Scarves and interruptions (kinda nsfw)

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Ellie has Bellatrix's wand and is making little sparkly circles with it. "Is that my wand?" Bellatrix asks.
"Maybe." Ellie answers.
"Give me my wand."
"What if I don't want to?" Ellie hides the wand behind her back as Bellatrix storms up to her. Bellatrix's heels make her slightly taller than Ellie. Bellatrix lifts Ellie's chin up to look her in the eyes.
"Do you really want to play this game right now? Pet." Ellie looks at her innocently.
"What game?" Bellatrix digs her nails into Ellie's chin.
"Give. Me. My. Wand." Bellatrix growls
"Or what?"
"or I'll kill you."
"You wouldn't. You like me too much."
"Do you really want to test that theory?"
"You can't kill me if I have your wand." Bellatrix smirks as Narcissa silently comes up behind Ellie. Ellie shivers when Narcissa presses the tip of her wand against the back of Ellie's neck.
"Give it back to her." Narcissa says.
"Why?" Ellie asks. Ellie squeezes her eyes shut and whimpers softly as pain shoots through her body.
"I won't say it again, give Bellatrix her wand." Ellie hands Bellatrix her wand and Narcissa removes her wand from Ellie's neck.
"I hate it when you two team up on me." Ellie says grumpily. Narcissa leans forward and whispers in Ellie's ear.
"No you don't." Ellie squeezes her eyes shut and holds back a whimper.
"Admit it, you love it."
"No I don't." Narcissa pokes her wand into Ellie's back.
"Don't lie to us Pet. You love it."
"Fine, I love it when you team up on me. Now could you get your nails out of my skin?" Bellatrix releases Ellie's face with a dark smirk. "Well that face is never good for me."
"You're lucky you have to go back to school."
"Curfew is in an hour." Narcissa says.
"That means I have at least 45 minutes."
"Nice try dear." Bellatrix says. "You know you have to go back."
"Don't look so sad. You'll be back tomorrow."
"What if I don't come back?" Narcissa grabs Ellie's hair and gently pulls her head back.
"You will, you always do." Narcissa whispers in her ear. Narcissa releases Ellie's hair and Ellie turns her head to look Narcissa in the eye. Narcissa smirks as Bellatrix attacks Ellie's neck, causing Ellie to gasp. Ellie whimpers as Bellatrix bites hard. Narcissa holds Ellie's chin to force her to keep eye contact as she slowly blinks. Ellie holds her hands behind her back to keep herself from touching Bellatrix. Bellatrix releases Ellie's throat and Narcissa releases Ellie's face. Bellatrix smirks as she wipes Ellie's blood off her lips.*
"Something to remind you to come back." Bellatrix says.
"Good girl, keeping your hands to yourself." Narcissa praises.
"Now get out of here." Narcissa tosses Ellie's coat and scarf at her and she catches them. She puts them on as Narcissa speaks.
"I hope you have some turtlenecks or else you're going to have a hard time hiding that." Ellie glares at Narcissa before Apparating away. She lands in an alley in Hogsmeade and walks towards High Street. On the walk back she run into Draco.
"Nice old lady scarf!" Draco says.
"Your scarf is an old lady scarf, my mother has one just like it." Ellie looks down at her scarf and rolls her eyes before mumbling to herself.
"That bitch."
     "I mean it makes sense, you're old."
     "And you're the son of a bitch!"
     "Why you-" The trio walks up to Ellie, interrupting Draco.
     "Hey." Harry says.
     "Where were you?" Hermione asks.
     "Huh?" Ellie questions.
     "We couldn't find you all evening."
     "Oh, um... I wanted to be alone so I went to Hog's Head and wandered the streets."
     "Is that the same scarf you had earlier?" Harry asks.
     "Hm? Yeah, yes it's the same one."
     "I swore it was your house scarf." Ron says.

     "You sent her back with the wrong scarf." Bellatrix says as she picks up Ellie's house scarf off the couch.
     "I know." Narcissa replies.
"You love embarrassing her from afar way too much."
"and hopefully she will be irritated tomorrow. Which I know you love." Narcissa turns to face her sister. "You still have some blood on your face." Bellatrix tries to wipe her lips. "It's on your chin." Bellatrix licks her thumb and wipes it off.
"I wonder what Severus would say if he knew what was going on."
