     "Yes, and Cissy. Where is she by the way? You usually go to her for comfort."
     "With her stupid husband." Bellatrix cackles.
     "He is stupid."
     "Not like your husband is much better."
     "Don't remind me, I like to forget I'm married. At least Cissy loves Lucius and he treats her right."
     "Let's be honest, you'd kill him if he didn't."
     "True. Very true."
     "It's kind of fun thinking of you as married sometimes. I'm sleeping with and in love with a married woman."


"Cissa?" Ellie says quietly as she sits on the couch next to Narcissa, in the Malfoy Manor library.
"What's wrong?" Narcissa questions as she sets down her book, worried by Ellie's expression and quietness.
"I don't feel well and I can't find Bella."
"Oh come here." Narcissa wraps an arm around Ellie's shoulders and pulls her closer. Ellie lays her head on Narcissa's shoulder. "What's wrong Pet?"
"I don't know. I just don't feel right."
"I get that sometimes too." Narcissa gently pulls Ellie onto her lap. Ellie nuzzles her nose against Narcissa's neck.
"Mmm you smell good."  Narcissa rolls her eyes with a smile. Ellie closes her eyes as Narcissa rubs her back. It doesn't take long for Ellie to fall asleep. Narcissa chuckles quietly and picks up her book. She continues to rub Ellie's back as she reads.
Lucius walks into the room an hour later. "There you are Narcissa." He says.
"Shh." Narcissa shushes before whispering. "She's asleep." Lucius rolls his eyes and sits on the couch across from the two women.
"Why is she on your lap?" Lucius whispers.
"She isn't feeling well and couldn't find Bella. She just needed some comfort and she fell asleep on me."
"Why do you care?"
"I don't know." Narcissa pets Ellie's hair.
     "I think it's because you love her."
     "Lucius I don't-"
     "You mother her Narcissa. You only mother people you love. And you let her call you 'Cissa'. You've never let anyone but me call you that." Narcissa sighs.
     "Fine I love her. But I love you more."
     "I know. That's the only reason I haven't requested you stop this relationship."
"Besides, she loves Bellatrix." They talk for a few more minutes before Lucius leaves.
"You love me?" Ellie whispers.
"How long have you been awake?" Narcissa asks.
"Since Lucius came in." Ellie says as she straddles Narcissa's lap and Narcissa chuckles. "So you love me?" Ellie smirks.
"Shut up." Ellie chuckles.
"I should have known. Like Lucius said, you mother those you love." Ellie gently kisses Narcissa. "I love you too."
"But you love Bellatrix more?"
"No. I think I love you both equally. Bellatrix is just the love I can actually pursue. Because you're happily married."


     Ellie walks into the library of Malfoy Manor to find Narcissa sitting alone, reading. Ellie smirks as she reads the title of the book and quietly locks the door. She walks over and takes the book from Narcissa's hands.
     "Hey!" Narcissa exclaims. "I was reading that."
     "I know." Ellie says as she carefully places the book off to the side. "I didn't know you were into erotica."
     "Shut up." Narcissa says with a slight blush as Ellie straddles her lap. Ellie chuckles at Narcissa's embarrassment.
     "Why read about it when you have a perfectly good pet to use?" Narcissa raises an eyebrow and looks Ellie in the eyes.
     "Why do I have a feeling you interrupted me for a reason?"
     "Cause I did. I'm in the mood and can't find Bella."
     "She's on a mission. So you came to me to take care of your filthy needs." Ellie moves her face closer to Narcissa's.
     "Only to find out you have needs of your own right now." Ellie whispers. Narcissa reaches up and pulls Ellie into a kiss. Ellie's cups Narcissa's face with both hands as they kiss. Narcissa nips at Ellie's lower lip and Ellie lets Narcissa slip her tongue in. Their tongues battle for dominance until Narcissa pulls back.
     "Don't act like you are in charge Pet." Ellie smirks and kisses the side of Narcissa's jaw. She kisses up her jaw line and down the side of her neck. Ellie finds Narcissa's sweet spot and nibbles at it. "Fucking hell." Narcissa mutters as she uses one hand to hold Ellie there. Narcissa pulls Ellie away from her by her hair after a moment. "Now be a good girl and get on your knees." Narcissa releases Ellie's hair and Ellie stands up. She kneels in front of Narcissa and Narcissa smirks down at her. "Good Pet." Ellie looks up at Narcissa through her lashes. "Now, that book has made me wet. Take care of it." Ellie smiles.
"With pleasure." Ellie licks her lips and raises the skirt of Narcissa's dress.