"He'd probably try to kill us. We're sleeping with his daughter."

The next morning, Ellie wears a turtleneck to breakfast where she sits with her friends. "Why are you wearing a turtleneck? Aren't you hot?" Hermione asks.
"Not really." Ellie replies. "And I'm wearing it cause Hogsmeade is cold."
"Your cheeks are as red as Ron's hair." Harry says.
"I'm fine."
"We just don't want you to overheat." Hermione says. Ellie rolls her eyes and moves to her house table.
"Turtlenecks, wrong scarf, disappearing." Harry says. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"She's hiding a girlfriend."
"How do you get girlfriend from all of that?" Ron asks.
  "Sometimes I worry about you Ron." Harry says.
"She's disappeared during every Hogsmeade trip for the last two months and I occasionally see her going into the Forbidden Forest." Hermione says.
"Do you think she is going somewhere?" Ron asks.
"She does have her Apparation License and she's allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts." Harry says.
"I think whoever she's seeing is in Hogsmeade." Hermione says. "We should try to follow her today."
Later, Ellie looks around her before walking down a narrow alley. "Come on." Hermione whispers. The trio follows Ellie down the alley. Ellie walks through a few alleys until she hits a dead end. She takes a deep breath before disapparating.
"Whatever is going on, it's not in Hogsmeade." Harry says. 
"Or she noticed us and decided to lead us on." Ron suggests
"First she hid who her father is and now this." Hermione says.
Ellie lands in the foyer of Malfoy Manor. She hangs her coat up, but keeps the scarf in her hand. Ellie walks through the manor to the kitchen. She sets the scarf down on the island counter before lifting herself up onto it. She grabs an apple from the basket and bites into it. She get halfway through it before Narcissa finds her. "I see you've made yourself at home." Narcissa says. Ellie throws Narcissa's scarf at her when she gets close enough.
"You are horrible." Ellie says. "Sending me back with the wrong scarf." Narcissa chuckles and Ellie mumbles. "Bitch." She speaks normally again. "Yeah, keep laughing. Draco recognized it but didn't make the connection."
"What was that Pet?"
"'Draco recognized it?'"
"Before that."
"'Yeah keep laughing?'"
"Before that."
"Something about you giving me the wrong scarf." Narcissa steps into Ellie's personal space and Ellie smiles brattly.
"After that, what did you mumble?"
"I think you know exactly what I said. It's the same thing I called you when Draco pointed out the scarf and when I insulted you both in one phrase." Ellie smirks before biting into her apple again.
"How did you insult both of us in one phrase?"
"I told Draco that he is and 'the son of a bitch'."
"I thought I heard our pet." Bellatrix says as she walks in.
"Hey Bella." Ellie replies.
"How was wearing a turtleneck?"
"You two enjoy inconveniencing me way too much. It was a pain. Especially when your friends like to hang out in front of a damn fire." Bellatrix laughs. "And of course no matter if I sat with my friends or my house at breakfast, there were fires nearby. Stupid rivalry causing them to put the tables on opposite sides." Ellie finishes her apple and leans over to wash her hands. Before she can turn the water on, Bellatrix grabs her arm. Ellie looks at Bellatrix with a raised eyebrow as Bellatrix pulls her hand away from the sink. Bellatrix brings Ellie's hand to her face and licks the juice that dripped down her arm. Bellatrix releases Ellie's arm and winks at her. Ellie takes a shakey deep breath before washing her hands. She sits up to realize Narcissa and Bellatrix are in her way of getting down. "Are you two going to let me get down?"
"Haven't decided yet." Narcissa says. Ellie rolls her eyes with a smile before pulling her legs up onto the counter. She swings her legs around to another side and gets off the counter.
"Brat." Bellatrix says.
"Would you like me if I wasn't?" Ellie asks.
"Who said I like you?"
"No one, but you don't yell at me, hurt me, or threaten to or actually kill me when I call you Bella."
"She has a point." Narcissa says and Ellie smirks cockily.
"Be careful Pet," Bellatrix lifts Ellie's chin with her wand. Ellie whines as pain shoots through her body. "Don't want to get hurt.
"I really regret telling you I can feel it when you use the Cruciatus Curse." Ellie whines as pain shoots through her body again.
"I love it." Bellatrix whispers.