Narcissa slowly kisses down the side of Ellie's neck as one of her hands slowly slides down Ellie's body.
"Mommy please." Ellie says without thinking. They both freeze. Ellie pushes Narcissa off of her and runs to her clothes.
"Stop." Narcissa commands. Ellie starts getting dressed while repeating apologies. Narcissa grabs her wand from the nightstand and uses an Immobilizing Charm on Ellie, who has only gotten her pants on. "Who said you could go anywhere?" Narcissa stands and walks over to Ellie. Narcissa uses her hand to force Ellie to look at her but Ellie still looks away. "Look at me." Ellie continues to look away from Narcissa. "Don't make me count to three." Ellie still doesn't look at her. "One... two... thr-" Ellie looks at Narcissa. "Good girl. There's no need to be embarrassed Pet. Now, what did you call me?"
     "Mommy." Ellie mumbles.
     "What was that?"
     "Mommy." Ellie says louder as she diverts her eyes again.
      "Look at me when you speak to me." Ellie looks back at Narcissa, cheeks red with embarrassment.
     "Is there something you want to tell me Little Pet?" Narcissa smiles softly. "Do you like being called 'little'?" Narcissa releases Ellie from the charm and slowly backs Ellie towards the wall. "Do you? Little one. Little Pet." Ellie's back hits the wall. "Well?"
     "Yes." Ellie says.
     "Yes what?"
     "Yes... Mommy."
     "Good girl. Honestly this is not a big surprise Pet. Now," Narcissa takes a step back. "get those pants off and get your ass back on that bed before I beat it." Ellie quickly takes her pants back off before going back to the bed. She sits in the middle and Narcissa walks over to her. Narcissa gets on the bed and straddles Ellie's lap. "Now be a good little girl," Narcissa starts before whispering into Ellie's ear. "and Mommy will make you cum hard." Ellie whimpers in reply. Narcissa kisses behind Ellie's ear before going to her lips. Narcissa pushes Ellie down before kissing her again.


"Cissa?" Ellie says as she opens the door to Narcissa's study.
"Yes?" Narcissa asks as she looks up. She sees the tear tracks on Ellie's face and frowns. Narcissa stands and walks over to the couch. "Come here." Ellie closes the door behind her and walks over to Narcissa. They sit on the couch and Ellie leans on Narcissa. Narcissa wraps an arm around Ellie's shoulders and Ellie starts crying. "What is wrong Ellie?"
"I miss Bella."
"So do I." Narcissa replies with a sigh.
"Why hasn't she come back for me yet?"
"I don't know Pet."
"Why didn't she take me with her?"
"You were injured remember? It wasn't safe for you to move much, let alone apparate."
"I want Bella."
"I know." Narcissa says as she hugs Ellie. "I know." Ellie cries for a few more minutes in Narcissa's arms. "Feel better now?"
"No. I don't think I will until Bella comes back." Narcissa pushes Ellie's hair out of her face.
"Well I will take care of you until then."
"Why do you take care of me? Your husband hates it."
"Other than the fact that I love you? I promised Bella that if anything happened, I would look after you. No matter how much Lucius hates it."
"I love you too."


Ellie walks into the Narcissa's study, searching for her. "There you are." Ellie says as she sees Narcissa at her desk.
"Hm?" Narcissa replies as she looks up from her papers.
"Will you take a nap with me?"
"I'm busy right now, go ask Bella."
"I asked Bella already."
"She said no? She usually enjoys taking naps with you."
"I may have said the word 'cuddle' when asking her." Narcissa chuckles.
"And Bellatrix refuses when you say 'cuddle'. Well, I am busy but you can nap in here if you wish."
"I wanna nap with you." Ellie says with a pout.
"No pouting, you know I hate that. You can either nap alone or nap in here. Those are your options."
"Elliandria..." Narcissa warns.
"Fine. I'll nap in here." Ellie goes over to the couch and lays down on it.

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