"I know you do." Everyone jumps as the front door slams open.
"Narcissa?" They hear Snape yell.
"Shit." Ellie says.
"Bella get her out of here." Narcissa says. Bellatrix grabs Ellie's arm and apparates them upstairs to "their room."
"What is he doing here?" Ellie asks.
"I guess we'll find out later. Until then," Bellatrix says before gently pushing Ellie into the wall.
"Bellatrix Lestrange being gentle?"
"I could be rough, but then your father might hear the thuds."
"Good point."
"Shut up Pet." Bellatrix's fingers tangle roughly in Ellie's hair before Bellatrix kisses her. It doesn't take long for Bellatrix to start biting Ellie's lips. Ellie whines and Bellatrix pulls back. "Better be quiet so Daddy doesn't hear." Bellatrix smirks as Ellie's eyes shut. "You would like that wouldn't you?"
"Him catching us? No. Thrill of the possibility of being caught? Yes."
"Dirty girl." Bellatrix kisses Ellie again. It isn't even ten seconds before Bellatrix starts biting again. Ellie gasps and Bellatrix forces her tongue into Ellie's mouth. Bellatrix's fingers leave Ellie's hair and find their way to the hem of her shirt. "I hate Muggle clothes but they are so much easier to get off of you." Bellatrix's hands slide under Ellie's shirt as she kisses her again. Ellie whines as Bellatrix drags her nails down her stomach. "Shirt. Off. Now." Ellie lifts her shirt up and pulls it over her head. Bellatrix smirks at the red marks she left. Bellatrix drags her nails down Ellie's stomach again, smiling as a few small spots bleed. Bellatrix grabs Ellie's hips and pins her to the wall before kissing her. Ellie whimpers as Bellatrix digs her nails in Ellie's hips. Bellatrix pulls away from Ellie's lips and kisses her neck. Ellie's eyes close and she lets her head fall back and it hits the wall hard. Bellatrix pulls back a few minutes later and sees Ellie's necklace. "Such a beautiful necklace, why don't you wear it often?"
"Necklace? Oh shit. I forgot to slip it into one of my friends' bags. That's probably why he's here."
"The necklace lets Snape and Dumbledore track me. He must have started tracking me during Hogsmeade weekends since you kidnapped me. Give me my shirt quick." Bellatrix hands Ellie her shirt and Ellie quickly puts it on. She disapparates down to her coat and quickly slips the necklace in the pocket. She hears Snape coming and disapparates back upstairs before he sees her. "Alright got the necklace into the coat pocket. If he tracked me yesterday it would have shown me here too. Hopefully he will think I just took it off and put it in my coat when we were here last weekend."
"Good." Bellatrix says. She peeks out the window to see Snape disappear. Ellie shivers as Bellatrix's wand pushes into her hip. "Shirt. Now."
"so impatient." Ellie pulls her shirt off and the second it is off, pain shoots through her body.
"Do not get smart with me." Bellatrix unbuttons and unzips Ellie's jeans. Bellatrix pulls them partially down and Ellie kicks them off.
"Beautiful girl." They hear Narcissa say. Ellie turns her head to see Narcissa in the doorway and smiles at her. "I'm surprised you only got this far."
"I realized he was here because I had my necklace he can track me with on." Ellie says. "I had to put my shirt back on to slip it into my coat."
"Then she decided to get smart with me." Bellatrix says.
"You like it when I'm smart. Gives you a reason to hurt me." Bellatrix's wand jabs into Ellie's hip and pain shoots through her body.
"Shut up." Ellie breathes heavily when Bellatrix stops. Narcissa walks over to the two as she speaks.
"I'm starting to think you enjoy getting hurt or you are stupid." Narcissa says. "A smart person would stop a behavior when it results in them getting hurt."
"I'm not stupid." Ellie says. "Being hurt almost daily for years may have developed into me enjoying certain pain."
"Which makes me very happy." Bellatrix says. Narcissa steps into Ellie's personal space and gently lifts her chin. Narcissa gently kisses Ellie.
"We should punish you for accidentally bringing your father here, interrupting our time." Narcissa runs her thumb across Ellie's lips. She slowly goes back and Ellie gently bites it. Narcissa smiles and removes her thumb. "You want us don't you Pet?" Ellie nods. "Then it's a good thing we want you too."

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